
The Primitive Age, Lament of an Immortal(A honghuang xianxia story)

In the primitive era, Pangu has just opened up the primordial universe. A Primitive World in which the process of creation is still incomplete. Yet already powerful beings walks the earth. Innate gods, powerful immortals spawned from heaven and earth, reincarnations of even older godfiends, primordial beasts born of rage and filled with eternal hunger, and native innate creatures born weaker and helpless. In this time, the fame figures of mythology like the Three Pure Ones, the Jade Emperor, or the Monkey King are yet to exist. It was in this era that a sea god came to be. An impossibility that wasn’t meant to be. A creature that was fundamentally incomplete spiritually, physically, and mentally. A failure by the standards of existence. But all the same, an inhabitant of this archaic world. Can this life shift the course of history? Is the Primitive World destined to walk down the events of Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West? Or will history change to the flapping of a single butterfly? - Moved here because it's not supposed to be under fanfic. If you find that despicable somehow? too bad

Christopher_who · Oriental
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220 Chs

First Birth of the Great Sea

In earliest periods of the Early Heavens Phase, in the time in which creation was still undergoing its due process. In a time when the Primitive World was still incomplete, in the very first yuanhui of history. Pangu had held up the sky for eighteen thousand years before his body gave out.

His skin melted, disintegrating into the air leaving behind his skeleton. His cranial bones disappeared into the halfway point above the Great Wilderness and the Starry Skies. This left his spine which transformed into the colossal Mt Buzhou. A celestial mountain that towered over all other spiritual mountains.

Wether it be Mt Yujing or Kunlun in the east, the mysterious volcano in the south, or Mt Sumeru in the west. None were comparable to Buzhou. It's sheer presence was so massive that it transform the Central Continent from where it stood into a barren wasteland.

The primordial qi that emitted out of Buzhou was simply too heavy. The pressure killed all vegetation and any life that had previously resided there. This left the Central Continent rich in qi but barren in everything else.

Primordial qi was the archaic qi of the olden days, before it degraded into true qi of the Three Realms Latter Heaven phase. It was far more effective in cultivation and the production of living beings and xiantian spiritual treasures. As such, the Primitive World became ground for many such treasures coming into existence.

Living beings, innate creatures also came into existence during this time. However, they were relatively weak and susceptible to being hunted by the vengeful primordial beasts. Safe to say it was not a pleasant time to be alive for living beings.

Only one type of connate lifeforms were powerful enough to remain dominate. Though they did not appear when Pangu was still holding up the sky, after he disappeared from the world, they chose to finally reincarnate.

When Pangu eliminated the Chaos Godfiends, he did not entirely destroy them. Though the vast majority could not withstand the pressure of Pangu's actions and succumbed to death, a minority was able to hold on.

Those powerful godfiends saved themselves and descended into the burgeoning world. Their forms and foundations were destroyed, but they already possessed the groundwork's to restore themselves.

By merging with parts of the land, they were able to transform themselves into native beings, reincarnating into powerful individuals. This was how the first generation of innate gods came about.

They were not native deities, but the reincarnations of survive in Chaos Godfiends. Returning to the world as mere Golden Immortals, they were a far cry from their former selves. Their Daos fruits were lost, taken by the Primitive World to be used for its foundation.

This drastically slowed down their recovery time. Though they still had their Daos, they had to recreate their Primal Unity, Cosmic Tree, and Dao fruit from scratch. It would be many ages before they could fully recover.

Nevertheless, these Golden Immortals were still immensely powerful for this nascent universe. Their ability for destruction eclipsed even the strongest of primordial beasts and no innate creatures could compare to them.

In this era, in the far corners of the east. Beyond the shores of the East Continent and into the relatively calm waters of the East Sea. A brilliant light fell from the heavens.

The remnant soul of an archaic Chaos Godfiend. A water god who defiantly stood against Pangu till the bitter end and had his soul severed for it. This remnant soul remained part of his Dao fruit during the time when Pangu still lifted the sky. But when Pangu gave way for Mt Buzhou, his soul finally fell off the peak of Mt Buzhou.

In a forty five degree angle, it rapidly descended towards the east most body of water in rapid speeds. It was a sight that many infant creatures witnessed. This even included some of the earliest innate gods.

One of the godfiends who had transformed in the East Continent's forests, an elderly looking man looked up curiously at the light comet making its way for the East Sea. This was Hongjun, a relatively unknown member of the Chaos Godfiend civilization despite being one of the supreme three thousand.

