
The Promise Ring.

Cheyanne_Fetters · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


What if you had it all but still felt like you had nothing at all. Parents who love and adore you, friends that would do anything for you. An American life that one could dream of having.

Kayla always dreamed to be THAT girl. The girl who was beautiful, adored by all, and had parents.. but the universe had other plans for her. As you can begin to see Kayla was what teens call an "outcast" she didn't look like a normal person. She had long wavy red hair, teal alomnd eyes. 5"5 and had an hour glass figure. If she had it her way she'd leave it all behind but there's this feeling deep inside her that is making her stay in Newport Bay.

The journey she finds herself in and the people she meets along the way is what makes her believe that Life can be beautiful or could be dark and cold.

Will she accept the life she was given or take to chance of a new beginning?