
The Procorbs

Trapped in a savagery apocalyptic and predatory world caused by a catastrophic nuclear blast, Kelvin is plunged into a brutal conflicting battle of survival and rivalry between mutated humans and robotic machines whose prior existence in the civilized world is as a result of a scientific and robotic program called the T-9 program formally operated by US NAS specialists where he fights to protect those he calls friends and to protect the last of what humanity has left to safeguard their species from being extinct by the predatory instincts of the Machinos.

FrancisXaviEr · Romance
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7 Chs


  So, let me get this straight, General, the T-9 program won't have taken place if Dr. Brunswick research had fallen into the wrong hands" 

The colonel said as he took a cup of water from the little fridge positioned at the left corner of the tent near the entrance and walked back to his seat beside the Admiral.

"Obviously, yes. And it would have been catastrophic if the Procorbs had their hands on his research"

"Thank goodness, they didn't succeed"

"It really was indeed fortunate we benefited a lot from this but not at the expenses of some losses"

"What do you mean? Were they some setbacks along the way?"

"Yap. The setbacks costs the lives of good men who was assigned to the convoy in charge of relocating him to another hideout"

The General replied savoring the interest of his listeners.

"I'm sure that they must have been some loopholes"

"You got that right, Admiral. Sadly, the convoy was hijacked without us predicting an attack from this terrorists group and as a result of this, Dr. Brunswick was killed during the crossfire but his research was the only thing that survived the attack"

"So much for sacrificing the lives of innocent soldiers for a bunch of papers"

"That, Admiral, was not just any papers. His research was the backbone of not just the T-9 program but another already completed project called the "Machinos"

The General answered and brought out two red files from the drawers. He placed the two documents on the table and turned on the desktop computer that had been facing him blankly ever since the conversation started.

"If I may ask, is those files related to what you just said?"

The Colonel asked eager to know what the files were. 

"Yes but only one of these. the other one contains vital information about the T-9 program"

The Admiral got up from his seat and walked over to the General's desk. He took the two red file and handed one to the Colonel who was quick to flip the pages of the file open without waiting a brief second listen to the General's instruction.

The General patiently watched the two men satisfy their curiosity by reading the contents of the confidential documents while waiting for the computer to fully turn on before bringing out the file he wanted to show them from the computer.

Right there in the pages of the file which was in the arms of the colonel, were the scientific designs as well as mechanical parts of every robotic model. It didn't surprise the General that the Colonel would be amazed on how the NAS scientist would come up with something impressive and incredible to think of let alone construct and most importantly, the products of every robotic design are already in operation and awaiting deployment according to what the Colonel read in the file.

"This is...Unbelievable..How on earth did the NAS scientist came up with this?"

"Like I said before now, Dr. Brunswick researches greatly helped us in completing many technical projects"

"You mean, the research that was protected?"


"Exactly. The T-9 program and the Machinos are both products of his unfinished research"

"Now, I understand. For us it was impossible but for Dr. Brunswick…"

"It was achievable and we did our part in fulfilling his dream"

The General replied turning his computer to face his listeners.

"But General, the purpose of creating the Machinos wasn't stated here in the file"

"Unlike the T-9 program which we already know is to help the President in his warfare, the Machinos are sophisticated combat robots that would serve as the replacement for every human fighting our wars..."

"...And that is to take effect in the year 2048"

Colonel Donald rejoined reading word to word from a page of the file document he held.


"According to what you said that the robots are already being manufactured, it only means that it isn't a matter of time before those machines would replace us"

"You got that right, Admiral. Even the artificial bio-soldiers from the T-9 program will be replaced after serving its purpose but that will be only on the field. Whereas, us humans will be the one pushing the button at the command centers while they carry out our warfare for us"

"That sounds like a whole of grandiose futuristic plan already set in motion"

"It is, Colonel. But before we dive deeper into the whole setup of the Machinos, let's conclude with the T-9 program and its dealings with Amar raq, the leader of the procorbs"

The General said and pressed a button on the computer's keyboard. The Screen brightened and the picture of an Iranian man with thick beard as well as his profile details appeared on the screen. 

The content profile details of the man displayed on the screen read;


Name: Amar Raq

Parent's name: Unknown

Nationality: Iran

Origin of Birth: Unknown

Education: Unknown

Skills: Not fully known

About: a terrorist leader of the Procorbs and a defunct follower of ISIS and Taliban


"Is that—"

"You have guessed rightly. The picture of man you see here is none other than Amar raq and the few information we have on him"

"That's unexpected. I thought we would have a whole history of his crimes and origin"

"I feel your pain as well but though it was far too little, we were able to keep track of him even when it hard tracking him across the globe"

The General replied and returned the desktop computer back to his former position.

"Alright. So far, I believe that would wrap things up for the T-9 program"

"For now, yes"

"Then I'll have to deliver the President's letter which is personally addressed to you, General"

The Admiral said out of the blue and brought a parcel from his right inner pocket which had been concealed by his coat ever since the discussion started. He got up from his seat as soon as he had the parcel in his hands and went over to the General's desk where the General received the parcel from him warmly. The General took out the letter from the parcel and read its content without taking a moment to stop.

Colonel Donald wanted to say something but he kicked against the idea and waited patiently for the General to finish reading the letter before expressing his opinion.

  "........Dear General..... 

It is a matter of urgency which requires immediate attention from your task force. 

If not tackled  in time...a possible global crisis would erupt starting from this state due to an uprising planned by  notorious 

Terrorists whose identities you are already aware of.

Internal unrest among the civilians and continuous riots in the streets have left the capital city almost in total desolation .

As a result, I have openly declared a state of emergency in the entire country but it is becoming difficult to apprehend these terrorist.

Curfew set-up to curb the activities of notorious burglars and armed men, can no longer stop the countless atrocities and pillage that now cloud the city in total darkness

The crisis is still on the increase as you read this message despite the unrelenting efforts of our security agencies to put to an end this national crisis and this I fear, might escalate globally.

Therefore, I need your help in solving this crisis before it gets out of hand and because of the height of the crisis, I hereby authorize you to enlist the bio-soldiers from the T-9 program as well as that of the biotech robots from the Machinos program.

  And endeavor to respond swiftly to this order to come to our immediate aid after you are done reading this message


From the Capitol building,...


President  Goodson Henry