

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Sports, voyage et activités
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78 Chs

He is your brother

Chapter 77.


ALONE????? ,Ares asked and stood up, Athena took his hands, calm down Ares ,she said and turned towards Ares's grandma, Lolala, she could, has it been long she left!!!! , No dear, then she must still be around Athena said.

Ares ,the others and I will check out the neighborhood, you.... You stay here and look after Lolala and Apple,Incase anything happens Athena said and stood up and was about leaving with the others when Lolala stopped her.

Wait.... Ares's grandma called , What is going on!!!!! ,She asked, looking at their faces,as if she is searching for an answer, can someone tell me what is going on!!!!,she snapped , after not receiving an answer.. "what happened to your aunt Ares???

Go ... Ares gave them a sign , sit down Lolala Ares said and pulled her towards a seat, he squatted Infront of her and held her by the shoulders.

"Lolala everything is fine ,and nothing happened to Aunt Beatrice , but ... But Athena sounded like something happened she said, tearing up.

Ares pulled her into his arms and whispered something to her, which brighten her mood.

"I hope they find her soon Ares muttered to himself ..

**Outskirts of the neighborhood**

He has a connection to who!!!?, Moana asked..

Ares has a connection to a vampire, he once called Ares brother,a bond was created between him and the vampire,long age before Ares was birthed, he was destined to his DOOM OR HIS PARTNER, his aunt explained while starring at nothing in particular..

"Who is the vampire?", What is his name!!!, Moana asked..

"His name is fort... She said.

FORT!!!???, Moana repeated and looked at Emily .....

"MOANA !!!!!!!!!!!! , Athena called, they were able to locate Ares's aunt with the help of the information given by the head warrior.

**Flash back***

James!!!!!! , Athena called, chosen one,the head warrior bowed, "yes", did you find him !!!!!?, She asked, no chosen one,he is no where to be found he said.

Athena sighed, I gave you one simple job and you couldn't do it, it takes nothing to keep an eye on James, just to keep an eye on him and you Failed, Athena said..

"He bowed his head in shame, I failed you chosen one, I have failed you,no doubt but .... I ..... need .... A.... Second chance to correct my mistakes,he said and went on his knees, Athena looked at him and pulled him up, it's okay head warrior,and I'm ... I'm sorry for shouting at you .

Wait..... He said, what's the matter!!!!?, Athena asked, I remember something, I saw jack heading towards the outskirts of the neighborhood this morning, I followed him without his knowledge, but then ,I lost track of him and came back, he was away for some minutes, when he came back, I questioned him, he said.

"What was his reply?", Athena asked, he claimed to have gone for fresh air and strolling, tho I didn't believe him,which was why I stopped him from following Madam to the mall..

"Why didn't you assign someone else to go with her then, I gave strict warning not to allow them go out alone, Athena snapped.

"Forgive me chosen one,but she asked to go alone, stating that she isn't a kid and can take care of herself ,he explained.

"Athena kept quiet for a while, "which rout did James take for the strolling"?,. He went that way ,He said, pointing to the opposite direction of the neighborhood.

"The direction leads to the woods, not the the way to town or the mall ,I doubt she took the rout, I can search the area he suggested but Athena disagreed with him, No ,you stay here ,I will check it out with the others,she said and walked away.


My instincts were right, Athena said glaring at Moana.

Moana smiled, " we meet again chosen one she said and faced Athena,and thus time around, you brought companies, she said looking at the moon chasers with hatred and anger... This could be a better opportunity to got Revenge on the human realm starting from your friends and your mate's aunt she said and her claws came out....

Moana!!!!!?? ,Emily called,we are not here for war , your taste for revenge will be your doom, we have to get out of her, she holds the sword of light in her shield, this battle might not end in our favour, wait till the supreme one is ready to lead the way, but for now, we must leave, our job is done ,Emily said.

Athena smirked, looking at Moana, who was glaring at her, I advice you listen to him, Athena drew her sword, this battle will not end in your favour, release her ,she commanded.

Moana roughed her hair, you win this time around chosen one,but be rest assured,our paths will cross ,and it will be my turn to laugh.. Moana released Ares's aunt from the effect of the dark air and they escaped through the same route through the woods ,this time around, James went with them.

Athena rushed toward Ares's aunt.."Aunt Beatrice,she called shaking her, she is still under the effect of the dark air she explained to others..

"What's a dark air?", Brielle asked, it's a spell for mind controlling, Athena said and took her phone and dialed the head warrior's number.


"How are going to take her home?", Hermes asked after some minutes of silence, I have already called for help, Athena said,the head warrior is on his way coming.


Ares kept pacing around, I hope nothing happens to her, he prayed.

Brother Ares Apple called interpreting him from his thinking, yes Apple!!!, They found Aunt Beatrice she said and ran out of the room, "Are you serious"

?"Ares called out to her, "yes ", come see for yourself, Apple suggested and Ares ran after her.


Ares's aunt opened her eyes, "were am I?", She looked around and was relieved, Aunt..... Aunt..... Ares called as soon as he set his eyes on her..

"What happened?", He asked.

"I was ambushed by vampires,who were asking of your identity , she explained..