
The Prince of Holy Lightning (A DxD and Slash/Dog Story)

Akeno was not an only child, she had a brother, who she abandoned and who has a Longinus, come find out which one....

bossbovatannin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Sacred Gear Number 2 Poll

Alright folks here's the Poll, only one vote per user, anybody who has more than one selected is given a day my time to narrow it down, elsewise the choice is mine to narrow down:




The fire this Sacred Gear generates is seen as white in color.

The Flame Shake grants the user the ability to use pyrokinetic abilities, conjuring white-colored flames from their hands and fire at its target. The flames can be shaped into the form of weapons such as swords or shields depending on what the user desires, some of which can change direction in motion to catch opponents off-guard

Presumably, these flames burn hotter than normal fire but is ineffective against those with higher fire resistance like Dragons and members of the Phenex Clan. But imagine infusing His Holy Power into it? It'd be VERY effective against The KFC family.




Freezing Archaeopteryx has the form of a gigantic bird.

Once activated, Freezing Archaeopteryx not only summons a gigantic bird at the wielder's side in the air, the giant bird also obeys its wielders every command. While the explicit extent of its abilities are unclear, the giant bird is capable of generating ice and freezing its targets. Being a giant bird, Freezing Archaeopteryx is also capable of flight and possibly strong enough to carry heavy objects and be used for transport. Imagine that like with Flame Shake, Kazuhiro were to infuse his Holy Power into it, it'd be a highly effective countermeasure against Devils who utilize Fire or have a high Resistance to Fire-Based attacks.




The fire it generates is seen as jet-black in color. In the anime, it's shown to also have a hint of purple mix into it.

Blaze Black Flare gives the user access and control over Vritra's intensive jet-black colored flames that are infused with curses similar to hell-fire. The Sacred Gear can also be used to create a barrier made of fire, which is powerful enough to restrict the movements of opponents as powerful as Sköll and Hati and an army of mass-produced Midgardsormr clones. Additionally, the user is able to use these black flames to shoot out a breath of fire, and create flame barriers for defensive purposes.

The flames themselves are able to curse the soul of any being caught and killed by them for eternity, with the user being the only exception as it grants it immunity over them since they can be used to cover the wielder for protection. The curse properties of these flames are enough to counter the divine attribute of Incinerate Anthem's Holy Fire to a certain degree.

When used with Absorption Line, the flames can be transferred only its lines towards its restrained targets.

Now imagine that the Cursed Flames take on Kazuhiro's Holy Power as well, it would prove Lethal to many Dark beings Devils or otherwise.




A common, recurring Dragon-Type Sacred Gear, although it is unknown if either of these has a Dragon sealed in them similar to Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing, it is noted to have high potential because it has a dragon trait, which is noted with how Siegfried used his.

Twice Critical looks like a gauntlet that manifests on the user's arm, leaving the wielder's fingers uncovered. The color of the Twice Critical appears to differ between users.

Siegfried's subspecies Twice Critical created a silver Dragon Arm on the back of his body.

Twice Critical is a Sacred Gear that doubles the power of the user for a certain time.

Siegfried's Twice Critical was a subspecies that created a Dragon Arm on his back and doubled his powers at the same time.




Blade Blacksmith is first introduced in Volume 9, used by Jeanne of the Hero Faction and has a sub-species Balance Breaker called Stake Victim Dragoon.

In Volume 10, it is revealed that Yuuto also possesses the same Sacred Gear and has a sub-species Balance Breaker as well called the Glory Drag Trooper.

Blade Blacksmith can take the appearance of any sword that the user may think of, but all the swords have one thing in common: the swords created are Holy Swords.

Blade Blacksmith has the ability to create numerous Holy Swords of different attributes according to the will of the wielders. In its original Balance Breaker form, it creates an army of knights with Holy attributes.

My theory is that Kazuhiro's Holy Power could place the Swords created on par with legitimate Holy Swords. It's just a theory mind you.




Sword Birth can take on the appearance of any sword that the user may think of.

Sword Birth is one of the two Sacred Gears that is used by Yuuto Kiba.

In Volume 3, Yuuto manages to gain his Balance Breaker, the Sword of Betrayer, after fusing together with the light element made from his friends, whom were the victims of the Holy Sword Project.

Sword Birth has the ability to create numerous Demon Swords of different attributes according to the will of the user. However, the swords are not as powerful as one of the Excalibur fragments. It can also be used to create countless Demon Swords from any surface at a certain distance from the user that can also immobilize opponents. The user can also create multiples of the same sword and even pass them amongst others for them to wield.

After gaining the Sword of Betrayer, Sword Birth can be use to create Holy Demonic Swords of different elemental attributes. The Holy Demonic Swords are shown to be at least as powerful as four of the Excalibur fragments combined.

