
A new chapter - III

"What?" I blinked. "What do you mean by that?" 

"You're very well aware of what I mean by that." Merelyn answered, giving me a knowing look. "you feel something for him, and now that you have stopped feeling fear in his presence, you feel those feelings more than before." 

She continued, "It is overwhelming to you and a little bit scary which is why you have come to meet me. An old friend you trust." 

The last bit was true. She was an old friend that I trusted. Maybe some of what she had said above as well. But I would never agree to it. 

"I don't know where you are getting your information from, but none of that is true." I refused tenaciously. "I fear him and I had feelings for him." 

"Hmm," Merelyn nodded, "then why is it that you blush every time he comes close to you? Or when his name is mentioned?"