"Hm? Who could that be?" He mumbled.

Further south, a conglomerate of the five elements of fire, water, wood, metal, and earth formed into the vague shape of a person. Huoyun would've taken notice of the comet were he not currently focusing on creating a new body for himself.

The only other innate god who had taken notice was another elderly man who was planning on entering the Starry Skies for cultivation. Yang Mei looked at the comet and raised an eyebrow. He had felt something familiar and debated wether he should investigate or try to hurry along his recovery.

As for the East Sea? Its waters began swirling. One would think this ancient mystical body of water was bracing itself for impact from the descending soul remnant. But it wasn't.

In another direction, another much fainter light descended. It was unknown by anyone where this comet had come from. It was in comparison to the other comet, quite mundane. It was nearly invisible and barely felt like much of a living being at all.

Never the less, these two comets were closing in on the East Sea. Wether by miracle or by predestined fate, their paths crossed.

Above the skies of the East Sea, above where calm waters swirled into a whirlpool. In the sky where two lines traveling in opposing directions but towards the same destination. A collision occurred.

The first sky born phenomena in history occurred. A wave of force emanated from the impact forcing the sky to be clear of clouds. The gathered energy of the explosion rocked the surface of the ocean itself kicking up a massive tsunami.

Yet due to the isolated geographic location of the collision, no one noticed it.

From the explosion, a tired single trail of light fell straight down. It splashed harmlessly into the sea, aimlessly floating towards the depths. From a distance, it had seem like this event was over. Yet that was not to be.

As the light disappeared, the oceans stayed quiet for a thousand more years. Yet as this time passed over, the oceans suddenly changed.

Calm waves started rioting violently. The clear skies were suddenly covered by dark ominous clouds which blanketing anything that may hint at the blue sky. Thunderous sounds threatened the ears of all things that heard it.

From the sky, lightning jumped from cloud to cloud like dancing dragons sounding like chirping birds. The waters below swirled into whirlpools and tsunamis. The wind picked up violently, spinning into typhoons.

Very quickly the East Sea transformed into the worse storm in the Primitive World's history of storms

A few thousand years later, the East Sea was an ocean in chaos. A storm had been raging for decades now without any visible end. The tides rose and fell like the maws of a hungry beast. The waves constantly and violently crashed again teach other. In this roaring ancient body of water, something had happened.

Near an island resting upon the violent waves, a horde of fish type primordial beasts had just been slain by a tribe of innate creatures. The innate creature tribe was a species of immortals resembling seagulls who had assumed human form. This was a sign of the high enlightenment beings who were born as innate creatures inherited from heaven and earth.

Assaulted nearly from the first they they were born, they had weathered storms of beasts. Luckily, their ancestor named White Feathers had lead them to victory after victory eventually finding some shelter down on this island.

Yet this was not the cause of the rough storm. These immortals were ultimately small figures. They too were fearful of the East Sea's endless storms.

Despite their patriarch growing power as a single crown Heavenly Immortal, they still felt unconfident. The world was still very young and they lacked good martial arts to use. Self creativity could only go so far and without guidance, even their esteemed patriarch could not claim superiority to all opponents.

Luckily for them, primordial beasts were mindless. Easy to handle if one knew what they were doing. However, whatever is causing the storm is another story entirely.

"White Feather," one of the gulls asked.


"Should we flee? The storm is getting worse. Lightning has been striking the waters continuously for two years now."

The patriarch of the seagulls looked at his subordinates with an expression that screamed, 'really?' He gestured towards the rising waves, the heavy winds, the typhoons, the lightning, and the heavy downpour.

"Feel free to fly out there," he said scoffing walking back into a cave.

In the distance, thunder and lightning crackled through the sky. The rain accompanied them smashing ferociously into the roaring waves. The seagulls collectively gulped and accompanied their patriarch.

Even though the weakest of the bunch were True Immortals, they would still be washed away by the waves and be roasted by the lightning.

The lightning wasn't even normal electricity, it was in actuality heavenly tribulation lightning. The same kind that only manifest when those who would later in history undergo the Immortal Tribulation instigate it or when a being of extremely negative karma was chosen to be punished.

The clan of seagulls were not sure of what had occurred to the East Sea to make it so. The storm had at first been a good way to deter primordial beasts, but nowadays it had continuously gotten worse.

In the distance, violent waves crashed against the island's rocky shores kicking up water upsurges that rained down near the cave where the seagulls stayed.

