
The Prince of Thieves

Yuuji was an ordinary Japanese highschool boy, but then, a terrible accident happened and he was reincarnated into another world, he turns into a thief to survive, but instead he thrived, as the prince of thieves.

thelazywriter_3wq7 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


It was a sunny day, the bell was ringing."Im gonna be late!"

Someone says, he rushes through the high school gates,he runs to his classroom and opens the door."Im here!" he says.

he gasps for air.

Someone calls him."Hey Yuuji, here."he sits down besides the guy who called him."So Izumi, am I late?" Yuuji asks.

Izumi replies."You barely made it, i was worried you know!"

"Let's start our class, so please sit down and be quiet." The teacher says, then an explosion happened in the room killing them all.

Yuuji opens his eyes."Huh, where am I!?" He tries to speak but it was like his lips were glued togethe,he then sees two

people speaking in another language he never heard of.

"So, did I die! Was I rencarnaited in another world!?" He thinks to himself, he then sees from the window of the house he is in thet there were monsters ambushing theyre village.

He panicks as they were aproaching the house he was in, the two people were killed but he survived. A couple hours later an adventurer saw him, the adventurer then picked him up and gave him some food.

18 years later he was raised by the adventurer, but currently he's being chased by guards he stole from, he throws smoke bombs at them as a distraction,he hides in an alleyway.

He sees some hungry kids who live there."You guys alright?"

He asks as he gives them his food and a bit of his stolen loot.He then climbs on top of the roof of a building and runs away.

Meanwhile, the king of the country he's in, Velmont, is discussing with other kings and governers about Yuuji(who is now Leanor) about his quote on quote "travels" trough the world and stealing from major countries.

Some kings say to dispatch of him, while others say to enhance security of thier respective countries and houses,

but the king of Velmont decides to make a special unit of

spies to catch him, and the meeting ends.

In a place in the forest , Leanor is hunting for food, he then meets a huntress."Who are you?" She asks.He lies and says

"Im just a traveler." She then asks."Then whats with all the gold coins, last time I checked, travelers dont earn much."

He then throws smoke bombs at her and runs away, but he was pinned by her.A couple hours later, he's tied to a tree,

he then asks."So what are you going to do with me?" She then says."Ill just turn you in and take the bounty."

Leanor then takes out a small, stone knife from his pockets, he cuts the rope and runs towards the town, she tries to shoot him with her bow,but he avoids it, they were spotted by the guards, Leanor hides, but the huntress was mistook as his partner and was sent in a cell.

"Ugh, that stupid guy is fast, no wonder he can get out of any tight spot." She says."Hey, grab my hand." Leanor says through her cells window. She asks."What are you doing!?"

He says."Uhmm.. Trying to help you escape." She trust him,

he then cuts the bars with magic,she says."You can do magic!?" He replies."Well, I was raised by adventurers, my parents died from monsters."

She asks."Sorry for your loss, but if you were raised by adventurers, why did you become a thief?"He replies.

"Well, they werent the richest adventurers out there, it was my only way to survive, it sort of became a hobby from there,hehe."

He gives her some clothes as a disguise, she changes into them."Hey, dont look!" She says. they then head to a nearby barn to steal some horses and they head for a nearby town,

but spies from Velmonts special unit track them.

One of them throws a knife at them, Leanor senses it, he then jumps from the horse, he then takes out his knife from it's sheath and stabs one of them.

The others run towards him, they throw knives and slash at him, but he dodges them all, he chants "Sleep!" wich knocks every single spy following them.