
The Prince of Magic

To be a King, one must set aside one's personal needs for the sake of others. But, when one was loved by the whole kingdom, the people prayed for his soul to find peace, and the gods heard of their wishes. They (the gods) granted the people's prayers and gave him the special gift of reincarnation. However, there was a catch... he will no longer remain in their world, but be reborn in another. The gods were happy with their decision. The young former king of Lucis, not so much. Watch as he sets on a new adventure in a world that is both similar yet so different than his own, while doing his utmost to remain as himself, (try to) avoid getting unwanted attention from unsavory individuals, and (attempt to) live his life the way he had always wanted to in his first life. (AN: Currently on hiatus due to real life situations. Updates for this story is set on 'pause' until the things in my life are properly settled and secured.) ... ... Author's note: MC came from FF15 universe, post-events, and transferred into an alternate world because of the astrals' intervention. MC is a responsible person. MC has a Neutral-Lawful-Good alignment (...most of the time). This story is mostly styled after the visual novels of the Fate series. The contents are detailed and lengthy. If you are into that type of novel, you are welcome to give this story a try. As for the update schedule for this story, it's almost always set on Wednesday. If I'm somehow busy on those days, then Thursday. Due to my responsibilities in real life, I can only update once a week. Two chapters of 2k words (1k each), sometimes more if I feel like it. Also, if you have some time, please leave a comment (or a review) of what you think about the story so far. Feedback is always important to a writer because it can help us improve our writing skills and create good stories for you readers to enjoy! :D Warning: MC is going to be OP. Character(s) death. Lengthy chapters. Profanities. The story mostly follows the plot of Fate/Extra, but will have elements from other animes as well. There will be some graphic content that might offend a number of people too. So, if you don't like that, or you are someone easily offended by violent content, please kindly refrain yourself from reading this story and find another that suits your taste. Thank you for your time! :)

Regius_Sanguis · Anime et bandes dessinées
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185 Chs

Drop Off



The tear opened wider, revealing bright lights of various color, like looking through the glass of a kaleidoscope, and streaks of shadows began their descent.

Then, the tear closed, almost as soon as the shadows were dropped, shrinking faster than he could blink before disappearing at once.

Unfortunately, the owners of those shadows didn't expect that their landing spot would be the tranquil body of cold, ocean water.


The familiar screams of certain individuals pierced through the peaceful and previously silent night sky as they realized their immediate predicament.

It was like watching a train wreck that Hadrian cannot take his eyes off.


One moment, it was quiet a moment after they went under water.

Then another passed, and immediately, five heads emerged from the water.





With deadpan eyes, Hadrian watched Charles, Astolfo, Arash, Yan Qing and Kieran cried out loudly in the distance, sighing when they turned on one another as per usual.

"Well… they've arrived here safely, opa." Hadrian commented monotonously, causing the old magician on the other side to laugh out loud.

"Ahaha! They sound lively as ever!" Zelretch said mischievously.

Sighing again, Hadrian didn't need to see that the old magician was greatly amused with what he did to his servants.

Then, he blinked, realizing something odd.

"Wait a minute, I thought we agreed to send out Arash, Yan, Kieran and King Hassan here. Why do I see Charles and Astolfo there with the other three, except for King Hassan?" Hadrian asked, squinting his eyes as he zoomed in on the retainers with the automaton granting him hawk-eye like vision with additional statistics.

"Hmm, I see." Zelretch hummed. "So that's why it felt a bit heftier to bring them over there. I thought something was amiss. Those two knights of yours must have sneaked into the portal I made for the four."

"Will their presence here be a problem?" Hadrian asked, sweat-dropping as he watched Yan, Kieran and Astolfo try to drown each other out of annoyance.

"Their numbers is stretching the limits of the mission, but I don't see a problem. As long they behaved themselves and follow your commands faithfully, I'm sure it'll be fine." Zelretch answered. "Oh, as for your assassin, he's there. I'm sure of it."

"Where –" Hadrian was about to say, but cut himself off when he noticed a dark silhouette standing in the air fifty feet above where his five retainers were arguing with one another. "Never mind, I see him."

"Then, that'll be all, enkel. I'll be expecting an update from you next time we speak."

"Sure, good night, opa. And please give my regards to mama and the others for me as well." Hadrian smiled.

"Will do. Goodnight, enkel."

With that said, the line ended and Hadrian breathed a quiet sigh as he put the PT away from his ear.

Just as he pocketed the mystic code, the gentle fluttering of cloth caused Hadrian to turn his gaze upwards, just in time to see the hulking figure of King Hassan descending in front of him.

"Ah, good evening, King Hassan." Hadrian greeted the servant with a smile.

"Hm." The powerful assassin class servant hummed, nodding to him in return.

Knowing that was all he was going to get from the man, Hadrian turned his gaze to the ocean… where his retainers seemed busy trying to swim for the shore whilst squawking at each other.

"Pinky! Use your spear and get us the hell outta here!" Kieran ordered.

"I can't do that! It's too cold!" Astolfo whined.

"Fuck that! I just saw some sharks over there! Use it, damn it!" Yan pitched in.

"Don't wanna! I'll hurt the fishies if I do that!" Astolfo retorted, looking cold, nervous but adamant.

"Yeah! It'll be animal abuse if we do that!" Charles agreed, though he also looked nervous by the thought of sharks being nearby.

"FUCK ANIMAL ABUSE! WE'RE ABOUT TO BE EATEN!" Kieran exploded, pointing to the suspicious dark gray fins peeking out of the water every once in a while behind them.

His words made the four in the water with him into a panic, causing them to move as they swam as if their lives were on the line.

Although, somehow, Astolfo managed to caught sight of Hadrian standing on the veranda, which was kind of impressive since it was a difficult angle to accomplish from the former's position.

The pink-haired knight had even gone as far as to stop for a moment, smiling widely and waving a hand to him.



When the four saw where Astolfo was pointing at, they all moved again.




Hearing their pleas, Hadrian closed his eyes and exhaled.

He opened his eyes, just in time to see new two people into the scene.

"What in Merlin's name is going on here!" He heard Nicolas exclaimed in shock.

"Dear… why do we have people swimming in our beach at this time of night?" The disbelief in Penerelle's voice was clear to notice even as the four idiots' screeching insults was louder than hers despite the distance.

And just when he was about to go into bed and rest, Hadrian would have to explain the situation to the ageless couple, which would just prolong the time for him to get back to bed uninterrupted.

For what seemed like the third time that night, the Schweinorg heir face-palmed under the stoic gaze of one King Hassan, who can only offer his quiet sympathy to the young man's situation.




Aaaand that's it! That's the last, I promise.

I had to split them into two chapters, again, since it just became too long. So, here it is, enjoy guys! :)

Anyways, thanks for reading. Next update will be next week again, as per usual. I can't update daily since I have work in rl. I have some hefty bills to pay, so please understand my situation for now :'(

My schedule isn't really forgiving, so I try to make do by writing as much as I can with the free time I have during breaks. This week is a special case since the story has actually broken through the 4k collections! Unbelievable! :D

I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so far, and I'm happy that my story is entertaining despite its flaws.

Until then, stay safe and healthy, guys!

Au revoir! :)

Regius_Sanguiscreators' thoughts