
The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds

After dying, Okami Okaya was transmigrated into a new World, realizing that he had been chosen to become the emissary of Arceus to spread Pokemon among different worlds. Naruto summoning Ninetales? Ace flying on Charizard's back? Spiderman fighting alongside Ariados? Okami will teach them how to become a great Pokemon trainer. The cover is not mine. Downloaded at wallpapersafari. This is only fanfiction. Update Schedule: There will be one regular chapter per day.

sweet_and_sour143 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Reports (1)

When the battles were over, Okami used his Blood form once again to take advantage of the bloody battlefield. His stamina slowly increased as he absorbed the ligers' blood, alleviating his hunger as well. With this reason, he was able to persist through the night without eating anything. He only stopped his malevolent actions when he noticed the first streak of daylight.

"Ah! Why do I feel like I'm being addicted to this sensation? Thanks to the Calm Mind effect, I can still resist this temptation."

Okami returned to his normal self and realized that he did not feel sleepy. If the reason for the rejuvenation of his body was the absorbed blood, then he could train 24 hours without rest.

No matter, Okami remembered his promise with Ace and it was time to fulfill it. He teleported right into Mount Colubo.

The monsters within the forests were almost eradicated by Okami. Afraid that he might affect the food supply of people living within and beside Mount Colubo, he decided to protect them from hunters and predators. For now, most monsters were thriving at a forest just beside the Pokemon Safari.

On the other hand, pokemon could be seen roaming around the most part of Mount Colubo. No matter where you go, there were chances that you might meet a wild Pidgey or a Rattata, or if you're truly lucky, a sleeping Snorlax or Abra. Those who could not afford to pay for the Safari's entrance, they opted to brave the wilderness and hope for the Goddess of Luck to shine upon them so that they could catch one using Pokeballs.

Okami enjoyed the scenery as he strolled toward Curly Dadan's house. Once he reached the place, he called out, "Hey, Ace! It's time!"

Ace rushed outside the house and screamed once he saw Okami. "You're late!"

Luffy ran behind Ace and complained, "Unfair! You dare promised him but not me, your first friend! That's unfair!"

Ace punched Luffy's head. "You shut up, you clout!"

"Nope! I won't stop until Okami brings me as well!" Luffy rubbed his head and continued, "And stop hitting me!"

Okami laughed after witnessing their argument. After a few minutes later, he stopped them and said, "Hey, both of you can join me, okay? No need to kill each other. Anyway, are you ready?"

Ace nodded as he gripped his weapon pipe. "I'm always ready. Bring it on."

"I'm ready to fight the monsters with my new technique." Luffy swung his right hand several times while saying, 'Gomu Gomu no...". When he tried punching, his fist hit the ground and bounced back, hitting his head.

Ace's veins almost popped out of his neck and kicked the rubber boy. "What are you doing?!"

Luffy was knocked out on the ground. When he recovered, he rubbed his face and refuted, "Ugh. It's not working properly. Once I get this attack working, you guys won't know what hits you, all right?!"

"Hah! You wish! If only Sabo could - " Ace's expression changed when he mentioned his friend's name. "I hope he's okay."

Okami understood what they were feeling right now. At once, he revealed to them that Sabo was fine and he joined a strong group.

Ace frowned. "I thought he's gonna form his crew."

"Yeah! Is their boss strong? I hope he is or I will punch him with my rubber hands."

Okami almost wanted to laugh when he heard Luffy badmouthing Dragon. If only the kid knew that his father was the leader of Sabo's group, he might go crazy and look for their ship right now.

"Don't worry. I've met their boss and I can say that he is strong."

"Heh! At least he is riding a ship now. If only I can ride one as well..." Ace muttered.

"Well, do you want to visit my ship? I have to go back and meet someone."

Luffy raised his fists and shouted, "Hell yeah! Bring me!"

Ace sported a grin on his face as well. "Sure. I wanna try riding one."

Okami nodded and grabbed both of their hands and teleported just right outside SS Anne to avoid dirtying his ship from their vomits. Right after they appeared at the port, Luffy and Ace began puking their guts out.

"Stop wasting time, okay. Follow me."

When Ace saw Okami walking toward the ship, he gathered his strength and bolted forward. Luffy followed after despite his discomfort.

Luffy and Ace could not help but gasped in amazement when they saw the intricate design of SS Anne. Once they saw the shops, they cheered in unison.

Okami ignored their silly antics and led them to the main deck, only to find all of his crew members gathered at the dining area.

Makino sensed their presence and turned around. Her eyes lit up when she saw Luffy and Ace together with Okami. "Luffy! Ace!"

Glen snorted once he saw the two troublesome kids. "Look who's here."

Luffy ran toward Makino and grinned like a fool. "Hey! I've been looking for you at the Partys Bar but you're not there. Did you just become a pirate?"

Makino giggled. "Silly. This is a merchant ship. I've been working here for a year already."

Ace eyed all of Okami's crew and noticed that they were all normal-looking, except for Bunny and Michael who looked threatening with their eyepatches on their faces. "I thought Okami has a strong crew. I guess not everyone can be as strong as Okami."

"Don't underestimate them," Okami reprimanded him as he took a seat. "Well, any one of them can kick your butt."

"Bah! I don't believe you!"

Luffy nodded and pointed at Makino. "I don't believe she can fight."

Mackie ignored Ace and Luffy while he juggled some Beli on his hands while Troy munched his food as he wrote something on his notebook from time to time.

