
When the Winter came to Demacia.

Cornelia Razorstorm was nothing more than a young girl that lived in the Demacia city. Agamemnob Razorstorn was nobleman that lost his wife to a Pyromancer, and also her father. His hate for mages was undeniable. It was almost psychotic. When young Cornelia discovered her magic, her father immediately called the Magessekers, and once she came of age, he ushered her to become one of them, instead of just remain a magicborn citizen.

The next years were miserable for her, forcing her to hunt her own kind and either kill them or exile them.

That's when he came and found her. He promised her salvation and a place were she would belong, if she assisted him from within.

So for the next two yesrs, she waited and waited. And then she thought that it happened. Till now.




"I am the Winter." the young man uttered. In an instant, the rune exploded. Then everything became a white mess.

Adept Cornelia was throw on the ground by the shock wave. The whole croud screamed...and then silence ensued.

When she opened her eyes again, the court room was covered in frost and snow, and the temperature had significantly dropped. A thick white mist surrounded everything, fogging her vision. The crowd screamed and tried to flee the room.

"My King?!"


Two voices were louder than the rest. Garen's and Xin Zhao's.

Cornelia looked at the ground, her mask had shattered in pieces.

Suddenly, she saw two bright lights and a hooded silhouette in front of her. It had two chains around its wrists.

"Sylas?" she called out.

The figure chuckled. "Heartbreaking, isn't it...Adept Cornelia?" it was the Winter. "Who you though was Sylas of Dregbourne, the one that you believed that will finally liberate you from your crusade against your own...Isn't Sylas, but the Winter." the young man softly purred.

Cornelia felt the blood drain from her face.

The Winter' appearance had drastically changed in just few minutes. His skin had shifted to paper white, with the bandages nowhere to be seen. The runic scars ominously glew a bright cyan. The petricite cuffs, along with the his lower arms were encased in ice, shaped similarly to gauntlets. The ice patch had expanded, and now covered the whole left side of his face, along with forming two large oni horns on his forehead.

"S-stay back!" Cornelia warned him. Her palm glew bright purple, but didn't discharge any magic.

Lanius clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Petricite, did you forget?"

Cornelia suddenly focused on the cuffs and the collar. They didn't absorb his magic, as he could see the gauntlets glowing.

"How? How can you use magic?" she asked.

"This? This isn't magic. This is nature." Lanius replied and turned his back at her. At that exact moment, a spear was hurled at him through the snowy mist. The Winter instantly raised his hand, and deflected it. His head then turned towards that way.

The Winter muttered something in a foreign language. Xin Zhao's voice replied, followed by the man himself. They spoke Ionian?

Lanius continued to talk. The Spear of Demacia approached him and picked up his spear, then pointed it at him, before asking a long question.

The Winter chuckled and replied with a single word. Then he made a slight bow towards him and approached Cornelia. She tried to crawl away, but the Winter was quicker and grabbed her by the collar. The sudden cold touch made her to flinch with a yelp. The Winter then began to drag her off. All she could see was her shattered mask, that faded into the snowy mist, along with her senses.




Lanius stepped out of the court room and walked towards the hall.

"So you're just willing to scare them?" Freida questioned.

"A little shake, just to realise that what they're doing could endanger them. I don't plan to kill anyone either." Lanius replied. He then grasped the chains around his arms and tore them off, same with the petricite collar. "Good thing I exercised with Ahri."

As he walked forward, he suddenly saw a bright light a few meters forward. The Winter moved towards the source, and discovered Lux trying to help Garen, who was unconscious.

The moment he approached them, Lux gasped in terror and raised her brother's sword towards him. "Step back!" The young man could see tears in her eyes.

Lanius let go of Cornelia and took another step forward. The girl backed away against the pillar, but still held the weapon firmly.

"I'm not here to harm you, little Lux." he said and gripped the blade. He then tore the weapon from her hands and tossed it aside. "I'm here to help him, as I've accidentally wounded him."

"Stay away from him!" Lux threatened yet again, and a bright glow erupted from her hand.

The Winter knelt next to the man, ignoring her warning. "You cannot harm me in here and you know it, young one." he said as he examined her brother. Garen had a big wound that penetrated the armor.

"That's unfortunate..." Lanius muttered as he pressed his palm against the wound, sealing it with ice.

"I should be more careful with that trick next time." he thought.

"I trusted you! I trusted Freida!" she said. She had a small cut at the side of her neck.

"You trusted Sylas as well...and think of where it led you." Lanius raised his hand and reached towards her neck.

Lux pushed the hand away.

"You also saved my friends and the village from that thing. So what I'm doing is the least I can do." He then replied. "The difference between me and Sylas is that I came in here with the intent to scare the court, and not to kill and wound, hence why I'm treating your brother, who wants to protect you from all this madness." he said and pointed towards Cornelia.

He now raised his hand again towards her. Lux sighed and allowed him to treat her.

"It's...not cold. How can ice be warm?" she asked.

"Little secret." he said. "Your brother will possibly wake up in a few minutes." he muttered.

At that moment, a trumpet sounded from the walls. Lanius raised his hhead in confusion.

"We're under attack?" Lux looked confused. "From who?"

Lanius withdrew the mist. In an instant, the whole Palace was visible again. The walls were filled with a thin layer of ice.

"Sylas." he said as he stepped forward, towards the big doors that led to the outside world.