
The Power of 41 Supremes

At 19 years old, Ley Kagenou is not only an emerging actor but also an aficionado of anime and light novels, media that have captivated his heart from a very young age. So much so that the passion he has for these fictional universes has transcended merely being a hobby, deeply influencing the roles he plays on the big screen. Ley is known for embodying characters that follow a distinctive formula: they are always arrogant, confident, and tyrannical. One day, while delving into the pages of the latest volume of "Overlord", Ley finds himself fantasizing about life with the powers of the protagonist Ainz and what it would be like to live more simplistically - free from worries, an existence focused on sleeping, eating, and enjoying the pleasures of leisure. However, this fantasy takes an unexpected turn when, after falling asleep, Ley finds himself at the mercy of an apathetic god who, on a lazy whim, decides to end his earthly life. Now, ripped from his reality and thrown into a world he despises, Ley Kagenou must navigate his new existence as the Holy Tyrant Paladin. Discover Ley's saga in a realm where hatred and fascination with the unknown intertwine. ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ Well, this is another fanfic of mine, I was inspired to write it after reading a fic with a similar storyline, you can even see that the prologue is completely or almost identical to the one in the Spanish fic. But I decided to take a different direction, while the Spanish fic is completely focused on unrestrained comedy, almost as if it were a Konosuba of life, mine - although it will have comedy - will not be so focused on that, it will be more about Ley's overpowered life. If you are interested in the original fic, here is its link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/355553236-dxd-con-poderes-de-overlord Author's name: @Riguerrero94

Nataruki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 – Preparing for a Truly Peaceful Life!

Ley Kagenou POV

Waking up and stretching, I realized that certain habits from my previous life as an actor persisted, like waking up at 6 AM to train. I sighed as I rose from the bed and glanced at the side, where Asia, the little nun, slept peacefully. Involuntarily, this glimpse of peace broke my usual tyrannical demeanor and drew a gentle smile from my lips.

Stepping quietly out of the room to avoid waking Asia, I headed to the bathroom to prepare a bath, taking advantage of this quiet moment to reflect on the plans for the day. "I was thinking of testing the spell codes," I murmured to myself. I had already used some while in this world, like 'Hold', which keeps a spell active for later use, and 'Maximize', which maximizes the effects of a spell.

However, there were still many others I hadn't explored, like 'Over', which overloads a spell with more MP than usual, even more than 'Maximize'. There are also multiple summonings: 'Twin' to cast the spell twice in a row and 'Triplet' for three times. And 'Delay', which works similarly to 'Hold', but instead of keeping a spell active once chanted, it delays its activation. Essentially, I can cast the spell, spend the MP, but the effect will only manifest seconds or minutes later, instead of immediately.

After the bath, I headed to the rear of my cabin, preparing for a more intense training session. Equipping Ainz's items, I felt the black robe with golden details wrap around my body, leaving my torso exposed, and the 10 rings adorning my fingers. However, the most important piece was the {Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown} firmly grasped in my hand. With a sigh, I began the training, chanting: "<Summon: Primal Fire Elemental>!"

Before me, a massive tower of fire formed, and from it emerged an entity. It was humanoid but had no legs, replaced by a whirl of flames, almost a classic representation of a demon. The Primal Fire Elemental, a level 87 summon, possessed a strength that, I estimated, could easily decimate the army of fallen angels I had faced the day before.

"Primal Fire Elemental, attack me!" I ordered in a tyrannical and authoritative voice, readying myself to test my magical abilities and capacities. The elemental, responding to the command, advanced towards me, emanating intense heat and aggression. I was ready for a challenge worthy of my skills, eager to explore the limits of my power in this world.

As the elemental approached, its flames crackling and movements agile, I focused on every detail, every motion, preparing to respond with precision and efficiency. This training was not just an opportunity to hone my magical skills, but also a chance to better understand the laws and my limits within this world.


