
The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds

After dying, Okami Okaya was transmigrated into a new World, realizing that he had been chosen to become the emissary of Arceus to spread Pokemon among different worlds. Naruto summoning Ninetales? Ace flying on Charizard's back? Spiderman fighting alongside Ariados? Okami will teach them how to become a great Pokemon trainer. The cover is not mine. Downloaded at wallpapersafari. This is only fanfiction. Update Schedule: There will be one regular chapter per day.

sweet_and_sour143 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Resolution (2)

Okami shook his head. "You've seen how Zapdos devastated Konoha in just a single attack. I don't want another scene happening like that again."

Hiruzen took the time analyzing what Okami said and realized that either he had to choose between Konoha's welfare or the boy's safety. As much as he wanted to stop the boy from doing it, he could not help but hesitate to do so because of the possibility that another legendary pokemon would attack the village. "Are you sure, Okami-kun?"

Okami nodded. "I don't know when I will be back, or if I'll ever come back alive but promise me to take good care of old Baki and Tomiro-Oniisan. Someone might come for them so please protect them like the way you sent some guards around me."

Hiruzen was surprised to hear Okami knowing about Tora and Ushi's existence. "No problem. I understand that someone might be interested in learning your secrets through them."

Okami summoned another package and gave it to Shikaku. "These are the books you needed to know about pokemon. Some of them are in-depth while others are still subject for further investigation but I trust that you will create the Pokemon Intelligence Division even when I'm gone, right?"

"Of course, Hokage-sama already approved the idea of forming the Pokemon Intelligence Division in Konoha." Shikaku accepted the box and smiled weakly. "And who knows you could return right away? Anyway, I'm going to put whatever is inside it to good use."

Hiruzen looked at the package curiously. "How about your shop? Will it still be in operation?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama. I have already made some arrangements for my employees. All that is left is to tell them what to do. The Pokemon Center will continue to exist even though I'm not around."

"We can understand that it's hard to say goodbye but the more we talk here, the longer Konoha suffers," Koharu interrupted them as she walked towards the door. "I've got to check the hospital. The last news I've heard, they are being attacked by several birds with Wind Release."

Hiruzen glared at her, clearly not happy with how insensitive she was to Okami's feelings. He turned around and faced Okami. "When are you doing it?"

"Tonight. If you want to see what I am about to do, then just head to the Pokemon Center an hour later." Okami did a hand seal and said, "Teleport".

Hiruzen turned around and faced Shikaku as soon as Okami disappeared. "What did he give you?"

Shikaku traced his hands through the silver wrappings and realized that it was made of ordinary cotton. He took out his kunai and cut the fabrics. Soon, a plain white box was uncovered. Curious, he lifted the lid and saw several books which had leather covers. He set the box on the table and picked up the one piled on top.

"Hmm. Pokemon Origins...Typings...strengths and their weaknesses...these are all information needed by a Pokemon Trainer," Shikaku commented as his eyes lit up. "And there are still many books inside talking about Pokemon Jutsu."

Hiruzen felt guilty just like the way he felt when Minato sacrificed himself for the sake of Konoha. He pulled out a cigar pipe from his pocket. "Send the birds. Inform everyone to gather inside the assembly right now."

Shikaku carried the box like it was his greatest treasure and nodded. "Sure, Hokage-sama."


"Hey, old Baki. Don't you think that Okami is acting weird earlier?" Tomiro asked him while arranging the stocks inside the glass display. "I don't know but somehow I've felt like he was about to do something drastic or something."

Baki frowned. "I agree. How do you feel about the successive pokemon attacks?"

"I felt conflicted by it because our shop is mostly associated with pokemon and stuff," Tomiro stated his side as he continued cleaning the shelf. "Is it possible that others might blame him for the attacks if they find out that these berserk animals are pokemon?"

"I hope not but we can't blame them for acting that way," Baki said.

"I don't care about what the others say but I am kind of worried for Okami. You see, I treat him like a younger brother and I know for sure that those ninjas will put pressure on him."

Baki snorted. "I'm not surprised if they play the blaming game and vent their anger at Okami when such drastic things happen. If that is the case, then we also have the responsibility to protect him from such accusations."

Tomiro nodded. "I still have many things to learn as a Pokemon Trainer. If only I could become well adept in using Kangaskhan, I could have done a lot better."

"As so do I. All I did was play games with Happiny. I did not even bother finding out how Happiny could be used in battle. Without Okami's help, I could have been trapped inside my house with no way out. Tonight is an eye-opener to me."

"I wonder what's happening outside," Tomiro lightly remarked. "I hope everything is okay."

Baki sighed. "There's nothing that we could do. We are too weak to fight against the berserk pokemon."

As they were in the middle of their conversation, Okami appeared right at the center area of the Pokemon Center.

