
The Progenitor's Reincarnation

"I am going to create a world full of peace where everyone can live happily.", these were the words of the Creator, The Progenitor, the almighty being. But he was wise enough to know that peace is temporary. So he infused mana in each and every being on earth so they can fight for their survival and protect the earth. The Progenitor sought for peace, but it was not possible due to the existence of monsters, interdimentional beings and constantly power hungry villains. So to protect Earth, on which the space-time of the entire verse depended on, he infused mana inside each and every human so that he can defend the earth and anything which he wishes to defend. This led to the fast pace development of Earth and some new things too. The humans started the so called, 'Arsenals' which was created for people to show their skills and power by fighting each other. This welcomed not only humans but otherworldly creatures too. But, "PEACE WAS NEVER AN OPTION!". Wars kept occuring and for this, the strong people whose mana was powerful enough were here to save the day. Those who rised to the top, were proclaimed 'Warlords' and they continued to protect their planet. After years of struggle, the Great War ended but it planted seeds for another future wars. But to everyone's surprise there was the birth of a boy who was born to rule and stop wars. This was our MC/Protag/Hero or anything you wish to call. But his name is Chlevern Nollan. Follow his journey to stop wars, meet new friends, make new enemies, and find some love . Not from one but from many(harem) hehe. A/N: Please support my book with your power stones and do add it in the lobrary. This is my first time writing a novel, so I don't know how you'll like it but pls do support. It will get better once I get the hang of it. EXTRA TAGS: Cultivation, Slice of Life, r18 Note: The cover is not mine, but is edited by me for my book, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove the cover, I will do but if not do praise me for putting it to good use.

Yours_Lovingly · Urbain
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19 Chs

Ch. 07: This will not affect our Friendship, Brother....

After some breathtaking and amazing fights, it was finally time for Chlevern and Nicholas's fight. They both had been having problems accepting the fact to just fight one-on-one and injure each other. But still, they had to. They prepared themselves mentally for the fight and determined themselves to win.


Chlevern and Nicholas, both entered the stadium with a determined look and hyped up smiles on their faces. They both came to the centre of the stadium and shook their hands, as a sign of wishing luck to each other.

"Hey buddy, never thought I will have to fight you in our first round itself. I mean, we would've fought anyways if we both won a couple of rounds in the arena but still I am excited to fight you and see how strong you've become.", said Nick, with a sporty smile on his face.

"Yeah, I never thought of fighting you too. And on top of that it's not just a friendly fight. It's to decide who would be the winner and advance to the next round. I wish you luck dude.", said Chlevern with the same expression as Nick.

"Even if we are friends, you don't need to hold back. Give it all you've got!", said Nick with a serious smile.

"I can ask you to do the same too.", said Chlev, with a serious smile too.


They both went back to their position and took their respective fighting stances.

"LET THE MATCH BEGIN!!!!!", shouted the announcer.

Chlevern and Nicholas, both started to approach each other to fight. They both started fighting.

Chlevern started with a punch on Nick while Nick started with a kick. Suddenly, Chlevern's fists and Nick's leg struck together and a huge amount of energy was released in the air, making the atmosphere pumped up and heavy. They both had infused Mana in their attacks and the clash of the attacks caused large amounts of energy particles to be released. They both withdrew real quick.

"Ha, you've gotten better, Chlev. That punch was a strong one.", said Nick.

"Ha, you too, Nick, your kick was equally as powerful.", said Chlevern.

"But you know right, we are not gonna hold back!', said Nick again.

"Yeah, I remember!", said Chlevern.

They both started fighting again. The intensity of their punches and kicks started increasing with every attack. Even when both were on an average stage of mana the fight was looking as if two S-ranks are in a spar.

After sometime, with no success for either of the both, they decided to use their Mana Energy. Nick was on a higher level, between Weak and Semi Great Mana stage and would break through and reach Semi Great Mana stage soon, if he trained a bit more. Chlevern, however was already on Semi Great Mana stage, ever since he defeated the bullies back then in the cafeteria. But since then, he had reached on a greater level.

Even if Chlevern had to promise to not hold back, he needed to do so as he, not holding back can result in his friend getting hurt badly.

Chlevern did not tell about his breakthrough from Weak to Semi Great Mana stage to anyone, not even Nick. He wanted to keep a low profile. So until now, only Ms. Selver knows his secret.

He knew she had been watching him from the special area which was reserved for the teachers and the principal to watch the fights at the top and even had many screens and camera to view from different angles.

'Hmmm.. I knew he was capable, look at how much he improved. He is holding back quite well.', thought Ms. Selver, smiling a little.

