
The Protagonist Has Decided To Abandon Her Post

She had been put under the bloodied victorian blade in her previous life under the claims of her house having comitted felony. She was given a second life, having been reborn as a child with her previous life memories intact. She made a vow never to get involved with the upper class society. Never to step into the muddy waters of the royal palace, and never to get caught in the schemes of the innocent smiling noble women. But... -Flips table! - Fine, there's no scheming b*tches to speak of. The royal palace is a five hour carriage drive away from her house, and the bunnies were her lovely locals... Then where are all these pretty boys popping up from one after another?! Then there's this adorable carrot head who keeps calling herself a 'villianess', demanding her to act the proper protagonist and be a white lotus?! No! No! Please leave her alone, she only wants to stay home and play in the realms she had created for fun! Begon pretty boy and villianess, please play amongst yourself, I'm trying to making a deal with this stingy dragon! And that cranky tortoise where did it run off too with all my money?!

RealmSpirit · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


Four years and four months passed and little Eshi had grown by a few heads.

Currently Eshi was now eight years old, her birthday having been a few days ago. [×¬× uagh, I hope I added the age correctly!]

It was mid-summer and the sun was nowhere to be seen, although weather like this was now a normal occurrence, it didn't mean that Eshi was enjoying being cooped indoors.

A few days ago, when it had been her birthday, warm snow fell, and the sky was abnormal. It was strange; however, no one made any remarks at the sudden darkness and the sun and moon fighting for presence in the sky.

Now, that had been strange, but it was of course an annual occurrence on that specific day. Hence Eshi had always thought it was just a natural occurrence caused by some unknown source.

She didn't dwell on it since no one spoke about it, hence she had been immersing herself in books upon books.

While growing up, Eshi was bought up on picture books until she turned seven when she had begged her father to let her raid his study library.

Ever since then Eshi came to know one thing, this world was a world of Gods! Or to be more specific, this world was filled with witches (magic users) that would be burned at the stake in her previous life!

However, after overcoming her shock she had gone and interrogated her dear father, squeezing every answer out of him before she was left with more information then she could possibly process.

Races, countries, culture, power were all different. Also, supernatural abilities existed in this world!

Laying in her overly large fluffy pink bed dressed in her pyjamas, one arm was flung across her face as she was deep in thought.

The whole world itself was called Aloeus instead of Earth.

Aloeus had seven kingdoms, each ruled by their own respected sovereigns. Each kingdom was specialised in producing different talents. However, although talents were born in these individual kingdoms, their talents were however, nurtured in one academy.

There was a rather large piece of land that didn't belong to any state in between five of the countries, the land itself didn't have a name however the endless mountain range was called Iwanokawa.

Inochiryoku, or Yoku Academy for short was a magic supported academy that is situated at the very centre of the whole world, in between rocky mountains of Iwanokawa, and hidden deep within the subterranean valley there is a portal that connects the mundane world with the magical world.

The portal would transport the potential students that could find the portal directly into the academy that was off the world, there they would then be put into classes according to first their inherited skills and second was based on their performance in the Iwanokawa.

Yoku academy…Eshi heard that it didn't matter of what age or social standing one enters the academy in, it all depends on whether one had the potential or not.

She rolled around to lay on her stomach as she puffed out her cheeks, she was only eight and hasn't even been to the capital of Iesiera, afraid of the potential threats that could be lurking there because of the royal family.

Hadn't it been a year ago when the country's king had bought up the idea of having her as his chosen crown prince's fiancé?

Eshi shivered at the memory, if it hadn't been for her crying to her father for a whole night about wanting to live with him her whole life and acting cute to her mother for a whole week, she was afraid she would've been deep in the murky waters by now.

"Hey ugly what you are thinking about?" Receiving the sudden question, Eshi stiffened up before jumping up on her bed, she nearly screamed in fright. Wide eyes she looked to the far corner of the room where she saw a figure leisurely leaning against her sofa. When did he get in here?

