
Prisoner of War! - Part 5

In that instant, which the enemy cavalrymen tore through all the way to the back of their cavalrymen, the Armen Kingdom's soldiers face also paled. No one could believe the sight they saw at all.

"Fuck! Is... Is that Commander Nexon in his hand?... "Clenching his fists tightly, the Vice commander swiftly came to a realization. Their cavalrymen lost, their Commander lost in just one bout with the enemy.

While the Vice commander was still processing all of this, Marco had circled around the enemy cavalrymen who were now in a mess, gradually slowing down.

Marco was now rushing back to his camp with the enemy commander tightly held in his hand. His men were divided into two groups bypassing around the confused cavalrymen and then regrouping back again midway as they rushed towards their own camp.