
A mated female - I

"Where," I spoke again, gathering that attention, "is the king?"

Marilyn hesitated which made me look at Irene. Would she tell or would she be hesitant too?

"The King is.. um," she paused for a small minute, "away."

I narrowed my eyes. Obviously, he was away. But where was he? What was the last told whereabouts from him?

"Marilyn, please." I was tired and ready to sleep again, but I still wanted to know where Tristan was. It was a different thing if no one knew, but they did and they were not telling me.

Marilyn answered, "he is away from you."

Again, that was not what I wanted to hear but it had made me curious. "Why?" I asked. Marking me was an attempt to keep me closer to him so I had Tristan willingly gone away from me? It did not make enough sense to me.

"Because the scent of your blood and his made the king a little.." she narrowed her eyes as she searched for the right word, "made the king a little out of control."