
Dealing With Demons

"Help! Help!"

A loud cry for help resounded through the crowd.

"Anybody please help me"

They all turned to see a woman charging towards them. She fell on her knees and hands in front of them.

"Please you are all missionaries so is there any priest amongst you? My daughter.. please she is.. she is... Please," the woman was trembling with controllable tears pouring down her face, she looked scared.

Isla walked to the woman "what is it?" She asked, holding the woman's trembling arms.

"My daughter.. She needs your help."

Isla turned to look at her group.

"Where is she?" She asked, turning to the woman.

"She is inside," the woman replied, her head turning to the side to look at a building not far from there.

The crowd increased. Isla decided to take the woman away from the crowd.

Lifting the woman back on her feet, she turned to her "take us to your daughter"

The woman led them to her home "here, this is where I leave" the woman announced, stopping in front of a building.

Oliver looked at the old wooden house. They climbed up the doorstep with the woman walking ahead of them.

The woman walked through the passageway.

"This is it. My daughter is in her room," the woman nodded toward the door.

Isla looked at her uncle "I will go in first,"

She moved to the door.

"No wait, we will come with you" Logan stopped her.

She looked at the twins. They looked shaken but masked it with a brave face when they felt her stare.

Isla nodded and moved toward the door. She opened the door. It made a cracking sound enough to tell anyone inside that they had guests.

Stepping inside the dim room. They looked around in search of the girl, however no one seemed to be inside the room.

There saw a girl sitting on her bed with a Bible in her hands.

They all frowned at this scene. The young girl moved her gaze up to look at them.

"Oh I see I have visitors" she smiled pleasantly.

A frown settled on Logan's face while he stared at the girl. They were still uninformed about what exactly they were there for.

"Are you okay?" Isla asked, taking a step cautiously towards the girl.

"Yes obviously. And who is asking?" She inquired with her brows furrowed.

"Isla. I was told you're not okay"

"Oh, by who?"

Ava scoffed "well we're missionaries and we were told by your mother that there's something wrong with you." She had had enough with the sluggishness of the situation.

"Hmm, missionaries and not doctors. Very interesting, but what could possibly be wrong with me?" She raised a brow.

"I think your mother knows better," Amelia retorted.

"And that is the problem," she stood up and walked towards them slowly "you see.. my mother is acting kind of strange lately."

"And what does that mean?" Isla asked.

"She keeps hitting her head on the wall every night. She claims to see ghosts too" the girl whispered.

"Ghost" Logan repeated.

"I don't know what is wrong with her but thank God you all are here. I need your help"

"What else does she do?" Oliver step closer.

"She.." the girl shook her head as if unsure of how to put her words.

"She?" Isla urged her to continue.

"She keeps bleeding through her mouth every night as well.. and she.." the girl's voice broke as tears fell on her cheeks.

Ava and Amelia looked at each other simultaneously.

The girl stopped crying and her face turned serious. "She tried to kill me during that period. I had to lock myself inside this room. You probably noticed that people here resent missionaries and that is because some of us here have already sold our souls to the devil. My mother has an altar in her room, the people let her lead you all here to kill you not because of me. You were all tricked," the more she spoke, the more fear ripped through Amelia's heart.

"You must go and save yourselves. Hurry!" The girl suddenly yelled.

Amelia rushed to the door immediately and snapped it open.

She saw the woman flinched while she peeped at a corner.

The woman ran the minute their eyes met.

"Hey! Stop right there!" Amelia ran after her.

They all turned to the door when they heard Amelia calling. Without any hesitation, they ran out of the room.

Amelia caught up with the woman and pushed her against the wall behind her.

"You, what have you done?"

"Nothing. I didn't do anything" the woman said, trying to catch her breath.

They reached Amelia and the woman in no time.

"Who are you?" Oliver enquired.


"I don't mean your name, I mean what are you?"

"A normal human being," her eyes were pleading for them to believe her.

"That's what you appear to be but it seems like you only present yourself as one but you're not," Oliver said.

"No. I am.. please you must believe me."

"You're in no position to request that when you clearly set us up," Ava spat.

"No I didn't, who told you that?"

"Your daughter," Logan said calmly.

The woman's eyes widened "No you must not believe her."

"And why is that?" Isla asked in confusion.

"That's why I called you all here. She is possessed." The woman informed them with a high pitched voice.

"Po.. Possessed?" Amelia asked, slightly trembling.

"Wait, you mean your daughter is possessed by a demon?"

Wait! They were dealing with demons here?!.