
The pinnacle of martial arts

Around the planet Hong Ling there is a disabled person who is unable to refine due to the destruction of his essence, to try to refine it Lin tried to enter the treasury of his sect to get the elixir to process his essence ...

Tesu_Bobe · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Admission to the sect

Lin was delighted by what had happened and began to look around, appreciating the beauty of the scene, until he heard a voice calling out to him, "Hurry up!!! Hurry up, if you want to join the sect."

Lin let out a sigh, "I'll find out later... I'm coming," he said.

"Place your hand on the celestial sphere in front of you," the voice instructed. (The sphere was a special device that would drop randomly when a level 5 or above was defeated. It could determine the aptitude and training speed of spiritual energy by the color it showed. There were four colors: green indicated average talent, yellow was intermediate, red indicated high talent and trained 50 times faster than green. Only the sect leaders and its chief had achieved a red color. Blue indicated a unique talent that allowed the user to control one of the celestial laws. Only the emperor of the Hong Ling world had achieved a blue color.)

Lin's breathing began to spiral out of control, "Can he control it!!! A blue color??"

This was terrifying for Lin who could not manifest any color.

"Come on! Put your hand on the sphere," the voice urged.

Lin placed his hand on the sphere, a fearful aura surrounding him. The sphere began to light up, emitting a faint light.

"I heard that the sphere also glowed when the sect chief put his hand on it," someone commented.

"Could it be a unique talent that has appeared in our sect?" another wondered.

Then, the lights disappeared, leaving behind a green color.

"It seems you are a failure. We had high hopes for you," the voice said, words striking Lin's heart. Despite this, Lin remained smiling and happy.

"At least I have a talent," he said.

"Take this badge. You have been appointed as an external disciple of the sect. Go to the room indicated on the badge," the voice instructed.

"Ah, okay. Thank you. I'm going to my room," Lin replied.

Lin entered his room, eager to explore his system. "Finally, I'm alone," he said.

Then, there was a knock on the door!!!

"Who could it be at this hour... my luck is really bad," Lin muttered.

"Deputy task supervisor, open the door quickly," a voice called from outside.

Lin hastily opened the door, "What do you want, Deputy Supervisor?"

"I have a task for you. Since your talent is average, take this badge. You are now an external disciple in the sect. Once your body refinement level reaches Stage 9, you will be promoted to a regular inner disciple. Clean up near Leader Li's house. Take this paper which has the sect's internal system and a map to Leader Li's house," the Deputy Supervisor said.

Lin took the paper, "Thank you," he said.

Lin closed the door quickly and tossed the papers aside, "I have read them a thousand times when my essence was shattered."

"Open the system," Lin commanded.

[The Devil's Awakening System opened]

A window appeared.

[Name: Lin Fong

Age: 14 years old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: Body Refinement Stage 1

Refinement Talent: Average, can be developed by consuming reputation


"For God's sake, does the system think I don't know my own sex? But looking at the talent that I can develop, this system is truly demonic. I can elevate my talent to the peak.

But what are reputation points and how do I get them?


The window image disappeared in front of Lin, and new writing appeared.

[Reputation Points: These are points that function within the system like money in the world. You can get them by completing system tasks, through the feelings of others towards you, or by killing monsters.]

[Do you want to activate the feature of harvesting reputation points through the feelings of others?]

[Yes or No]

The deeper I delve into the system and the weirder the harvesting of reputation points becomes, this is really easy.

Yes, I agree.

[The operation has been made. Now you can earn reputation points.]

[You've earned 0.00001 (Contempt) from Fu Bi.]

Hah. Isn't Fu Bi the man who was next to me just a moment ago? Why is he contemptuous of me?

I think it's because of the task that was assigned to me.

Anyway, the problem is not with Fu Bi or whatever, the real problem is why does the system give few reputation points?

Is the system stingy?


[On the contrary, it is expensive.]

Damn it, has this damned system woken up its intelligence? It's really making fun of me.

System, what is the benefit of reputation points? I will make the system hate its life. Hehehe.


[Reputation Points: The user can use them in many things such as developing his talent that he shows to the user by having a high refining talent or buying skills, weapons, and medicinal pellets.]


Can I browse the store?

[The user does not have enough reputation points to open the store.]

The new day's light solution and Lin is searching in the system.

Lin got up from his sleeping mattress quickly, carrying a broom, and went to do the task assigned to him by the deputy supervisor.

Lin went out with a broom in his hand, sweeping the area of Leader Li as if nothing had changed from his previous life.


[Side Task: You have to master parts of the system.

Get the black ball belonging to Leader Li.

Failure: Death.

Reward: Find out for yourself.]

This is a task where failure is death. I must get the black stone before completing my work.

Lin tried to approach Leader Li's house.

Lin cast his gaze in the four directions and saw no one looking at him. It was five in the morning.

Lin grabbed the window and removed it from its place.

Lin entered Leader Li's house, searching for the black stone until he saw it on Leader Li's table.

As he was going to take it, Leader Li appeared behind him.

"Who allowed you to enter my house? If you don't provide an acceptable explanation, you will die."

Polishing Levels

Body Enhancement lin Here

Primary Foundation

Transformation of Qi

Integration of Qi

True Foundation

Emerging Spirit Leaders of the Sect Here

Eternal Spirit Sect Leader Here

Each level consists of 9 stages, except for the Eternal Spirit which has 3 stages.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Who wants to support me My p@treon account is tesu bobe


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