
The President's Hidden Daughter

Olivia is pretty much like any other random teenaged girl, except that she lives just off the west wing in the staff quarters of the White House with her mother. Olivia and her mother have a deadly secret they have to keep at all costs. A secret, that if they want to stay alive, can never be revealed. President Oliver Harrison is her father.

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"You get me," Olivia whispered, ending her call with Justin, just after midnight.

"And you get me, Liv. Good night."

The casual friendship with Justin had developed into Olivia's emotional safety-valve. She could confide in him, trust him and, enjoy him.

The two of them had started playing a romantic little game during their conversations, something they named, 'Guess what I'm doing?', which routinely ramped up with coy, suggestive role-playing and always ended with heated breathing and, ultimately, with the release and comfort Olivia desperately craved.

This night, Justin suggested he was mere inches from Olivia, waiting just outside her door, ready, willing and able to step in and take her into his arms. The scenario, after it played out, left Olivia happy and relieved.

Ending the call still warm and glowing from Justin's attention, Olivia drifted into a dream about her lover, holding herself tightly next to a firm body pillow that felt, she imagined, like him.

As the door to her bedroom opened slowly, Olivia was already sound asleep. Even when her covers were moved about and the pressure of someone's body depressed her mattress, Olivia barely stirred. But, when her bare arm and hand were touched, Olivia startled awake in a rage.

"You fuck! I don't want you in here! Get out!" she spat in the dim light, seeing the outline of a woman.

"Olivia! It's okay! It's me!" said Elizabeth Stanton-Griggs, "What's wrong, baby?"

"Oh God, mom, you scared me!" Olivia sat up and hugged her mother. "I thought you were someone else."

"It's okay my girl, it's okay. I'm here baby," Elizabeth consoled her daughter, rocking her gently like an infant.

After Olivia's racing heart calmed down, she looked at her mother and asked, "Is everything alright? Why did you wake me?"

"The President told me that he spoke with you."

"Mom, I can explain..."

"You don't have to. I understand. Ollie was worried about you, that all. He wanted me to -"

"Wait," Olivia interrupted. "You call him Ollie?"

"Well, his first name is Oliver."

"I know that, mom. I've just never heard you call him that before."

There was a stiff silence between them.

"Maybe I should tell you a little more about your father and I — I mean, from way back."

"I'd like that," Olivia whispered, there's a lot I don't understand."