
Chapter 2

The prison gates open after a deafening buzz. My hands were kept cuffed throughout the journey inside the prison. They told me to strip down and put on one of those orange jumpsuits that have the number "9093870" on the right-hand corner which I'm assuming is my prisoner ID. As they're escorting me to my cell, the prisoners are staring at me from theirs and slamming their fists against their windows. We finally arrive at my cell and they slide the door open and shove me in.

"This is going to be where you're staying for the next 2 weeks or perhaps even longer."

They slam my door closed just to open it back up in about five minutes.

"You have a visitor." One of them spoke up.

They took me to the visitor's area and there were prisoners on one side and the visitors on the opposite. There was glass in between every prisoner and guest. They sat me down on one of the chairs and told me I had 10 minutes. I finally look to who has come to see me so soon. It was my sister. My sister and I don't really have a close relationship, she set out to be an investigator/detective and left us all as soon as she graduated. My family and I haven't heard from her since. The only time she came back was for our parent's funeral but other than that she has been living her own life without us. She proceeds to pick up the phone attached to the side and so do I.

"Good to see you, baby brother."

"What do you want Alexandra?"

"Must you not say good to see you back, after all, I'm your only hope of getting out of here. That is if you really are innocent."

"How can you say something like that. Of course, I am innocent. However, there is no hope for people like me. I am a black man who has been accused of murder and for god's sake, I live in the US. This is basically where racism was born."

"Don't give up hope just yet. Listen I am going to do you a favor. I know you didn't do this and I am going to prove it so I need you to tell me everything that you remember from that night. Every. Single. Detail.

"That's the thing though, I don't remember. I keep getting these flashes from that night but it's not a clear picture."

"Okay well, do you have any idea who would want to frame you like past relationships maybe?"

"All my ex's are crazy, to be honest, but there was one that was worse than all of them. Her name was Alyssa Stones."

She looked at me with wide eyes as if she couldn't believe what I was telling her.

"What's wrong Alex?"

"Chris... do you know the person whose murder you were framed for?"

I was in shock. How could I not know that simple detail? My lawyers had come to see me but I never asked.


"You're in here because you allegedly murdered Alyssa Stones."

Now it was my turn to look at her in shock.

"Alyssa was annoying but not annoying enough for me to murder her and go to prison."

"When did you two break up?"

"Recently, about a week ago I would say."

"Was there anyone against Alyssa and you dating perhaps? A jealous girl or boy or maybe even her parents?"

"Her father was never really fond of me but then again who's father wants their daughter to be dating. I never met any of her friends except one, her name was Jackie Dale."

"What about her mother?"

"Her mother died last summer and so it's just been her and her father since."

"I will try to locate and speak to Jackie to get more information. Keep me updated in case you remember anything from that night.

"I will, thank you so much for this Alexandra."

"Family over everything right?"

I nodded my head at her then we both proceeded to get up. She left then before I knew it the guard appeared right beside me.

"Time to go James."

As we were walking back to my cell, I kept pondering as to why someone would want to frame me and who.

"What time is it?" I asked the guard.

"Almost time for curfew."

I don't know what that meant but I assume we would all be eating dinner soon.

We didn't go back to my cell after my meeting with my sister. The guard escorted me to the huge cafeteria in the prison. There were circular tables with at least 10 seats attached to them. There were other long rectangular tables with benches on either side. I guess people do really make friends in prison. Everyone was staring at me like I didn't belong and I know that I don't.