
The Primitive Age, Lament of an Immortal(A honghuang xianxia story)

In the primitive era, Pangu has just opened up the primordial universe. A Primitive World in which the process of creation is still incomplete. Yet already powerful beings walks the earth. Innate gods, powerful immortals spawned from heaven and earth, reincarnations of even older godfiends, primordial beasts born of rage and filled with eternal hunger, and native innate creatures born weaker and helpless. In this time, the fame figures of mythology like the Three Pure Ones, the Jade Emperor, or the Monkey King are yet to exist. It was in this era that a sea god came to be. An impossibility that wasn’t meant to be. A creature that was fundamentally incomplete spiritually, physically, and mentally. A failure by the standards of existence. But all the same, an inhabitant of this archaic world. Can this life shift the course of history? Is the Primitive World destined to walk down the events of Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West? Or will history change to the flapping of a single butterfly? - Moved here because it's not supposed to be under fanfic. If you find that despicable somehow? too bad

Christopher_who · Oriental
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220 Chs

Looming Threats

It was a sunny day. The Solar Star's cosmic rays washed over the arid lands of the west continent emitting instances of yang attribute Dao Laws. Luohu chose this day to come out of his aeons long seclusion.

As the Ancestral Devil exited his cave manor, he carried an air of brilliance rivalled by few. With a few steps he reached the cliff face that overlooked the greater lands of the west.

"Wonderful," he muttered in delight. In his seclusion, his cultivation had been raised tremendously. The Devilish Dao had long entered an era of prosperity. Generations upon generations of great devils arose.

With their rise, Louhu's own power continued to rise. With each additional Dao added to their conjoined repertoire, his own core Dao reached ever closer to the encompassing of all things.

"The origin in sight. I was right, this path was the way to go," Luohu breathed a sigh of contempt. His gaze carried eastwards as he's snorted.

"Hongjun, what a fool you are. You think you're so smart, so clever. But it was I who ultimately found the best way to reach Dao realm."

After his recent breakthroughs, Luohu no longer feared Hongjun. His senior brother of yesteryear now seamed less of an obstacle and more of a footnote.

Once upon a time, the two were as close as brothers. Both ranking among the three thousand apex among the chaos godfiends, they remained lowkey. Luohu followed Hongjun's example and acted as the cricket's partner.

Throughout the many Yuanhui of their existences, Luohu had seen countless chaos worlds. Each experimented on by himself and Hongjun for the best methods to cultivation. There were little they didn't already know.

That why it hurt so much when Hongjun abandoned him on that day. One vision was all it took for the Chaos Cricket to change his mind about his oldest friend. Luohu never truly understood why.

Just because a vision showed them coming into blows and himself coming on top, Hongjun would wholeheartedly villainies him? Had the old coot fallen to jealousy so easily? Based on a mere mortal's texts?

Luohu scoffed just remembering. If Hongjun taught him anything it was that cultivation was the truest goal of all beings. Nothing else mattered in the long run as long as one continues to progress down the true path.

He'd come to understand that since even before Pangu split chaos. Nowadays he controlled the greatest sect in the world. Indefinitely increasing mounds of Daos for him to absorb.

Of course, even among those, only a very few ever stood out as special. These Daos were produced by the strongest devils that exists today. They were comparable and in some cases superior than even the chaos godfiends of old.

These Great Devil Emperors were products of his long recruitment strategy. Selecting only the best of the best and brightest who were guaranteed to progress far. They produced the best of Daos.

A sudden footstep landing behind him broke Luohu out of his self enjoyment. The devil glanced back at the new arrival.

"Mara you old dog, how have you been?" Luohu greeted.

His first subordinate cupped his hands and bowed. "Luohu, you're finally out. I congratulate you on your advancement. How far along are you?"

"I have attained a state necessary to sense the encompassing of all things," Luohu said giddily. "In other words, I don't think I'm far away from Dao realm."

"Then we can finally begin moving soon?"

"Yes, I'm confident in refining the primitive world. My efforts have already hindered Hongjun's ambitions and now Da Hai is far out of the picture. Now my own abilities should be up to par."

Mara tilted his head. "Are you sure you do not want to consume the Heavenly Dao? It is built from the remnants of a genuine Dao realm being. It seems wasteful to let it go to waste."

"But I'm not," Luohu shook his head. "Mara, the Dao Pangu left behind had nothing to do with me. I don't need it to acquire the perfect Dao body."

"I see, you are sure of the Dao of seven emotions six desire reaching the highest realm?"

"Why all the doubt all of a sudden?" Luohu narrowed his eyes.

