
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantaisie
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63 Chs

Chapter Fifty Three: The Lone Willow

You know we're going to find her right?" Shawn Reassured Raven as they had stopped to rest for a moment near a small Willow Tree. " You say that. But I know that there is a danger out there. And we have to find a way to stop it. I don't think penny is entirely ready for all that's about to happen. We are supposed to protect her, We are her freaking parents " Raven was panicking and Shawn was having no luck with calming her down.

" Yes I know that but I also believe in our daughters abilities. She knows how to handle herself and bad situations. And I know that she's going to be just fine" Shawn had seen first hand what his daughter was capable of and he knew that she would make the right decisions when the time came.

" You say that but i'm not so sure. Yes, our daughter is strong and yes, our daughter is smart. But that doesn't mean she's going to make the right decision. Either. Hell i'm not even sure we've made the right decisions. If you want back on everything we've done, everything we've sacrificed..was it even worth it in the end. We have lost friendships, we have lost the world we knew, we have lost damn near everything, and somehow, we haven't gotten right" Raven was now tearing up at this point as Shawn wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort her.

" Yes I know that but the one thing we did get right is our daughter. She is strong and she is going to save this world one way or the other and I have faith that she is going to do far more with it than we ever did" Shawn squeezed his arms tightly around his love.

" We need to get moving soon, we can't afford to fall too far behind" Shawn pointed out.

" How much do we even know about the threats Shawn? " Ravens voice was beginning to become more and more shakey.

" How much do we actually know about what they have planned? " Raven was panicking even more now.

" Well, we know that Kara is on the loose. We know that there is more than just Kara out there. And we know that Penny is with Ember..who is still someone that I'm not too sure about.." Shawn answered.

" Ember..the incarnate of the Underworld.. " Raven chuckled lightly. " Enourmous untapped power that is going to remain that way if those two can't get it together.." Raven growled.

" They are going to get it together. There aren't Kara or Gabriel, they will get it right over time...I think" Shawn, if being honest with himself , had no idea as to whether Penny and Ember could come together though. They had alot of unresolved issues that only proper communication could actually fix. All anyone could do though, was hope.

" No matter what, they will never be alone " Shawn smiled.