
The Princess' slave

An extremely shy princess falls in love with her new slave boy she tries confessing her feelings to him.The boy who feels the same rejects her because he knows that it's not going to work.Will it work out at the end or will they separate through all their trails of love?

Fonstine_City · Fantaisie
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Hi guys,

I hope you like the story.

This is the world of Driscorvia. Firstly we have the nine kingdoms namely;


ELYRIA - The biggest and richest kingdom of Driscorvia and the center of Driscorvia.

VALTORIA - The northernmost kingdom with lush rainforests, vast rivers, and exotic wildlife. A land of scorching deserts, sandy dunes, and oases. Home to the Valtorian city-states.

AETHORIA - The southernmost kingdom with diverse landscapes, spanning from snow-capped mountains to lush forests on the eastern side and arid deserts on the western side.

AERTHYS - The westernmost kingdom in Driscorvia. It is known for its vast deserts, sprawling cities, and ancient ruins. A land of lush forests, rolling hills, and sparkling lakes. Home to the ancient Eldridian ruins.

ELDRIDA - A land of snow-capped mountains, frozen tundras, and mystical forests. Inhabited by the resilient Eldridian tribes.

NYXORIA - A land of darkness and mystery, treacherous swamps and mountains with mysterious energies shrouded in eternal twilight, a kingdom of dark forests, misty swamps, and treacherous bogs. Inhabited by the mysterious Nyxorian clans.

CELESTIA - Also known as the kingdom of the shining star, Celestia is a kingdom of breathtaking beauty, with shimmering oceans, crystal caves, and radiant forests. A land of towering mountains, shimmering waterfalls, and serene valleys. Home to the Celestian monasteries.

ARKYS - The easternmost continent, home to sprawling archipelagos, coral reefs, and volcanic islands.

HYSTERIA - Hysteria is a kingdom of contrasts, with lush forests and arid deserts, snow-capped mountains, and treacherous swamps.


The Great Sea - separates Elyria and Valtoria)

The Azure Ocean - surrounds Aethoria)

The Great Expanse - The largest ocean, separating Aerthys and Eldrida from the other kingdoms.

The Crystal Sea - A tranquil ocean that flows from Celestia and ends between Aerthys and Eldrida, known for its crystal-clear waters.

The Shadowy Deep: A mysterious ocean between Valtoria and Nyxoria, rumored to be home to ancient secrets.

The Azure Sea - A vast body of water between Celestia and Nyxoria.

The Celestial Ocean: Surrounding the continent of Arkys.


 The Dragon's Spine (mountain range in Elyria) 

The Frostbite Peaks (a mountain range in Valtoria)

The Spine of Eldrid: A towering mountain range in Eldrida, home to ancient dragons and hidden temples.

The Valtorian Peaks: A rugged range in Valtoria, with snow-capped peaks and hidden valleys.

The Nyxorian Mountains: A dark and foreboding range in Nyxoria, rumored to be home to dark magic and ancient secrets.

The Celestial Peaks (the highest mountains in Valtoria)

The Dragon's Teeth (treacherous mountains in Nyxoria


1. Aerope (Air) - Goddess of the winds, breath, and intellectual pursuits.

2. Erebus (Darkness) - God of shadows, secrets, and the unknown.

3. Flarion (Fire) - God of flames, passion, and creativity.

4. Hydor (Water) - God of the oceans, tides, and emotions.

5. Terra (Earth) - Goddess of the land, stability, and growth.

6. Aria (Music) - Goddess of melody, harmony, and performance.

7. Calliope (Poetry) - Muse of inspiration, creativity, and verse.

8. Daxton (Strategy) - God of tactics, planning, and leadership.

9. Echo (Communication) - Goddess of language, diplomacy, and understanding.

10. Finnley (Healing) - God of medicine, wellness, and compassion.

11. Gwyneth (Nature) - Goddess of the wild, conservation, and the cycle of life.

12. Haven (Protection) - God of safety, security, and defense.

13. Imara (Illusions) - Goddess of magic, deception, and misdirection.

14. Jaxon (Innovation) - God of invention, progress, and ingenuity.

15. Kaida (Mystery) - Goddess of the unknown, secrets, and enigmas.

16. Lysander (Logic) - God of reason, analysis, and problem-solving.

17. Mira (Dreams) - Goddess of the subconscious, intuition, and the cosmos.

18. Nixx (Stealth) - God of shadows, concealment, and covert operations.

19. Ophelia (Emotions) - Goddess of the heart, empathy, and emotional balance.

20. Pax (Peace) - God of harmony, reconciliation, and unity.

21. Quinn (Knowledge) - God of wisdom, understanding, and discovery.

22. Riven (Chaos) - God of change, revolution, and transformation.

23. Sage (Wisdom) - Goddess of insight, intuition, and guidance.

24. Tiber (Craftsmanship) - God of skill, craftsmanship, and creation.

25. Umbra (Shadow) - God of darkness, secrecy, and the unknown.

26. Vesper (Hope) - Goddess of optimism, positivity, and new beginnings.

27. Wystan (Time) - God of chronology, the timestream, and the cycles of life.

28. Clovis (Luck) - Goddess of fortune, chance, and serendipity.

29. Yara (Illness) - Goddess of disease, medicine, and recovery.

30. Zara (Fate) - Goddess of destiny, prophecy, and the threads of fate.

31. Lyrik (Performance) - God of theater, dance, and the arts.

32. Kairos (Opportunity) - God of timing, chance, and seizing the moment.

33. Luminia (Illumination) - Goddess of understanding, knowledge, and insight.

34. Vitalis (Life Force) - God of energy, vitality, and the spark of life.

35. Nexus (Connection) - God of relationships, bonds, and unit

36. Astrum (Aether) - God of the stars, cosmos, and the mysteries of the universe.

37. Nebula (Nebula) - Goddess of the celestial, the cosmos, and the birth of stars.

38. Lumina (Light) - Goddess of illumination, understanding, and knowledge.

39. Crystalia (Crystals) - Goddess of minerals, gemstones, and the earth's secrets.

40. Aerocha (Weather) - God of the skies, storms, and the forces of nature.


1. Omnira, the Celestial Sovereign

2. Superion, the Great King

3. Astrum, the Star Empress

4. Elyon, the Divine Monarch

5. Kairos, the Timeless One

6. Aetheria, the Ethereal Queen

7. Nexarion, the Omniarch

8. Solaris, the Radiant Deity

9. Cosmia, the Cosmic Ruler