"I am confident in your abilities Luohu, just that after so long, the other factions have grown and accumulated an enormous foundation," Mara said with some hesitation.

"My flesh has always been a weakness. My Dao's breakthrough is already inevitable but my body is a problem I need to rectify," Luohu sighed. "Back then I was foolish and listened to every advice that old fool said."

"You didn't answer my concern."

"Why are you fearing the dragon and phoenixes so much? They do not even possess an opponent equal to you much less me. My devils alone are enough," Luohu chuckled.

"Our count of Primal Origin ChaosImmortals outnumber both those empires combined. And while they're fairly liberal with their secrets we kept all our cards hidden. So do not be concerned, I am aware of the powers of every devil in existence. Your job has always been to ensure their development and loyalty."

Mara nodded. "Forgive me, time has brought about a great itch for action."

"Understandable. I suspect a lot of the younger devils are the same. What do you think of them?"

Mara and Luohu made their way down Mt Sumeru. Through this, Mara informed Luohu of recent developments as well as the Devilish Dao's greatest fighters.

Louhu's intrinsic connection to devil cultivation ensured his knowledge of every Dao and technique below the seven emotion six desire banner. But he knew little in the way of what these people were actually like.

"Fire Devil Emperor has a calm temperament, he doesn't speak much but he is patient and a decent general as proven in the Yang Devil sect's war against Arch Mountain sect….Devil Smiting Heavenly Emperor is fairly impressive, she's notable for being a righteous figure wjo defends the weak...of course then there's Spacial warp devil, he's pretty close to Rippling Reflection Emperor being fellow subordinates of Hundun...Sin Water Devil is a fairly loyal figure too…and Heavens Swallowing Devil Emperor…"

The conversation went on for a bit before Luohu asked about an individual he was curious about.

"You mentioned Hundun picked up an assistant. Some Rippling Reflection Emperor? The one with the Dao of Heart Demon. what'd he do for Hundun to take interest?"

Mara perked up. "Nothing of note really. Daoist Rippling Reflection isn't much of a fighter. He doesn't have a good victory to loss record and is little more than a statesman. He's Hundun's manager in the daily affairs of the lineage."

With Luohu in retreat most of the time, management of all the sects under the Devilish Dao were headed by a council. The three remaining of the once four evils along with Mara oversaw the council while actual members were made up of Great Devil Emperors.

Each Great Devil Emperor was an existence on par with Primal Origin Chaos Immortals. Their status were just below the founders.

"Hm, the workload probably was a little too much for Hundun alone. Picking up a clerk was a good idea."

Just like that, the two continued on. This time around, Luohu did not plan to enter retreat again. Rather, he began preparations for his final goal.

In the wilderness of the west, a square faced man sat within a mist of rippling water. He appeared completely peaceful and unfettered, meditating in a lotus position. He had snail shell patterned hair and had his eyes closed the entire time whilst being surrounded by thin golden light which separated him from the mist.

His chivara robes were loose and exposed his muscular chest. One of his palms laid bare on his lap while the other made a hand seal near the centre of his chest.

"Give it up. That tree is ours," a voice outside the mist roared. It was a man with the head of a snake who wielded a spear. He exuded the aura of a Great Unity Golden Immortal and not a weak one at that. Following him were various other devils of similar rank.

With a swift gesture of his hand, he attacked with waves of spear light that further pressured the sitting individual.

"Mmm," the square faced man grimaced with discomfort. Sweat poured down his face as he struggled to defend against the powerful assault.

Regardless, he continued to defend. He weaved several different hand signs and brought about golden changes of calm and tranquillity. With each action, he attempted to beat back the mist and maintain his body before further spear lights.

"Cheh, this bastard's still standing," one of the devils grunted. "He's resisting big bro's attack despite a measly Golden Immortal cultivation base."

The chief instigator, the snake man rubbed his chin. "You know you're quite the talent. The Misty Fang sect is willing to recruit you. With your abilities, the sect master will be more than willing to make you an elder."

The sitting man slightly opened his eyes. He cast a look back at a bodhi tree behind him then at the devils outside. 'Devil arts are frightening,' he mused in his mind. However, his outer words displeased the devils.

"Benefactors are kind to offer this one such a proposition. But the Devilish Dao was unsuitable for me. I cannot accept such a proposal," the man rejected the offer. He clasped his hands and nodded his head down in thanks.

"How arrogant, you don't know what's good for you," the snake man spat. He pierced with his spear right at the heart of the square faced man.

"In times of adversity, true power rise," the man chanted. His eyes opened to their fullest as a radiant golden light appeared like the sun emerged from his head. Within his body, a primal unity formed.

