

If excitement was a person, it’d have had to be Zainab after seeing the kernel nuts in Tristan’s hands

30 minutes ago

“What did you find? Talk to me, I’m getting worried”

“I will meet you at your junction in 20?”

“But I haven’t”

“Dude, I will meet you in 20” Kade hung up before he could put in one word


Tristan waited for Kade at the junction with a large bowl of ice cream, some fruits and bars of chocolates, he had stopped by the nearest shoprite mall to get it just in case she had another weird craving. He was barely 15 minutes into waiting when Kade’s jeep rolled in beside his and the latter holding a half-full polythene bag in his hand, he tossed it at Tristan who caught it quickly.

“This is it?” he put his hands into the leather and brought out one seed of the nut looking at it weirdly

“Why are you looking at it like that?” Kade asked him

“I have never seen it before” he admitted truthfully