
The Prince of space

Enerlyn_Rosado · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

To anyone who’s actually reading my book

Hi, it's me yeah the author of this book so I know it's been a long cough cough very long time since I last made a chapter but it's all because I had some stuff to do like you know stuff and I'm too lazy to make a chapter every 3 days and you might be wondering than if I'm so lazy than why did I start writing. If your where wondering this the answer to it is that I thought that it would be a lot more easier to make a book cause like every chapter that I make is no easy task like every chapter that I have been updating is more than 700 words like that's not easy and I really thought that nobody was really reading this so I thought more than once to give up. But then I was reading this book and I noticed how the author kinda felt the same way as I did. By this I mean that he/she felt like she was just wasting he/her time on doing this. But the thing that I noticed is that he/she made like this chapter saying to all of he/her readers to leave a comment to see if somebody was actually reading he/her book. So I decided to do the same but in a different way not only by saying to leave a comment to people that are actual reading this but to actually give a reason and explain why I wanted to people to leave a comment. So if somebody out there is actually reading my book please leave a comment so that I know that I'm not just wasting my time on this.

So there's another thing that's been going through my mind lately is that I was thinking of starting again like to do another book but for it to be the same as this one but better I don't know if you get but it's so that the new chapter can be a lot better and have more of a plot. If you think that I should do this please comment as week on this.