
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantaisie
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63 Chs

Chapter Eleven: The Corruption

Shawn returned back to the prison where he kept the lingering Kara and Gabriel's. He found it quite hard to decide what he should do with them even though he knew that his daughter had made a very good point.

It was true that they could not exist any longer without it being a sense of torture for them. Though, this did make the task ahead any easier. And as he walked down the long chamber, he eventually came to a door which gave him a sense of dread. He knew what was behind the door and had done everything within his power to avoid ever going through it. Because behind the door, resided perhaps one of the most corrupted versions that had come from the reset. The corruption was one that Shawn had spent a particularly long time trying to capture and even after doing so, found himself needed to rest for quite some time before being able to achieve his full strength again.

" I don't know why it ever had to come to this.." Shawn spoke to the door as though the being behind it could actually hear him though he knew, they could not. " I am sorry for what I had to do..to lock you away here. I know that it was not something that you ever asked for...to..be this way. But I had to do it.." Shawn reasoned with himself.

" I had to ensure everyone's saftey and I'm sorry that it came down to this.." Shawn approached the door ever so slowly before coming to a completely stop right as he arrived at it.

" I can't do this.." Shawn's hands began to tremble from what he could only assume was either fear or anxiety. He had immense amounts of power and yet, this one being was someone he feared above all others and he knew he would never have the strength to face them again. And yet, something was pulling him to the door. An almost, completely unnatural force that was both gentle and yet overpowering. A compelling whisper within his mind to walk through the shadowed energy force and face what he had done.

" I wish..things were different" Shawn groaned. " I wish that I could change how things were.." Shawn took a deep breath, before finally entering through the shadowy void to find a small room, with one single person standing within its center.

" Hello Father" a voice called to Shawn which only caused him a greater sense of pain.

" It has been too long my child.." Shawn confessed as he stood in the darkness, Watching his child from afar.

" And why have you come to visit me question? Mark are you going to finally do away with me, after all this time? " The figure questioned.

" I have come to the decision that I need to remove all of the lingering. And I have been debating on whether you should be included in that or not" Shawn answered as calmly as he could.

The figure laughed and began pacing around the room. " You say that as though you could remove me to begin with. You may hold power but you do not hold power over me.." The figure again, laughed, mocking it's ashamed Father.

" I was able to take you down once before and I can do it again if needed though I would prefer that I don't have to" Shawn responded.

" Does Penny know? " The figure questioned.

Shawn thought long and hard on how to answer this question, having not expected for the question to be asked.

" No she does not yet know but I fully intend to make her aware once she is ready" Shawn answered.

" Make her aware.." The figure scoffed.

" You made me aware and look what happened. You couldn't fix me..you couldn't bring me back to sanity..so how do you suppose you can do that for her? Do you fully intend on throwing another child away into the dark abyss so that you don't have to face your mistakes? " The figure questioned.

" I know what I did with you was completely wrong. I have known that since before I even had to do it. But it doesn't change the fact that you are threat to everyone unless you are locked away and that is what I did. I wish that things had been different. But wishes don't really fix any of this now.." Shawn did his best to hold back his emotions but the pain he felt inside was immense.

" If you are going to do away with me.. Then I suggest you just go ahead and get it over with. I refuse to spend another second in this prison. I refuse to pay for trying to fix the issues that you caused. And I refuse to suffer the unfortunate reality of being your child.." The figure slowly approached Shawn..walking every so slowly, as though they were stalking their prey.

" Erase..or release me" And with that, the figure raised up its foot and planted it firmly into Shawn's chest, throwing him backwards through the door and against the wall on the other side of the chamber.

Shawn manages to get to his feet after a short time and tries to shake off the pain I'm his chest, both physical and emotional.

" I could never erase you.." Shawn sighed as he turned and made his way out of the massive chamber.