
Chapter 479 – The familiar handwriting

Is that what you tell every man you wake up in bed with?" Mark wanted to take back his words, but the expression on Aliya's face shut him up.

"Excuse me?"

Aliya was greatly pained by the insult thrown at her. She remembered that they had talked a lot last night, thinking that Mark was a nice guy, but the insult gave her a different perception of him.

Mark thought that she hadn't heard his statement. "Never mind, it wasn't necessary."

"I heard what you said." Aliya stood from the bed and began to put on her clothes in haste. Mark did the same, at the same time trying to correct his wrongs.

"Don't take it seriously."

"You just called me a whore and you don't want me to take it seriously?" Aliya was mad and about to leave when Mark grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop.

"I'm sorry about that. It just slipped." His expression was genuine, but Aliya was too hurt. She couldn't accept it.