In Volume 6, while Issei was in Juggernaut Drive, Yuuto was able to create a temporary shelter made of swords using Sword Birth. In Volume 10 Yuuto repeated this technique, but it was broken through by Sairaorg's punch[1]. During the final fight with Siegfried in Volume 12, Kiba tried to use this wall to defend himself from the slash waves of Siegfried's Chaos Break attacks, but it was broken through and Kiba got his arm cut off.

Although, Sword Birth is a versatile Sacred Gear for swordsmen, the demon swords produced by it are unable to rival genuine Demon Swords. Their strength and solidness also depends on the will and concentration of their wielder, which was proven when Kiba lost focus in battle after seeing Koneko injured, the sword produced from his Balance Breaker cracked.

I believe that Using His Holy Power, Kazuhiro could mimic Kiba's Sword of Betrayer, and create Holy-Demonic Swords.




In Volume 23, during the match between Team Trump Card of Heaven and Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth, Nero used the Sacred Gear's ability to strengthen his defense after Bova Tannin attacked him, as he unleashed Holy Fist to blow Bova away. During his battle with Xenovia, he used his Balance Breaker as Issei equipped Xenovia with Crimson Destruction Dragonar to strengthen her, as the two engaged in battle. Nero used his Sacred Gear's Balance Breaker to defend himself against Xenovia's Cross Crisis attack, as he managed to punch her and steal the ball from her before passing out.

Sturdy Saint has the ability to strengthen the defense of the user, each time they are attacked as the effect stacks to enhance the defense of the user to great levels. Nero was able to use the Sacred Gear's ability to defend against Bova Tannin's attack, who is renown for his strength as the strongest of Tannin's children. By using his Balance Breaker, Nero is capable of enduring Cross Crisis, Xenovia's finishing attack, which had been further strengthened by Xenovia wearing the Crimson Destruction Dragonar armor, which enhanced her power with the Red Dragon Emperor's power.


That's it folks, Start Voting!


Alright quick update, I have decided to introduce a few custom ideas for Sacred Gears, these are strictly an experimental idea, and have at most a basic connection to DxD Cannon. anyway, here we go:




Final Fantasy XV special ability, but still not much of a stretch here. If this Sacred Gear is Chosen, only three of the 14 Royal Arms. For disclaimer purposes the Royal Arms will be referred to as the Arms of Divine Punishment or something along those lines.

The following is directly from the Final Fantasy Fandom and while it is more for FFXV the content is enough to be adapted into DxD Speak without being changed:

Armiger summons spectral versions of the royal arms around Noctis. For 10 seconds (can be increased to 15 seconds with upgrades from the Ascension Grid), it augments Noctis's strength and speed, turns all of his movements into warps, makes his warp-strikes more powerful, and prevents him from falling into Danger state when his HP should hit 0. Using the royal arms in Armiger does not drain Noctis's health, and he is not staggered by enemy attacks, making him an unstoppable force.

My Cousin TheRagFromTheCrag has previously used this, but unlike him I'm not making it all available at the Start. Each Weapon will only be unlocked after a particular threshold has been reached, an emotional state has peaked, or his own personal limitations have been broken. Once the remaining Eleven have been unlocked Kazuhiro will be able to assimilate other weapons or items into Armiger, and with enough training or evolution may be able to assimilate other Sacred Gears given time.

I suppose one could see this Custom Gear as an Amalgamation/Evolution of the Annihilation Maker, Innovate Clear, Sword Birth, Blade Blacksmith, and Variant Detonation. Azazel Probably would tbh.




My Cousin's idea, but never really explained. Named for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a Collection of Sacred Gears similar to Vritra's Sacred Gears in numbers and like them and Gasper's Forbidden/Aeon Balor View contain a piece of a particular consciousness inside of them.

The War Gear possesses these abilities:


Illusion Casting - The War Gear's user could create illusions and hallucinations, which can drive people to violence or madness. This Aspect is dependent on the Users Magical Power and their competency in said Magic.

Super Strength - The User of the War Gear can exert tremendous physical force, enough for the User to destroy a bridge on par with the Golden Gate in sheer size and weight. However, this Strength is dependent on the User's Strength of Will and their power level and Sacred Gear Capacity, in rare instances they can even match the strength of High-Tier beings such as Lesser Gods or beings such as Valkyries or Demi-Gods.

Battle Telepathy - The War Gear can read the thoughts of other beings in the heat of battle or connect it's user to allies to grant superior combat group synergy.

Electrokinesis - The War Gear allows it's user to disable all forms of electronic communication or disrupt all forms of electricity in a town.


The Famine Gear holds these abilities:


Demonic Soul Extraction - The Famine Gear user can forcibly remove a Devil's soul from its physical vessel in order to strengthen the Famine Gear, however the strength of the extraction is dependent on the users Capacity, their own power requiring to be at least on par with their victim, and their Magical or Holy/Demonic Power exceeding their victims.

