
Chapter 1: The Awakening

Rajesh was a low-ranked hunter, barely able to survive in the dangerous world of monsters and dungeons. He had no special skills, no magic, no strength. He was just a normal human, with a normal family, and a normal job. He wished he could be more, but he knew he had no chance of ever becoming stronger.

That was until the day he received a mysterious message on his phone.

[You have been chosen by the System. Do you accept?]

Rajesh stared at the screen, confused and curious. He had never seen anything like this before. Was it a prank? A virus? A scam? He decided to ignore it and delete it. He had more important things to worry about, like paying his rent and feeding his daughter.

He pressed the delete button, but nothing happened. The message remained on his screen, glowing with a strange light.

[You have been chosen by the System. Do you accept?]

Rajesh felt a surge of annoyance and frustration. He tried to turn off his phone, but it didn't respond. He tried to remove the battery, but it was stuck. He tried to smash his phone, but it was too durable.

He realized he had no choice but to answer the message. He hoped it was just a harmless joke, and not something that would put him in danger.

He typed "Yes" and pressed send.

[You have accepted the System. Congratulations, you are now an Awakened. Your life will never be the same again.]

Rajesh felt a sudden pain in his head, as if someone had stabbed him with a needle. He dropped his phone and clutched his skull, groaning in agony. He felt something changing inside him, something he couldn't explain.

He collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

When he woke up, he saw a new message on his phone.

[Welcome to the System. You have been granted a unique ability: The Eye of Truth. With this ability, you can see the true nature of everything around you, including yourself. You can also access the System Menu, where you can check your status, inventory, quests, and more. The System will guide you and help you grow stronger, but you must follow its rules and instructions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences. Do you understand?]

Rajesh blinked, trying to process what he had just read. He felt a strange sensation in his eyes, as if they had been opened for the first time. He looked around his room, and saw things he had never noticed before.

He saw the dust particles floating in the air, the cracks on the walls, the stains on the carpet. He saw the hidden camera in the corner, the bug in his phone, the tracker in his watch. He saw the aura of his daughter, sleeping peacefully in the next room. He saw his own reflection in the mirror, and gasped.

He saw his rank, his level, his stats, his skills. He saw his potential, his destiny, his fate.

He saw the truth.

He was no longer a normal human.

He was an Awakened.

He was a hunter.

He was a hero.