Annoyed she sat down, "why are you here at this hour? Don't you know it's rude to intrude into a- "?

"Alright, alright stop nagging me. Anyways, your face is already unsightly, frowning is making you even more ugly, what happened?" Eshi grabbed hold of a pillow before throwing it at the hateful boy's face.

Ankuj, the one whom she had punched at their first meeting seemed to have become her regular night visitor during these past few years, this boy no matter how many things she's thrown at him would come back the next day or two after.

The boy had of course gotten even more attractive throughout the years. Now he was eleven years old and is attending the very Yoku Academy she had been interested in, if she wasn't wrong, he was one of the youngest within the whole Academy, having entered it at the age of nine.

"Tch," clicking her tongue Eshi settled back down again, "I'm thinking about life."

"Oh?" Ankuj raised his brows, suddenly having a feeling to tease this sulking child, "so young yet already thinking such complex things, such a clever kid~"

Eshi bit her lips, why does this hateful boy come to her room in the middle of the night just to bully her. In the low light Eshi glared at him before laying down, seeming as if having the intent to fall asleep.

I'm sleeping, you can show yourself out was what Ankuj seemed to have gotten from the silent message she had sent him. Grinning he walked up to her, seeing the book placed on the bedside table he saw the title.

The geography of Aloeus? His lashes lowered before he sat on her bed, flipping the book opened he went to the page that had been bookmarked. The Yoku Academy? "You're interested in attending the Yoku Academy?"

"So what?" Was the grumble reply from the person who had her back facing him.

Ankuj smiled as he looked out of the window, "I can get you in the Academy."

Eshi hearing this suddenly sat up, her eyes bright and seemed to be glowing as she looked at him, "really?"


Seeming to have thought of something Eshi bit her lips, "but I highly doubt mother or father would agree."

Ankuj reach up, wanting to pat her head before having his hands slapped away, "don't worry I'm sure you have the skills to convince them since your other incident seemed to have been settled down just fine." He smiled at the memories from the previous events a few years back.

Eshi blushed, she knew what he was talking about, coughing she turned her head to look out of the window, "Bringing me to Iwanokawa is enough, I can get to portal myself."

Ankuj looked her up and down when he heard this, his face seemed to be saying do you even have the skills?

Eshi blushed even deeper at his stare, "what, don't think I'm capable?! Let me tell you I have the whole map of Aloeus memorised along with the terrain of Iwanokawa all branded into my head!" Eshi grabbed another pillow before swinging it at him.

Ankuj easily caught it before it slapped him across the face, "alright, alright I believe you. Convince your parents first before thinking of other things." As quick as lightning he managed to get his claws on her two tender cheeks that he had been eyeing for a while now before pinching them.

"Eek!" In pain Eshi's eyes watered.

Out of habit Eshi's fist connected with Ankuj's jaws leaving him with a bruised face once again.

Although Ankuj was truly hateful at times, he has never lied or seemed to have any hidden intentions towards her before. Hence although she was sometimes annoyed by him, during the few years that they got to know each other, they had actually become quite close friends.

Sometimes, he bought with him gifts from the shops in the Yoku Academy. But she had always been curious as to how he was able to come here practically every night eventhough the portal to the Academy was thousands of miles away. Or how he was able to leave so regularly.

Nevermind, that shouldn't be her concern right now. Ignoring the boy who was crying in the corner holding his cheeks, she tried to think of a plan to let her parents agree on her attending the Academy.

Therefore because Eshi was so deep in thought, she'd missed the Ankuj who had his head bowed, his eyes had at some point turned crimson and his lips were formed into a cold smile.

Uagh! Another chapter! If anyone is curious with the update schedule, I try to update 6 days a week with Sunday as a rest day! The updates are not fixed time, after all I upload the second I finish writing the chapters.

But each day is a guarantee of 3 chapters! ׬×

RealmSpiritcreators' thoughts