Gluttony Augmentation - Users with advanced skills in the Sacred Famine Gear could enhance the sense of hunger in other beings, causing them to seek whatever it is they crave most until it resulted in their own Self-destruction. It is however impossible to affect Divine beings, with this aspect of the Famine Gear, and those with Divine Protection or abilities who are not gods themselves are heavily resistant to this ability, but not invulnerable.

Soul Reading - A Famine User can determine the state of a soul such as how badly damaged or fixable it is.

Soul Absorption - Famine can eat souls in order to gain strength on par with the original Horsemen of Famine. Unlike the Demonic Soul Extraction, this ability is limited to Non-Demonic and Low-Tier Supernatural Beings, and can be used to improve the odds of the Demonic Soul Extraction Abilities Success.

Telepathy - A Famine User Can enter a Victim's subconscious, telling them "inside, you're already dead" in such a manner that they can believe it so wholly that they will themselves dead, does not affect beings of Divinity or indomitable Willpower.


The Abilities of the Pestilence Gear are thus:


Biokinesis - The Pestilence Gear can create, manipulate, and control diseases, plagues, infestations, molds, and other ailments. They can also cause instantaneous illness in another being. As the Sacred Gear of the Horsemen of Pestilence the user possesses dominion over ailments. Their sickness powers doesn't work on High-Tier Supernatural beings or Divinities, and those who are half-breeds of such beings have a resistance dependent on their Supernatural/Divine Parents strength, status in their pantheon, and their own strength of will and Magical Power.

Insect Manipulation - It has been stated that where ever the user of The Pestilence Gear goes there are flies around, however these flies are unable to take on any particular non-physiological abilities or traits, rendering them inferior to the Beelzebub Clan's King of Flies Clan Trait.


These are the abilities of the Death Gear:


Necrokinesis - A fully realized Death Gear User can kill anything, except God-Class Beings. An experienced user can cause a man to collapse after simply brushing shoulders with him. Users with insufficient skill, power and experience are limited to manipulation of the dead.

Nigh-Omniscience - A Fully Realized Death Gear User has an almost absolute awareness of the universe, rivaled only by Gods.

Nigh-Omnipotence - As the Sacred Gear of the personification of Death, the User has the potential to possess almost absolute power. However an on purpose flaw in the Sacred Gear forces it's user to focus all of this ability into one aspect of either the Gear or themselves to prevent an overload of the Gear and the Sacred Gear System.

Resurrection - The Death Gear User can bring anything back to life. Their own Capacity, Magical Power, Strength of Will, and Holy/Demonic Power determines how many or who they can bring back. For example only a fully realized user can resurrect God-Class Mortals or individuals.

Weather Manipulation - Like the Pestilence Gear's Insect Manipulation Ability The Death Gear's User possesses an inferior version of another trait or Sacred Gear, in this case Zenith Tempest. The critical distinction is that because both are Sacred Gears albeit a Longinus and High-Tier Sacred Gear respectively, is that the Death Gear's Weather Manipulation's strength is in fact dependent on the Wil of the Angel Of Death Sealed inside the Death Gear.


In the event that all four gears are placed inside one person or the users of all four come together, then so long as their bond remains formed they can potentially awaken three of these following traits, one as a Passive Ability, one as a Defensive Ability, and one as an Offensive Ability. Some of these however require one or all Users to have become a Fully Realized User of their Gear.

Indestructibility - While Users of the Four Horsemen Gears can take damage in their mortal forms, they are can prove difficult to destroy absolutely.

Immortality - They can potentially live forever. However this particular ability is not absolute or infallible, as a force of God-Class or Satan-Class Individuals can overwhelm and kill them as this particular ability is not true immortality merely Immortality relative to their own power and strength.

Invisibility - The Horsemen Users are naturally invisible, unless they choose to be seen.

Manifestation - The Horsemen of War once Fully realized in all his or her powers can manifest into any form they desire as an extension or evolution of their Illusion Power.

Superhuman Stamina - Four fully realized Horsemen users don't possess the capacity to tire, and furthermore, do not require food, water, sleep, or oxygen to sustain themselves. Nevertheless, they will still feel the hunger pangs and desire to quench a thirst in the early stages of unlocking this ability. Of course this Ability is only as strong as the User's desire wishes it, and that said it is vulnerable to the Famine Users Gluttony Augmentation Power as it will overpower a basic impulse craving for anything from alcohol to candy, it is the bane of addicts.

Telekinesis - The Horsemen can manipulate physical matter through power of will. However only when all four use it together will God or Satan-Class individuals be vulnerable to it.

Teleportation - The Four Horsemen Users can travel from place to place instantly, without occupying the space in between or the need of Magic Circles.

Cosmic Awareness - The Horsemen process incredible amount of knowledge and understanding of the universe and its workings, this knowledge is limited to their own mental capacity and the strength of their minds and their Sacred Gear.

I'm not counting my own big three choices fyi, which are Blaze Black Flare, Sword Birth, and maybe one of the Custom Gears, either the War Gear or Armiger

bossbovatannincreators' thoughts