
Chapter 29

It took Xiaozhi and his party another day to reach Huipi Town.

Originally, according to the normal journey, after conquering the fire ball rat, we can reach it by hurrying.

As a result, Xiaozhi proposed that he wanted to give the Fireball Rat some special training.

The situation at that time was like this,

"Xiaozhi, why did you think of giving special training to Fireball Rat?"Xiaoxia asked puzzledly.

"The reason is very simple, Fireball Rat has not yet fully mastered the fire skills."Xiao Zhi looked at the Fireball Rat who was playing with Pikachu and said

"Can this still be seen?"

"You'll know it when you see it. Fireball Rat, come here."Xiao Zhi called the Fireball Rat to come to him.

"Hello?"The Fireball Rat looked at Xiaozhi and tilted his head, as if to say, is something wrong?

"Fireball Rat, shoots fire"

"Hello!"The Fireball Rat screamed, but it only blew out a small puff of smoke, without any flames at all.

"No way? Shouldn't the Fireball Rat be able to have flames?"

"That was also when there was a flame behind him. This fireball rat's character is relatively slow to warm up, so it still needs to be developed well. I've tried it before, and its dodge ability is pretty good. It can charge up energy during this process, but it's very disadvantageous during combat. Therefore, I want to let it activate its fire skills before combat."

After listening to Xiaozhi's explanation, Xiaogang nodded imperceptibly, indicating that Xiaozhi now has a new understanding of Pokémon and no longer relies solely on his enthusiasm as before.

"Xiaozhi, I support you. Anyway, we are not far from Jupi Town now. Doing more special training will be more beneficial for future gym battles."Xiaogang was the first to express his thoughts

"I also agree, you have really improved recently. Xiaoxia also said.

Xiaozhi was very pleased to see the support of his two partners.

Then, they stayed in this forest for another day.

After a day of training, the Fireball Rat also initially mastered the fire element. Skill, that is, being able to release fire from behind by charging up energy.

The next day, they set off on the journey again. This time, there were no obstacles along the way, and they arrived at Huipi

Town, the location of the second gym.

Judging from the name, it is inferior to the previous Platycodon City. After all, one is a town and the other is a city. In terms of prosperity, it is also far behind.

However, as the saying goes,"If the mountains are not high, there will be immortals." Name, if the water is not deep, there will be a dragon."Although this place is small, it is also very famous.

There are two special points. One is that this is the location of the Huipi Gym, and the other is that there is an old man living here. This old man's name is Gang Gang, who can use special circles to The Orange Fruit makes Pokmon Balls with special functions.

And Xiaozhi and the others really need Mr. Steel's help for one thing, that is, the special GS ball commissioned by Dr. Oak, which happened to be given to Mr. Steel for investigation.

After walking through the forest, the sun became more and more intense. As they walked on the road, they found that the trees on both sides were withered and the fields were almost dead.

It seemed that it had not rained in this area for a long time.

They decided to take a rest nearby.

After a good rest, they finally arrived at Huipi Town. Because it hadn't rained for a long time, all the entertainment venues in the town were dry. All were closed, including the Hinoki Gym.

Therefore, Xiaozhi and his team decided to go to Mr. Steel first.

To be continued…