
The Struggle to Find a Book

A sparkling light appeared as Arthur raised his hands forward, where his hands were now pointing at a rectangular, vertical window that had a golden color and carvings that were so beautiful to the eye.

The glint of the light is rainbow in color as if moving slowly from the bottom to the top and propagates following the seal on the window.

And in no time at all it suddenly opened slowly, melting from the top down to the bottom. Arthur and Michael who saw the incident both immediately looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Succeed!" Arthur said while giving a happy expression, the moment he managed to open the shield that was in the 2nd-floor window of the library.

"We have to get in right away!" Arthur added as he approached the window.

Arthur decided to go in first, then he reached out his hand to help his lover through the window in front of him.