"What? He's using this battle to ascend?" The devils were alarmed. They furthered their attempts but failed to penetrate the golden light shrouding the man.

"Thank you benefactors for aiding me. Were it not for you I speculate it'll take me another three hundred years," the man pushed out a single palm. The emerging rippling sound pushed out with force, seeing everyone back from the bodhi tree.

"Gah! You really want to make enemies with the Misty Fang sect? All over a single tree?" The snake man spat.

"Unfortunately it must be so," the man said. "This tree is my junior brother. I cannot allow harm to come to him. In the past, he provided shelter from the rain and a peaceful environment to meditate. How can I allow him to be processed as material by you."

"Senior brother is so kind, truly kind," the group were interrupted by a new voice. The man glanced back and smiled as the bodhi tree shook with transcendent light.

"Since senior brother is willing to go so far, then this junior will naturally lend assistance," the tree said exploding in a shroud of power.

"What? An innate creature? That tree was supposed to be a valuable connate root, how did it become a lifeform?" The snake man took a step back.

"Oh? It seems the pressure helped you too. Congratulations for transforming junior brother?" The man who sat on a lotus position tilted his head with a questioning look. He was unsure what to call the new individual.

Walking out of the former bodhi tree, another man stepped out. He was tall wearing chivara robes and possessed eighteen arms. His face was squarish with long earlobes just like the sitting man. But instead of snail shell shaped hair, his hair were miniature versions of his own face.

A twenty four faced and eighteen armed being with the cultivation stage of Golden Immortal. What's more, in one of his hands was a seven branched tree, a treasure born alongside him from the former bodhi tree.

"This presence, top grade xiantian spiritual treasure?" The sitting man smiled in amazement. "Junior brother is extraordinary."

"How can this be? An innate lifeforms with a Golden Immortal cultivation base? But true souls don't belong to living beings at birth, how could this be?" The snake man uttered.

"Don't benefactors know?" The twenty four faced eighteen armed man smirked. "Among innate beings there is a special class even further than ordinary beings born from heaven and earth. We are creatures born in control of ourselves in all aspects, deities of heaven and earth."

"Both senior brother and I are innate gods."

Without hesitation, the Seven Branch Treasure Tree was handed over to the sitting man. He proceeded to unleash radiant golden light far beyond what the devils were capable of.

In an instants the lesser devils were vaporised leaving the snake man alone.

"Gah, you'll pay for this. You two clearly aren't devils, I was kind enough to offer you sanctuary before but I see how it is," the snake man spat. "Under law by his highness Rippling Mirror Emperor, creatures not of devil origin is subject to conversion or death."

He flew high up into the air and transformed into a serpent. But instead of fighting, he retreated.

Frowning, the two innate gods tried to attack. However, they were ultimately too slow. Their moods were shot down despite advancements in power.

"Apologies, I have dragged senior brother into unnecessary trouble," the eighteen armed man said.

"That is not the case, this same event will be happening sooner rather than later anyway. The village down this hill was already gracious enough to offer me sanctuary, but devils will never tolerate my not being a devil. It is inevitable they'd come," the sitting man said standing up.

"What do I call junior brother?"

"I am called Zhunti, it is a pleasure to finally meet you senior brother."

"I am Jieyin, pleased to meet you," Jieyin greeted back.

"Senior brother Jieyin, weren't there supposed to be another brother with us? I vaguely remember a lamp hanging off my branch," Zhunti asked.

"Truthfully I do not know. Many years prior, I journeyed down to the village for resources. When I returned, I discovered the branch missing as well," Jieyin said. "I too am curious what happened to it."

Far away, in a devil settlement, within a busy restaurant, a robed elder sat drinking wine. His attention was not on the restaurant but on the distant figures of Jieyin and Zhunti. However, he carried no malicious intent and simply let them be.

"Hai," he sighed gulping down mouthfuls of wine. "Better those two leave. Their talents would be wasted here."

This elder leaned against his knuckle and sighed again. His white hair was dishevelled and left hanging off his shoulders. His robes while not bad but also wasn't anything extraordinary. If anything he looked like a peasant rather than the accomplished devil he actually was.

He held out his finger and wrote something on the table. "Hm…" he mumbled.

"He's returning already, good. That is very good," he continued to mumble before smiling.

'Your highness, we have an incident!'

His good mood was broken when a mental message was sent his way. The man frowned and listened in.

"Welp. Breaks over," he grumbled before disappearing from the restaurant. From start to finish, no one has noticed him at all.

Many years later, within the East Sea Dragon Palace. A letter with the stamp from the phoenixes arrived.