Third Person POV

At the back of Ley's cabin, the intensity of the training was palpable. Ley took deep breaths, recovering from the effort after facing the sixth Primal Elemental, the most challenging of all, the Primal Star Elemental of level 90. Each encounter had been a rigorous test of his abilities; not that he was really in danger, thanks to his powers, but having power and knowing how to use it are different things.

Stripping off the items of Ainz, Ley resumed his usual appearance, donning an elegant black suit with a red tie over a white shirt. As he entered the house, he noticed that the bedroom door was still closed and the presence of Asia could still be felt inside. With a tyrannical smile, he headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Although he didn't need to eat due to the passive <<Eating, Drinking, and Breathing are Unnecessary>>, Ley still enjoyed the pleasure provided by a good meal and began cooking enthusiastically.

It didn't take long for the aroma of the food to awaken Asia. She emerged from the room, still sleepy, rubbing her eyes but irresistibly drawn by the smell of the meal Ley was preparing. Upon seeing her, Ley smiled tyrannically and teased, "Look who decided to wake up." Asia, becoming more aware of the moment and remembering the events of the previous night, blushed slightly but managed to say in a soft voice, "Go—good morning, L—Ley-San."

Ley, with a mischievous smile, gestured toward the table for Asia. "Sit down, I'm almost done cooking." Asia nodded and walked to the table, taking a seat at one of the heads. While Ley finished preparing the meal, he felt Asia's curious glances but chose to ignore them, focusing on his cooking.

"Um... Ley-San?" Asia called out, uncertain. Ley, without turning around, simply responded, "Yes?" Asia, taking a deep breath, asked a question that seemed to linger on her mind: "Is Ley-San really a retired paladin?" Ley looked at her, surprised, at the same time noticing Will Apple, the apple with a silly face painted on it, in one of the chairs, staring at him intently. "Of course I am, little nun. And you, shut it, Will Apple!" Ley replied, dismissing the imaginary grievances of Will Apple.

"Will Apple?" Asia asked, confused, before looking to the chair beside her. Observing the apple, she thought, "Poor Ley-San, a gentleman who has lived in isolation for so long, ended up keeping an imaginary friend. He must have seen many horrors, and being over 70 years could affect one's mind... I should not be guided by appearances." This reflection from the innocent nun was both compassionate and understanding.

"So, Asia... why did you think I wasn't a retired paladin?" Ley asked, catching her off-guard. Asia, careful not to seem rude by mentioning Ley's apparent youth, took a deep breath and responded, "It's just that Ley-San doesn't look like the paladins the nuns who raised me talked about." Ley picked up on the half-truth in her answer but decided not to dwell on it for now. If it turned out to be something relevant, he would consider investigating further later.

Finishing the preparation of breakfast, Ley served the meal, bringing the dishes to the table. The delicious aroma filled the kitchen, and the tranquil atmosphere contrasted with the tumultuous events of the previous day. Ley and Asia began to eat, each lost in their own thoughts and reflections, yet united by the shared experience and the bond that was beginning to form between them.

During breakfast, Ley, driven by an involuntary impulse, asked Asia, "So, little nun, what will you do today?" As he spoke, he ignored the imaginary and accusatory glare of Will Apple. Asia, excited about the idea of exploring the city, responded enthusiastically: "Eh, I... I, yeah, I... think I will explore the city!!"

Ley, chewing on a crispy slice of bacon, agreed and suggested, "Then I recommend you go out at 1 PM, as it won't be as busy, and you can take advantage of the time when I have to run an errand." He glanced at the pendulum clock, which read 08:55, before finishing his thought. Asia nodded, but internally felt a hint of disappointment that Ley would not accompany her, though she also didn't want to interfere with his commitments.

Ley, addressing Will Apple and ignoring the apple's disapproving look, said, "Oh, shut it, Will, Asia can take care of herself, she doesn't need me to escort her around the city." Asia, joining in on the joke, addressed Will Apple with a smile: "Mr. Will Apple, don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" The apple, obviously, remained motionless.

