
The Procorbs

Trapped in a savagery apocalyptic and predatory world caused by a catastrophic nuclear blast, Kelvin is plunged into a brutal conflicting battle of survival and rivalry between mutated humans and robotic machines whose prior existence in the civilized world is as a result of a scientific and robotic program called the T-9 program formally operated by US NAS specialists where he fights to protect those he calls friends and to protect the last of what humanity has left to safeguard their species from being extinct by the predatory instincts of the Machinos.

FrancisXaviEr · Romance
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7 Chs


Following the global trend of infrastructural development entailing the Never ending modifications of modern technology and technical software, global warfare has drifted to the unhealthy competition and scrambling for nuclear power in such a way that those involved have little or no concern for climatic repercussions during aftermath of utilizing the chemical weaponized equipment to destroy the lives of a few who stands as opposed to territorial expansion under the disguise of economical war grounds. Local and both international terrorism are notably promoters in the making of such deadly weapons and in response to the threat pose by them, those in charge of public welfare have constructed for themselves sophisticated bio-soldiers less prone to hazardous substances like humans and are under their control since they were built only to obey orders and not to feel pain from even the slightest bruises on their indestructible body. Since soldiers drafted into the army were complicated beings easily prone to vulnerabilities on the war front, biometric humans were subsequently secretly brought into the military of Honolulu to strengthen the warfare.

This was done by a private research organizing created by the mayor called NAS scientists tasked privately to carry out test inside their labs. The project named the T-9 program, initially was establish to create genetic soldiers to tackle terrorists like Amar raq, the leader of the Procorbs, an infant terrorist groups whose secret headquarters were never known till after the advent of the apocalypse and the group solely responsible for the total degradation of civilization in the entire world. The Procorbs happened to be amongst the small but terrorizing groups in the middle east following the footsteps of ISIS and the Taliban. Lucky for those who survived the pandemic, world leaders were able to evacuate quite a lot of humans who were fortunate to escape out of earth into space using already prepared spaceships to fly into space but a good number of humans were not privileged to be carried along and were undoubtedly left behind to face the hurdles of starting life afresh in the desolations without hope of ever finding a normal life. Before the apocalypse took place, one of the soldiers who were genetically created to be indestructible somewhat refused to be used as a test subject following a secret joint operation at a secluded area from civilization in Vietnam. The test operation was carried out by four squads with each comprising twelve biogenetic soldiers equipped to wipe out the savage indigenes living at a small remote hamlet surrounded by thick forest trees in the dense jungle far off from the main city of Vietnam. Primarily, the operation was done to evaluate combating skills of the soldiers they sent to face innocent enemies without the use of sophisticated weapons nor armor vest were given to them to protect their bodies from sustaining bullet wounds, only short daggers were given to them incase they fail to subdue their opponent whom they were told beforehand, that a local gang actually protects the village from invaders with rifles and it was a huge successful trial for the unarmed invaders after the men vanquished their armed enemies with their bare hands thanks to their invulnerability to get killed by bullets shot at them. Innocent lives of the men they took amounted to fifty six men, majority of whom were the gang members, and forty women and children. None of them received a proper burial after they were mercilessly slaughtered without remorse by the mindless bio-soldiers since they were created not have minds of their own but to listen to orders from the scientist in charge of their operations.

For the others who partook in the manslaughter, it was somewhat easy for them to forget the cruel incident except for one of them, MK13, a scientific name hierarchically given to him by the head of the team of scientist that were chose to handle the project. After returning back from the mission along with his squad, in a private chopper provided for them at an isolated area in the mountains close to the bordering area of Vietnam, he wasn't himself when they got back to camp and it didn't take much time for those who built him to notice that something was wrong with his artificial bio-systems since he started acting different from the way they coded the rest of his teammates. To them, he seemed more human and more likely to compromise their operatives when he started questioning their objectives and refusing to comply with some orders which the others obeyed without hesitation. At first, they didn't wanted to terminate him nor did they want to lose any artificial soldier at the penultimate stage of their grand plan before it will be officially kick-started by the mayor but after running some tests on him for four months and yielding no test results combine to his remarkable body resistance to their drugs, they deemed it fit to have him off their records and were secretly working on a replacement for him using the same encrypted coding from their database in line with the experiment they were to use to create another robotic human under the strict directives of . But he found out without them aware of it and plotted to elope from the camp. An opportunity came when they were instructed to go on a routine patrol in the camp to check out the perimeter together with other squads that weren't experimented like his teammates. Although he was sure that the order from Colonel Donald was intently done to put him under tight watch and to check how he relates with the other men, he kept to himself during the patrol with his sub-team unit and perfectly took an opportunity to make a sneak out of the perimeter but he was chased to a cliff by those who spot him heading in a direction they knew too well to be the restricted area not to cross.