
The princess of Larian

The story of a young princess who needs to defeat The Liar and find love to have her third coronation and became the queen of Larian.

Lawrence_Karthaus · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Caspian the first prince of Morred

Far away in the Southern Epire was a small island called Meron. It was the part of the epire of Larian as a kingdom ruled by I.Lenard Astheal. The king had a son called Caspian Astheal. He was born in 05 May 2002 on the day when his mother died. King Lenard didn't care about his son so Caspian was alone a lot. His tutor Lord Odessan taught him all the nesessary knowledge to became a king. Unlike his father Caspian loved reading and learning but he couldn't spend all the time with his books: he was raised to be a king. When he was 14 the king married a woman called Illa. They had a son, Erik. Illa didn't like Caspian and she wanted to chase him away. When Caspian became 18 years old he was allowed to travel alone. Travelling became his new hobby. Caspian often went to the nearest islands but his dream was to visit Larian, the center of the empire, and meet the king of South. On a foggy winter night he sneaked out of the palace and ran to the port. Unfortunately the ocean was frozen so he couldnt sail out. He was walking through the port when he saw fishermans riding their sleigh. He asked them to take him to Larian because he wanted to leave Meron forever. A young woman named Elis made a bed for Caspian in her sleigh. The prince fell asleep immediately and dreamed about his new life.