Ley, perceiving the silence of the apple as a defeat in their imaginary argument, smiled triumphantly. "Kukuku, I told you, Will, but you wanted to argue, now you've lost," he proclaimed with a hint of pride for having won an argument with Will for the first time.

Breakfast proceeded in this light-hearted and playful atmosphere. Ley and Asia shared the meal in a relaxed setting, punctuated by small exchanges of words and knowing glances. The mood was jovial, and the earlier tensions seemed a world away as they both enjoyed the simple pleasure of a shared meal and laughter over an imaginary third party.

Four hours after breakfast, Ley and Asia had followed their morning routines. Asia, despite Ley's assurances that the house didn't accumulate dust due to magical materials, insisted on tidying up the house. Ley, somewhat reluctant but yielding to the insistence of Asia and Will Apple, agreed.

Meanwhile, Ley dedicated himself to Ainz's spellbook, contemplating ways to make Asia's stay more interesting and less monotonous, knowing well that merely eating and sleeping, activities he himself engaged in, would not be enough to entertain the young nun.

Finally, they left the house together, with Ley locking the door and entrusting the house's security to Will Apple with theatrical flair: "The house is in your care, Will Apple, you may use any level magic against threats and, if necessary, Superior Magic!" Naturally, Will Apple remained immobile.

As they passed through the woods and reached the park, Ley spotted Issei, lost in thought. Vaguely recalling the plot of DxD, Ley smiled and suggested to Asia that she approach Issei and explore the city with him. "Why don't you go with him and let him show you around the city, you might also make a friend," Ley said, discreetly orchestrating for Asia and Issei to meet, thus maintaining the original storyline.

"I already have Ley-San as a friend, although I think it wouldn't hurt to have more." To which the Tyrant, laughing and smiling arrogantly, replies, "You should make normal friends, not an old decrepit and crazy one like me." He said it as if he were proud of appearing like an old man who talks to objects. Asia stops, leading Ley to also halt and look at her with an arched eyebrow, but maintaining his arrogant air, "Don't say that, Ley-San! I'm sure you're a wonderful man, one whom God has guided to help me." She gave him an angelic smile.

As Asia headed towards Issei, Ley, thoughtful, questioned the role of the "Author" in his encounter with Asia, but soon set aside these thoughts. Bidding farewell to Asia, he walked towards his destination: the library.

However, Ley did not leave Asia unattended. Secretively, he summoned a Hanzo, a level 80 ninja monster, to watch over her discreetly. Although it cost him a few coins from YGGDRASIL, Ley considered it a fair price for Asia's safety. Confident that Hanzo was undetectable by anyone else in the city except himself, Ley entered the library, ready to immerse himself in a world of knowledge and discovery.


Ley Kagenou POV

Just two minutes after parting ways with Asia, I arrived at the library. With a smile, I entered the building, appreciating the silence and the scarcity of people, which allowed me to avoid unwanted glances. As I walked between the shelves, a book caught my attention: "The History of Paladins." I murmured, interested in maintaining my false identity as a retired paladin.

I chose a secluded and dark corner of the library, a place where few would venture, and began to read. The book offered nothing new to me, except to confirm the historical existence of paladins and Charlemagne, something considered fiction on Earth where I came from. Here, it seemed that paladins, just like demons, angels, and dragons, were a reality, nothing surprising and unknown to me.

The reading revealed that the Church had not produced paladins since 1950, and the 11 existing paladins were living in retirement. The twelfth had never been chosen. "So I am impersonating a non-existent retired paladin!" I thought, realizing the depth of my lie. This newfound knowledge made me chuckle quietly; the irony of my situation was not lost on me. As I sat in the dim light, flipping through the pages, I contemplated the implications of this revelation on my interactions with Asia and others who might believe my tale.

