
The prison Life

"My Life in Prison" is a novel about two characters, Jay and Spider, who find themselves serving time in a correctional facility. Jay is a first-time offender, facing a harsh reality as he adapts to life behind bars. On the other hand, Spider is a seasoned inmate who takes Jay under his wing and teaches him the ropes of surviving in prison. As Jay navigates through the challenges and dangers of prison life, he forms a close bond with Spider, learning about the latter's troubled past and how he ended up in prison. Through their conversations and experiences, Jay gains a deeper understanding of the criminal justice system and its flaws. As the two men serve their sentences, they both face personal and ethical dilemmas that test their character and their friendship. Jay must choose between staying true to his principles or conforming to the harsh reality of prison life. Meanwhile, Spider must come to terms with the mistakes he has made and decide whether he wants to continue down the path of crime or turn his life around. "My Life in Prison" is a thought-provoking and moving novel about the impact of the criminal justice system on those who are incarcerated and the relationships that form within the prison walls. It raises important questions about the humanity of prisoners and the justice system's role in rehabilitating individuals.

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Chapter One

In Westend International Prison, Spider, a prisoner with the number 6666, was pacing back and forth with a troubled look on his face. Jay approached him and tried to offer some comfort. "Hey there, young man. Have you missed someone on the outside? Don't worry, your time here will be over soon and you'll be able to see them again."

Spider glared at Jay, "Don't call me a young man again, or you'll regret it. I'm not worried about anything, I'm just planning my next steps." Jay chuckled and walked away as the bell rang for supper.

In the prison, you must have a partner to eat with, so Jay asked Spider to be his partner. They made their way to the dining hall where they were served boiled beans and sugarless tea. Spider took a bite of the beans and quickly ran to the nearest sink to vomit. All the other prisoners burst into laughter at Spider's reaction. Jay helped Spider back to their cell, a small and dingy room with thin mattresses, cobweb-covered walls, and drawings of past prisoners on the walls.

As they settled into their beds, Spider asked Jay about the drawings. Jay explained that they represented the prisoners who had slept in the room before them. Spider then asked about Jay's story, to which Jay reluctantly agreed to share.

Jay was once a wealthy man, working as a money director at Equators Bank, but he lost everything after ten bags of parked money went missing and he was blamed for the loss. He was fired from his job and eventually became a farmer, but he was met with ridicule from the villagers. Struggling with stress and poverty, he turned to drugs and was eventually arrested while smoking an illegal substance on the street.

The lights went out, and there was no more talking as all the cells fell into a peaceful silence. Spider whispered "Goodnight" before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, all the prisoners were called by Inspector Ondula to the assembly ring. The prisoners quickly gathered and formed a neat line at the ring. Ondula ordered two police officers, George and Alphonse, nicknamed "the military wing" by the prisoners, to raise the flag. They did so with impressive speed. Then, Ondula called on Mr. Abafather, the police officer in charge of worship, to lead the prisoners in prayer.

Mr. Abafather stepped forward, carrying a large bible that was typically carried by bishops or popes. He faced the prisoners and said, "Let us pray. Our Father who is everywhere, I ask for the strength to control these people who have broken one of your commandments and punish anyone who thinks of doing something stupid. I trust in our savior. Amen." All the prisoners shouted "Amen." Mr. Abafather stepped back, and Inspector Ondula took the stage.

Ondula was a man who was known for only laughing twice a year, once on his irregularly celebrated birthday and once in bed with his wife. He was also known for his size, as he inherited his father's laziness and won several awards for his height and running ability during police recruitment. Despite his size, he was illiterate, also due to his laziness.

With a stern and intimidating gaze, Inspector Ondula announced that 20 men were needed to clean the sewage at Lamba Lolo University, just 5 km from Westend International Prison. Spider and Jay were among the men selected and pushed into the assembly ring. Spider managed to escape, not wanting to participate in the cleaning, but he was soon caught and brought back by two of the men who had pushed him in.

The inspector saw what had happened and ordered two of his bodyguards to take Spider and Jay to the Military Chamber. Despite Jay's pleas for him to be the one taken instead of Spider, the inspector refused. As they were led to the Military Chamber, Spider asked Jay what it was, but one of the bodyguards quickly told him to be quiet.

The tension was palpable as they entered the Military Chamber, and they could see George carrying a "Lunga Lunga", a black whip made from multiple animal skins that would take months to heal if it were to land on someone. Alphonse was sitting on a bench, appearing to read a newspaper, but in truth, he was unable to read and was simply looking at the pictures.