
The Beginning

My head was spinning, I could barely stand straight. There's blood dripping from my hands, I grab onto the metal pole trying to get some sort of clue as to where I was. There's light shining in my eyes, everything is blurred. My heavy-lidded eyes threatening to shut down. Suddenly I was cornered to my pole by multiple cars that were making so much noise. My eardrums felt like they were exploding. There were red and blue lights flashing everywhere, men stepped out of the cars with something in their hands. I couldn't really tell what it was.

"Christopher James! Hands in the air, You're under arrest for the murder of Alyssa StonesYou have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning.

If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire."

The man's mouth kept moving but I couldn't hear anything as soon as everything went black.


"Sir, Mr. James, Can you hear me?"

My lawyer's voice shook me back into reality. I was in a dark room, with gray painted walls with cameras on the corners. The singular door in the room was windowless and flush metal with solid cores. There was only one hanging light that shone above us, which hurt my eyes. I was sitting on a metal chair like the ones you see in the movies in the interrogation rooms. The floss was a seamless poured epoxy on concrete, including a continuous cove base. There was a singular floor drain in the room. The tables and chairs were set in a manner where two people would be sitting on the opposite side of me. Those were office-style chairs that looked more comfortable than the metal one I'm sitting on. My chair seems to be bolted to the floor and includes a cuff bar. There was a mirror behind the two men that looked like a window. I've seen enough movies to know that it is a one-way mirror, a mirror seen from one side, but a window seen from the opposite side. The window is disguised as a mirror to allow secret surveillance. My hands were cuffed in front of me and on the table between a looped cuff bar. As I regain focus, my eyes finally land on 2 more staring directly at me.

"My name is Brian I'm your lawyer and this is Mr. Joseph."

"Yes, I can hear you." I finally responded

"What I don't understand however is why I'm here, I didn't do anything wrong."

"We have explained this numerous times Mr. James, the charges against you are highly severe and the evidence is really hard to fight against."

"There can't be any evidence that I did it because I didn't, I was nowhere near the central park during the murder."

"Then, where were you?"

" I was in…."

I thought about where I was in my head but nothing. I don't remember where I was at that time.

"That's what I thought. The court is giving us a month to come up with sufficient evidence enough to back you up because as of this moment, we have nothing."

"The victim's family requested for you to be in prison for 2 weeks of that month and the court agreed." The other man added

A security guard dressed in black pants and a sky blue colored shirt walks in.

"Times up."

The two men in front of me got up but it was not like I could, my legs were cuffed to my chair. The security guard approached me and started uncuffing my legs and hands.

"You will be starting your 2-week sentence of this month starting now. Good Luck." My lawyer spoke up.

"WHY? I didn't do shit! LET GO OF ME." I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Another guard came rushing in after this one said something to his walkie-talkie. They put my hands behind my back and pin me to the ground as they put the cuffs back on. I get dragged out of the room and walk past multiple other rooms and see one man being led into one but they weren't treating him like me. He had no cuffs on him and the guards were merely standing on his two sides as if they were protecting him and not others around him. Why are they treating me like this when I'm being convicted for something I didn't even do. I eventually stop struggling against the guards and they escort me to a car which I'm assuming takes me to the prison. The drive to the prison was extremely quiet and not the comfortable type either.

This is just the beginning to see how my story would do. I hope you enjoy it.

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