Determined to rectify my situation, I discreetly glanced at the security cameras before murmuring: "<Lightning>!" With precise control, I fried the internal circuits of the cameras, maintaining appearances. Now, no one knew I was here.

I took the {Shooting Star}, an item that allows invoking the Super Level spell <Wish Upon A Star>. This spell could modify reality, though it consumed a significant amount of XP. "I have enough XP for several wishes of this caliber," I reflected, preparing for my wish.

"<Wish Upon A Star>!" I chanted, and an intense glow surrounded me. "I wish for this world to have records of me as the twelfth paladin of the church, an aberration of strength never before revealed!" As I finished, a blinding light vanished, leaving behind documents of my existence, identification cards from various countries, and bank cards. "Now I am officially recognized..." I murmured.

As I was stowing away the documents, a boy caught me by surprise: "Incredible sir, how did you do that?!" He had seen me. Without losing my composure, I beckoned him closer and said with a tyrannical smile: "Well, look closely at my hand." As he approached, I activated the spell: "<Control Amnesia>!" and erased his memories of the last five minutes, causing him to fall asleep.

Satisfied that no trace of my actions remained to any observer, I carefully placed the boy on a nearby bench, ensuring his safety while he slept. Adjusting my suit, I looked around once more to ensure no further witnesses, then quietly exited the library, my mission accomplished and my new identity solidified in this world's records.

I sighed before entering an alley to use <Greater Teleportation> and return to my hut. The only one there was Will Apple, who looked at me, "Look, Asia is fine, don't worry you silly apple." I addressed the foolish concerns of Will Apple, who was asking about Asia's safety... but with a Hanzo with her, there was little or nothing to worry about.

Now that I think about it... I have the {Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown}, a guild weapon, which means, do I have a guild? Can I create NPCs? Well, as the saying goes, 'You don't know until you try!' I materialized something in my hand, a staff that appeared twisted like seven serpents joining together, with differently colored jewels on each one. I sighed and tried to access the staff's settings... until.


I opened my eyes and what I saw... a guild base creation screen, along with tabs for creating NPCs which were empty, and there was a clear number of resources I could use for creating everything, but just knowing this filled me with joy! I could create powerful beings to assist me... if necessary, of course, after all, I plan to live isolated from the world, in this tranquil forest.

I dematerialized the staff and stepped out of the cabin to see the sun, smiling arrogantly before conjuring a beach chair and laying down to soak up the sun.

After hours, an annoying sound reached my mind, "What the devil!?" I thought quickly, placing my hand on my head, "Master Ley, I have news about your ward!" a raspy and serene voice emerged in my mind.

Damn, it was Hanzo, using the spell <Message>, "What's happening, Hanzo?" I decided to ask, although if everything went according to the story, then Raynare should be about to intercept Asia during her meeting with Issei, and then take her back to the church to extract her Sacred Gear. "Master Ley, a hostile individual has been detected in front of your ward and the young demon, what should I do?" As Hanzo's words entered my mind, I sighed, "What does this little crow look like?" I asked.

"As expected of Master Ley, you know exactly what I'm dealing with here, you must have everything planned out, nothing less expected from the Supreme." I heard him praise me... a bit too much, now I know how Ainz felt, but anyway, "Hanzo! The description!" I commanded like a tyrant, authoritative and powerful, "C—Certainly, it's a small female resembling a human, but with black wings on her back, wearing a strange black dress, and has blonde hair... she appears smaller than your young ward."

Strange, it's not Raynare... it sounds like that loli who was with her in the anime... what was her name again? Mita? Or was it Mila? Well, who cares anyway, I've already messed with the canon, why not mess it up a bit more, "Hanzo, do nothing unless the Fallen attacks, then defend, but do not kill her, I want you to capture and bind her. Can you do that?" As soon as my orders were given, Hanzo's voice emerged again in my mind, "It is a simple task, Master," then I cut the communication spell and laid back down to rest and soak up the sun.

Everything is alright, nothing out of the plans.