"Say lord patriarch, what do you think we should do? If the storm doesn't let up in another hundred years, we may be stuck here for life."


"Curses, why is living so difficult? Why can't things be easier?"

"Shut it, things could be much worse. Didn't you see what happened to the long necked beast tribe a couple centuries back?"

The group kept on making small talk to past the time. Outside, the lightning ferociously struck the water in roaring attacks. It was as if the lightning was penetrating into the water itself and hitting something far below the waves.

Absentmindedly, the sharp ears of the Heavenly Immortal patriarch perked up. He looked around but then dismissed it.

"What is it patriarch?"

"Don't know, sounded like hissing but it could just be the waves rushing into each other."

"Hissing? Like the Elephant Swallower Serpents on the mainland?"

"Kind of, yeah now that you mention it, it does sound somewhat like…"

All the immortals quieted as a thunderous roar reached their ears. They quickly got up and felt a sharp sense of danger course through their bodies. The distinct aura of bitter malice hit their souls sending chills down their spines.

"Damn these primordial beasts, don't they ever let up? Can't they see its a thunderstorm around here?"

"Yeah its like they have no survival instincts at all."

They quickly rushed outside knowing the primordial beast had likely smelled them, quickly exiting the cave, they caught sight of a titanic beast larger then any they've encountered before.

Unlike previous beasts who were relative to themselves, this one who'd flown down was a behemoth. A winged serpent with spikes running down its body instead of scales. It was struck multiple times accidentally by lightning but never seemed to care even though it roared in pain.

"Brace yourself, it smells us," the patriarch said.

The snake was big enough to envelope half the island with its body along. It was easily five thousand meters in length with a head that was hundreds of meters in size. It was a threatening creature who's roars blended in with the howling wind.

Despite themselves, the seagulls chose to fly into battle. Using their experimental methods, they pelted the beast with their magic. Rudimentary manipulations of wind splattered all over the its body as if they were nothing by sand.

The beast chased after them with bites forcing the seagulls to fly run away. They had to take on their true forms for the speed boost and subsequently attempted to claw the beast's eye out.

Yet it seemed like each time they tried, the primordial beast would swerve out of the way. It was much faster then they had anticipated. Its tail sailed through the sky smashing into the island with enough force to split the structure cleanly in half.

"No! Our shelter," the patriarch released a screech. Reaching into himself he activated his innate ability and blasted the serpent with a geyser of scalding hot air. "Gah! Why won't you burn?"

The serpent beast hissed splitting out its forked tongue. It attack waved away the hot air blast before charging at the Heavenly Immortal.

With few moments to spare, the seagull dived out of the way. Yet he was saddened to see the serpent suddenly change directions and swallow one of his fellow comrades whole.


The battle continued on as the brute force of the beast proved itself too great. Despite attracting lightning every few moments, it was undeterred. The seagulls on the other hand had to avoid the lightning, fly through the tough wind, as well as deal with the serpent beast.

They soon found themselves trapped within the eye of the storm while still being chased. A sudden realization that this may be the end of their short lives rang through their minds. Feelings of unwillingness emanated through their minds and they began fighting like madmen.

But they themselves were merely lambs for the slaughter. White Feathers was the strongest member and even he could barely do anything to the serpent beast. His comrades who were comparatively much weaker, being mere True Immortals and Profound Immortals had little chance to stand up for themselves.

Very soon, the serpent beast swallowed them one after the other. Its fangs bit them in half, its tail smashed them to bits, its tongue grasped them in strong binds before pulling them into its mouth.

In the end, it left the patriarch of the seagulls as the sole survivor of its initial assault. In this moment, the lone immortal felt hopeless despair.

The Primitive World was unkind to innate creatures. They were born as immortals yes, but what are immortals in a primeval world where beasts more powerful than them were abundant? Even a newly christened Heavenly Immortal was not safe.

Their techniques were crude, their enlightenments were rudimentary. The control of Dao laws provided by the world they inhabit were fundamentally weak. As such, the primordial beasts of the era dominated them.

The patriarch fell onto a the earth, a small section of land of the destroyed island. He was beaten, battered, and broken. His bleeding form was no longer capable of any continued fighting nor was he able to get away.

The beast assaulting him seem to take sadistic glee in his current state. Its aura gave off pure negative emotions of hatred, contempt, and vengeance. He roared at the seagull's form as if it took pride in humiliating him.