Naruto waved his hands towards him. "Welcome back, Okami!"

Okami grinned. "We'll talk later."

"Sure!" Naruto went back and continued pestering Sakura and Sasuke.

Okami realized that he was feeling soft towards these people. Before, he treated them like they were just characters turned into realistic NPCs and he felt like interacting with them was needed to satisfy his curiosity, to get several quests, and to pass the assessment. But having contact with them for a long time changed the way he treated them. He now accepted them as his true friends.

He headed to the PC and called Tomiro and Baki to approach him.

"Yes, Boss?" Tomiro asked him as he curiously stared at the PC. "Are you finally going to teach us how to use that?"

Okami nodded. "But I want to tell you a lot of things which concerns the future of this shop."

Baki felt that Okami was serious and listened attentively. Even Tomiro observed that the boy was acting unusual and responded by simply bobbing his head.

Okami took a deep breath and said, "I will be leaving. I don't know how long it is but I am leaving everything to both of you."

They were both dumbfounded when Okami revealed his plan to them. The first one to break the silence was Baki, who simply said, "Explain."

Okami relayed everything to them the way he said it to Hiruzen and Shikaku. "That's why I have no choice but to do that even though it puts my life in danger."

Tomiro's eyes reddened. "Did the Hokage allow you to do that?!"

Okami felt bad that he had to lie but he strengthened his guts. "It's my choice, Tomiro-Oniisan. Whether Hokage-sama allows it or not, he can't stop me from doing it, knowing full well that I have the means in solving the predicament."

"But...but you're too young to take that kind of burden, Okami! There should be another plan that could solve this problem."

Okami shook his head. "There is no other way except to do this. Besides, dying is only a possibility for me so there's a high chance that I can survive this as well."

Tomiro remembered his dead brothers and was saddened by the fact that another important brother was soon to depart. He hugged him for a long time before releasing him.

Baki watched the scene before him with a sad face. "Young Okami, tell me what to do to uphold the dignity of the Ketchum clan."

Tomiro nodded as he rubbed his eyes. "Yes, young Okami. Tell us and we will do it with all of our strength."

Okami controlled his emotions until he was calm enough to start explaining. "First things, first. Open your boxes."

Baki hurriedly went to the Healing Station and carried the package back with him and opened it. He saw several books, a bracelet, and a stone.

Tomiro tore the wrappings and peeked inside the box. This time, he noticed that a necklace was set beside the books with metallic covers.

"Old Baki, starting from this moment until I return once again, you can use Palkia's Jutsus inside our territory to protect the shop and show them that the Ketchum clan is not someone they can mess with. Study the books included inside the package to understand how to be a good Pokemon trainer and increase your chakra reserve to incorporate them with Pokemon Jutsus."

Okami pointed at the round stone. "That stone is an Oval Stone. You can use this to evolve Happiny into Chansey by letting her take hold of this while leveling up in the daytime."

Okami took the bracelet from Baki. "This bracelet will let you have the authority to allow Pokemon Trainers in creating their accounts using the PC. The instructions on how to use the PC are also included in the books."

"As the Pokemon Center Receptionist, the Healing Station will be officially controlled by you. Please uphold the rules and regulations stated inside the book and heal every pokemon that needs healing. You may set a price every time they use this service if you want to."

Baki had a firm look on his face when he heard about his duties and responsibilities as the Pokemon Center Receptionist. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to get stronger and show you that I am worthy of your trust."

Okami grinned and shifted his attention to Tomiro.

"Tomiro-Oniisan, by the power of the Ketchum clan, I hereby give you the power to turn people into Pokemon Trainers starting tonight until I return to Konoha. Please study the books to know how to do this secret skill. This necklace will be the sign that you are the only one in this world that can change them into one if they want to harness the pokemon's powers."

Okami picked up a book that had a metallic cover. "Study this book very well, Oniisan. This will let you learn how to execute Pokemon Jutsu effectively. You are the only one that can use the Pokemon Duplicator to copy pokemon and release them at the forest's entrance behind this shop. The manual is also included in the book."

"As the PokeMart Cashier, you will be the one to operate this shop. You may set the limit of how much they can buy every day but make sure to follow the directions written inside the book. Use the money for operational and food expenses and your daily needs."

Okami gave each of them a silver key. "These are your keys. They can open any part of the house that has doors except for the particular door at the end of the narrow hallway between the infirmary beds and the healing station. I advise that you leave your old houses and live inside the shop to avoid any dangers. Remember, this shop is protected by our clan's powers."

Okami summoned his pokemon and they surrounded him as they gave moaning sounds. He laughed and patted each of their heads.

He turned around and said, "These pokemon will become statues as soon as I leave. You will know of my return once they break and becomes a living being again."

The bonus chapter for reaching another hundred power stones yesterday. Hope you enjoy XD

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