
The Power Hidden Underneath

Azaniah (Ah-za-ni-yah) is young female werewolf, mistreated by her pack members and by the people whom, she is supposed to trust. In the state of the torment, she is still able to hold on the little bit of hope that she has. Azaniah has lived a life of oppression and suffering, she was oppressed and abused by her pack mates and at some point, her family. You would think that being in the 21st Centuary, life has advanced because of the improvement of technology and laws, things would be easier, well not in this pack. Ashanti(her wolf and confidant) helps her face the struggles and challenges that life throws at her. Warning! Please don't read if you know that you are a bit sensitive when it comes to certain topics in society... Fasten your seat belts and get ready for this rollercoaster ride of racial discrimination, torture, slavery, and many more. This is a book that focuses on the issues that in some parts of the world are being ignored or practiced in secret. So why don't we include those everyday life issues that we face in our world and mix them up into werewolf fiction...

Nomakhosi · Urbain
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Azaniah's pov

Being one of the few werewolves that are black or have a darker skin than everyone here, has given everyone else a certain advantage in the Black Raven pack. My family and I, along with every other black family in this pack are slaves. My family belongs to the Alpha family. We are slaves of the Alpha family. It has always been like that, and it will remain that way. My family's generation will always serve the Alpha family, some other families saw that as a blessing, they don't know what happens behind closed doors.

I am not happy about that, we were taught from a young age that the Black race will never be superior or successful and we had to accept that. I am 16 and to this day, I am still struggling to accept the reality of my life. Being a slave. Forever.

Azaniah!, get up little girl. The Alpha has asked that you attend to him today and youre already late"

After hearing my mom say that, I jumped out of my blankets in fear of having to face the Alpha and ran to the sink to brush my teeth. Our house is situated in the backyard of the Alpha house, it's not even the size of a regular normal house. I would like to say that it's about the same size as a shed. With my parents and I sleeping there, we can only eat and shower in the pack house but only when we're lucky and no one notices our absence, but the longest that I've showered was 3 minutes in fear that the pack might recognise that I'm missing and earn myself harsh punishment.

After brushing my teeth, I put on the uniform that was given to me by my mother. She hand-stitched it for me to wear when I am working, I rushed over the the Alpha's house, praying to whomever that is up there that I am not late.

As I reach the door, I hear the Alpha yelling, "Where is that bitch?!, I told her to get here an hour early than usual to start preparing rooms for the guests that are arriving. Azaniah is nothing but a black, incompetent fool".

I am now used to such insults, and his racial discriminating language towards us, mum says that it has been like that way for 5 generations. So there is no  other way than to accept my fate as a slave, because I am and will always will be a slave to this pack.

If only I could accept the reality, maybe my life would be easier and I wouldn't harbour so much hate for slave masters. But something inside me refuses to accept this life, I know that this is not the life that I am destined for and so, I will do everything in my power to fight for the life that I deserve, no matter the cost.  That's my promise...

Time for me to get to work.

I approach the Alpha's office with my head lowered in submission as I mumble, " Good morning Alpha Richard. You called for me, sir."

Standing before him, especially when he is anxious about the guests that are coming, makes me tremble in fear as I await my orders for the day. " Here you are, I should punish you for your lack of punctuality" Shit. I am in deep trouble. "But I can't do that now, we have guests arriving soon and they can't see you dressed up like that for you will be serving them, make sure that you see the Luna so she may give you the proper attire for today and tomorrow. You are expected to serve them and do everything that they want, no complaints or backchatting, no smart remarks or sarcasm, only 'yes sir' and 'yes Mam'. Your mother will be on kitchen duty, you are to make sure that our guests are pleased and treated respectively, Do Not speak unless spoken to. Prepare 5 bedrooms for our guests and another one for yourself, we need you to be close by when they need something. Do we understand?" He spoke firmly, leaving no room for disagreement. Fidgeting with my fingers and afraid to look at his eyes, I silently agree.

"Good. That'll be all for now. Do an exceptional job and I will forget about your late coming." He then continued to state with a low growl, "but let me warn You, should I hear a single complaint or you embarrass me and this pack in any way, I will make you regret waking up today. You got that, bitch?!"

"Y-yes yes Alpha, I p-promise to do all that you asked" I say in a shaky tone. Damn, I hate this man and this pack.

"You're excused. Oh and don't forget to take a shower" he says as he pushes me out of his office and I bump into the Luna, I guess she overheard everything. She looks at me from head to toe, twice, and walks away. I stand there shaken by what just happened, until I heard the Luna call out, " what are you waiting for, hurry up and follow me, we don't have enough time".

Taking a deep breath and sagging my shoulders, I quietly mumble, " today is going to be a long day" before following the Luna.