Bunny simply smiled and continued eating while Michael kept playing with his sword.

"Well, just don't annoy them or you'll be sorry." Okami shifted his attention to Glen, and said, "We need a cook."

Glen understood what Okami meant. "For how long?"

"A month." Okami gave the two boys a sideglance and said, "You're gonna train them as well."

Luffy pointed at Glen and shouted, "That old man's gonna train us? Can't you see that his body is weak! I can even blast him off with my Pistol attack."

Okami shook his head. "You will find out later. After training, you can then judge for yourself if he is strong or not."

Glen smiled and gave them some sweets. "Here. Eat this."

Ace grabbed the food. "At least you have some conscience."

Luffy nodded and took one as well. "Heh! I know."

Makino and the rest of them took pity on these two kids. All of them knew that Glen was the most brutal person in the group. They could only imagine the suffering they would experience within this one-month training.

After eating, Okami, Glen, Ace, and Luffy disembarked the ship and went to the nearby shore, avoiding the Krabbys and Psyducks on the sand.

Glen took out his Pokeballs and summoned his three Gyarados. When he saw the kids' scared expression, he puffed up his chest. "Come on. You're lucky to ride on my friends' back. The rest of them who tried so became dragon snacks."

The three Gyarados lowered their head on the ground so that Ace and Luffy could reach their heads. The passersby saw these scene and pointed at the gargantuan pokemon and gossiped.

Luffy's voice trembled but he acted like it was nothing and shouted, "I'm not scared!"

Ace looked at Glen and asked, "Is it safe?"

Glen gave a slight nod. "Of course. Come on. Don't keep them waiting."

They hesitated at first but when they saw Glen climbing up one of the Gyarados' head like it was nothing, they mustered their courage and boarded as well.

Okami summoned his Gyarados and teleported atop his head. "Come on! Let's go."

The four Gyarados traversed the sea, scaring all of the water pokemon like Goldeen and Horsea away.

Luffy felt the strong winds against his face and laughed. "I love this! I'm gonna be the pirate king!"

Ace smiled when he heard Luffy's declaration. He also had wishful thinking that he would become the strongest pirate and his resolve increased.

"Glen, look for an island where we can train. Don't bother with the lands nearby because the monsters there are killed," Okami commanded.

Glen gave him a thumbs-up sign. "No problem, Boss."

Okami took out his Pokemon App and checked his development.


Altered Ninetales - Legendary Nine-Tailed Fox Pokemon

Type: Dark, Fire

Form I: Animal Form

Form II: Human Form

Form III: Kyubi Form (Locked)


Altered Haunter - Floating Blood Pokemon

Type: Dark, Ghost, Poison

Form I: Blood Form

Form II: Ghost Form

Form III: (Locked)


Palkia's Form (Locked)

Dialga's Form (Locked)


Skills/Ability (Stays after ascension):

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Elemental Nations/Naruto

Observation Haki - One Piece

Armament Haki - One Piece


Total DP: 8,990


Your influence in the Naruto world is getting stronger.

New Pokemon Infrastructure unlocked:

Pokemon Trading Machine


Interdimensional Messaging Unlocked:

You can contact people from the other worlds using your Pokemon Points. 500 PP per call. Additional 100 PP after every hour.

Friends Online:

Tomiro Ragiza (Elemental Nations/Naruto)

Baki Ryota (Elemental Nations/Naruto)


Okami's eyes almost popped out when he saw the newly unlocked Interdimensional Messaging services. He wondered what happened back in the Naruto world that made this achievement. At once, he dialed their numbers in the XTransceiver.


Meanwhile, in the world of Naruto...

"Hey! Where do you want to place these things, Baki-san?" A young boy dressed in a civilian outfit were carrying boxes alongside his Machop.

Baki pointed at the nursing bed. "Just pile them beside the beds, Kichu-kun. We need to have easy access to medicines."

Kichu nodded and instructed his pokemon to follow. Once they were done, he went back to the Healing Station and said, "I hope the samurais are not giving you a hard time."

Baki smiled and took out the Pokeballs from the Healing Machine. "Here's your Pokemon, healthy and strong once again. Anyway, don't worry about them. They can't hurt us and they need our potions and Pokeballs as well, so no worries."

"Right!" Tomiro shouted while he cleaned the glass displays. "Besides, we are pretty strong."

Kichu recalled his Machop back into his Pokeball and grabbed the remaining ones from the counter. "Thank you for the service."

At once, the boy left the shop and the only people left inside the room were Tomiro and his mom, Baki and his son, Toki.

Baki was about to leave the Healing Station when he saw the calendar hanged on the wall. At once, his expression became gloomy and said, "I wonder where Boss Okami is..."

Tomiro became sad as well once he heard Baki mentioning Okami's name. "A million Ryo question that no one can answer. How long has it been?"

"A year. Anyway, you were not around when Miss Okita arrived yesterday. I've heard some news about Konoha."

Tomiro frowned. "Is it bad?"

Baki nodded. "Hokage's dead. Boss Okami was right. Orochimaru was behind all the attacks and he was also the reason why the best Genin became a missing-nin."

"You're talking about Sasuke-kun?"

"Right. And I've heard that - "

Tomiro and Baki heard their XTransceiver rang simultaneously. When they saw the name of the caller, they shouted in unison, "Boss Okami!"

At once, they answered the call and felt emotional once they saw his face.

Sorry for the late post. Just got back from a company party. The chapter for today. XD

sweet_and_sour143creators' thoughts