She may look like a serious person from the outside, but from within, she had her gentle side just for Chlevern. She was 24 years old and could easily make out the mentality and thoughts of teenagers like Chlevern. As expected of someone who had her adolescence just a few years ago.

*Back to the Stadium*

Chlevern and Nicholas had been fighting for a while now. They had been using all the means to win, be it physical strength, intelligence or Mana energy.

Nick had a special ability for his awakened Mana. He was able to manipulate his surroundings and use telekinesis on its very basic level. He could also use his Mana to concentrate energy to a point and make an energy sword.

He had made a longsword with the help of his Manav powers. He charged at Chlevern, swinging his longsword in his direction. Chlevern dodged it with his agility. But then, suddenly the screen popped up.


Mild Killing Intent detected

Do you want to activate the skill, BloodBath Lvl.5 ?

Y / N]

[You have a new Mission

Defeat the enemy

Defeated: 0

Remaining: 1

Notice: Completing this mission will grant you a reward!

Reward: Unknown skill]

Chlevern was thinking about whether to activate the BloodBath skill or no. He did not want his friend to get hurt. His one and only friend. But he has no choice now. He was thinking about it when an idea struck his mind. What if he can only defeat Nick without hurting him too much, like blasting him gently, or punching him to fall down, or something.

Suddenly, Chlevern felt another swing of Nick's Longsword, he was barely able to dodge it but luckily he dodged. He had no choice.

[Do you want to activate the skill, BloodBath Lvl.5 ?

Y / N]

"Yes!", said Chlevern.

[The Skill, BloodBath Lvl. 5 is now activated

Your attack and defense stats will now increase by +10]


It went off.

Nick was about to swing his Longsword towards Chlevern again. But, this time Chlevern stood in one place. The Longsword was about to make contact with Chlevern's skin, when there was a sharp sound of two objects colliding. A huge smoke cloud was created but when it cleared, everyone saw something very shocking and unexpected. Even Nick was shocked.

They saw Chlevern blocking Nick's Longsword with his bare hands. Nick was taken back by his actions and took a fighting stance again. But before he could even lift his sword, Chlevern disappeared from sight and appeared behind Nick. Nick looked back and saw Chlevern's punch coming towards him, Saitama style. Nick quickly blocked it by his Longsword, but even if the punch was blocked by the sword, the impact was too much for Nick to handle and he was sent flying. Nick dug his sword in the ground, to stop himself but was unsuccessful and fell down. He then saw Chlevern standing, far from him with a sad face. Nick realised that Chlevern had regretted hitting him too hard and seeing that he had no chance of winning, Nick said, "I GIVE UP!".

Everybody was surprised. Finally, even the announcer, who was shocked by this effect for some time, came back to his senses and announced, "THE MARVELOUS FIGHT IS FINALLY OVER, AND THE WINNER IS CHLEVERN NOLLAN OF CLASS 11B."

Nick was a little disappointed about losing but at the same time he was happy too. His friend had advanced to the next round, made him happy and he stood up from the ground.

Chlevern approached Nick to help him stand.

"I am so sorry bro, I should not have hit you so hard.", said Chlevern with an apologetic look on his face.

"Ahh, No problem bro. Actually it was me who told you not to hold back. By the way congratulations on advancing to the next round.", said Nick with a cheerful expression.

"Yeah thanks", said Chlevern with a smile on his face.

"All the best, fighting in the next round bro. I am sure to watch you fight. You have to fight for not only yourself but also for me. So give it your everything.", said Nick, encouraging Chlevern.

"Thank you for your wishes, but there is one thing I have to make sure..", said Chlevern.

"Yeah what is it?", asked Nick.

"I have defeated you but I don't want our relation to be affected.", said Chlevern.

"Yes surely, This will not affect our friendship brother!", said Nick raising his fist while smiling.

"I knew it, thank you so much brother.", said Chlevern raising his fist as well.

They both fist bumped as a sign of friendship and sportsmanship with a happy face.

After Chlevern's victory, the screen popped up.


You have defeated the enemy

Your reward will be granted to you.]


You have unlocked a new Skill, PainKiller.

Using this skill will cease pain and heal you.]


Skill BloodBath has leveled up!

Skill: BloodBath Lvl. 10

'Ohh yeah! Let's go. A new Skill!', thought Chlevern.

*Meanwhile in the stands*

We see that same person with a hoodie, looking at them both from top.

"I see you you've gotten stronger huh, well let's see how many fights you can win here.", said that man with the same evil grin as last time.

"Let us see what future holds for you, I will be waiting until then, CHLEVERN NOLLAN!", said that man standing there with the evil expression of delight on his face.

The End