"After all these years," the patriarch coughed out in spews of blood. "After so long of surviving. This is how it fucking ends? Food for this thing? Heaven, you birthed us. But what is the point of that if you condemn us to this hell? Creator god Pangu, why did you bring us into existence only to torture us so?"

His desperate crying went unnoticed through the heavy thunderstorm. His voice wasn't even legible by the serpent beast. If it did comprehend speech, the serpent wouldn't even care.

It opened its mouth and dived its head down for a bite.


The water ten thousand kilometres away from the location exploded upwards. The sudden surge of motion sent a massive way that engulfed the surrounding in a massive radius.

Water was only water however, and this wave though heavy passed over the serpent and seagull beneath its shadow without harming them much. In an ironic twist of fate, the serpent was the one whose body protected the seagull from the force of the wave. Yet the immortal could only feel dread from what his divine sense picked up.

Innately, connate lifeforms were born with inherent knowledge of their surroundings. An ability cultivators possessed was the divine sense, a sixth sense of sorts that allowed for the detection of spiritual energy. The seagull patriarch White Feather was no different. Primordial beasts on the other hand being mindless brutes were incapable of such. That was why White Feather felt him before he saw him.

An utterly massive qi signature washed over his body. A titanic shadow bathed both him and the serpent in darkness. A harrowing roar that possessed so much power behind it that the ferocious winds and typhoons around them were all pushed away. It was deafening.

The primordial beast drew its head back to gaze at what new prey had wandered into its hunt. Yet its eyes only met a straight wall of blue scale. It rose high into the high many tens of thousands of kilometres tall, easily dwarfing the serpent beast.

The newcomer creature's head was so large that the moment it bent down and its pale white eyes met the beast, it was clear the head alone could swallow the serpent in one bite. The newcomer was also a snake. A gigantic snake larger then anything the seagull had ever seen.

His head was smooth and his fangs hidden within his lips. His eyes were a dull shade of white that indicated no consciousness behind the mind signifying the berserker nature of the snake. Behind his head was a mane of spongy yellow hair that danced across the sky.

The seagull wondered if this was another primordial beast, it certainly looked like one. But he was clearly sensing primordial qi coming from the massive snake. It wasn't a being of negative karma at all. It was in fact, reading quite similar to a connate lifeforms like himself. The only thing was, he was far too strong to be one. Far stronger then any innate creature the White Feather was familiar with.

The snake had obviously taken notice of them for he opened his gaping mouth to a near one eighty degrees angle. His forked tongue wiggled in the air and complementary sets of fangs were revealed alongside rows of jagged teeth. His second roar was so strong that it blew away the primeval storm that has been tormenting the East Sea for years.

For the first time, rain ceased and thunder silenced. Lightning was banished and typhoons dismissed. The ocean screamed along with the snake. Its waves parted and drifted along, erupting into weird patterns of current.

If one viewed the waters below, they'd notice that the way currents traveled was very chaotic. It was naturally clashing against each other in an emulation of war. But fortunately, White Feather could finally get a clear view of the yellow haired snake without the darkness of rain and clouds in his way.

The snake's neck reached down into the ocean below. But what was curious was that its body doesn't seem to exist below the neck. In fact, the head and neck of the creature seem to be forming out of the ocean itself. It was like the seas had manifested an avatar to display its wrath.

Yet the serpent beast roared anyway. Its mindless instincts registered the snake as a sinful enemy that needed to be purged. A corrupt existence brought about by the ruthless slaughter of thousands. It lunged for the snake like a frenzied animal.

The result was as one would expect.

The snake moved at light speed, far surpassing the primordial beast and White Feather. Faster then both could blink, his mouth had already swallowed the beast whole.

"Fitting," the broken seagull said with sad smile.

The snake tilted his head at the sound. Like any other mindless animal, he snarled at the seagull. But the immortal was already resigned to his fate. He didn't bother getting to his feat, not even as the mouth of the snake closed in around him.

In moments, he joined the primordial beast in death, his soul and body devoured entirely by the far more powerful snake.

With both individuals dead, the snake roared. He twisted and thrashed violently above the surface of the ocean. His actions also had the consequence of kicking up multiple wild waves that traveled many kilometres high.

He was like a chaotic incarnation of the ocean, untamed and violent. But he was also stationary and immovable. His scales at the base of the neck melted into the water and no matter how much he thrashed, he would not budge.

And as the snake continued to react violently, a secondly explosion of water occurred not far away from it. From which, a second snake head with dead pale eyes rose up higher then the first. This head followed its ascend with a descend with his jaws open, right into the neck of the first head.