
The birth of the princess Annabelle u are to take d bby to mount Zion nd live there till u are summoned... declared the prime minister... alryt milord....

Your majesty!! the Queen is in labor.. ur attention is needed the head maid came rushing lead the way....my queen relax.. steady ur breath.. now push..... it's a girl? shock was written all over the midwife face... what's wrong? Your majesty it's a.... stuttered d mid-wife.. speak!! My king it's a girl. what!!! the king became furious... summoned the prime minister.. right away my king ... this is a scandal... Your highness the prime minister has arrived..tell him to come in..... Your highness hope all is well? ... all isn't well the prime minister was confused.. Your highness.... The queen just gave birth..the king cut in..... Your highness congratulations.... there's nth congratulating here the bby is a girl .... what!! that can't be the horoscope clearly shows a boy with multiple element... I thought as much but it comes out a girl with no traces of power within.. we need to eliminate the bby before anyone else's know... but your majesty it's said to not shed blood to avoid any catastrophe... I know but d baby shouldn't be alive.... what are we going to do... your highness I suggest we should take the baby faraway when it's time then we discard her ... alryt then I will leave it up to you then...

Annabelle take the baby to mount Zion.. u will return only when u are summoned..... Yes milord....