
The Nightmare wedding- II

They brought out the viel and the crown immediately. We were late already and they were the ones going to be punished for it. 

Who said that wearing a crown was easy? The weight of it crushed me along with the responsibilities it brought along. I stumbled underneath it as my legs buckled but Merilyn held onto me immediately. 

"Careful," even my father said as he came to my aid and held my hand. 

It was time, I gulped as we walked to the rooms. Countless hallways came in our way before we stepped out to the palace where a grand carriage stood waiting. It was decorated for me, the bride. 

The maids helped me get inside the carriage and my father sat inside with me. For the first time, we were sitting in such proximity alone. There was no one else that we could talk to and I was in no hurry to make it easier for any of us. Cheers went on as the guards barricaded the people from coming to us and stopping the carriage.