
The Piercing ICE [Free Story]

Ten years already passed when Sabrina Marques lost her parents during their dinner meeting. She became the CEO of their family hotelier since it was the business of her parents that she inherited. But aside from being beautiful whom everyone adored and loved, she was also known in their company as a strict, grumpy, and cold person. The only person who can tolerate that was her personal bodyguard that has been assigned to her ever since she was a teenager. But even the peaceful silence of being alone together stir up some feelings that had been hidden from a long time ago. It awakened something in Iolana Caine Ervania or ICE for short whenever Sabrina was very close to her. Her sleeping vampire blood. What would Sabrina do when she learned the secret of her parents about ICE's real identity? Will she be able to accept that her feelings for ICE were for a lifetime commitment? Can Sabrina welcome the potential motherhood when ICE’s hidden secret is revealed in their heated session? *All Rights Reserved

MistIris · LGBT+
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36 Chs

04: the Heirs of Marques Hotelier

Being busy as soon as she arrived at her family hotel, Sabrina was indeed doing her surveillance as she enjoyed the accommodation of the Hotel La Vista. She was wearing her two-piece midnight blue bikini suit that was totally showcasing her slim-fit and well-toned body as she swam on the polo side of the hotel where she was staying at.

"Hey, I'm…" a first guy with good looking face came and approached Sabrina.

"Not interested." Sabrina coldly declined as she grabbed her towel to dry off.

"You're smoking hot." the second guy came in and commented over her body. Sabrina didn't like the fuckboy voice that he used while looking at her lustfully. She hates it the most.

"Do I look like a fire to release steam?" she sarcastically responded as she put her robe around her body.

"You're a sexy lady, can I get your number?" the third guy came and asked for her number which made her sigh in annoyance.

"I know that I am but I don't like all of your dickheads around me. So, get lost." Sabrina was totally showing off her annoyance but none of them were leaving her alone.

"Fiesty. I like it." fourth guy grinned while lustfully looking at her. Sabrina wanted to make a scene and kick their asses but she was the lady of their household and she didn't want to make a mess upon her arrival. She sighed.

"ICE, where are you when I need you to save me from these dickheads?" she muttered to herself as she wished her personal bodyguard will come and rescue her like what ICE always does to he when they were teens.

Those men around Sabrina were not leaving her be and none of the other customers were trying to get caught in their issue while the employees were getting worried and called for help. But they were stopped when a certain person came in while wearing a face mask.

"Need help?" a familiar voice suddenly hit Sabrina's ears and internally happy hearing them close to her once again.

"She doesn't need you. We're here to get lost." the first guy answered before Sabrina could even speak for herself. Sabrina was totally irritated and the lady with a face mask noticed it which made her approach their spot.

"Who are you anyway, bitch?" the third guy wondered in annoyance as the lady with a face mask removed her midnight blue coat to cover Sabrina with it.

"Get your own girl elsewhere." the fourth guy spit venom as he was holding back his building anger in his chest.

"Girl? I don't need a girl but I need my woman." the lady with a face mask was totally getting heated up as her voice became murderous and it was making them flinched.

"ICE, can you get rid of their nasty dicks away from me? I need my free time." Sabrina rolled her eyes as she held ICE's coat closer to her chest.

"As if a girl can beat us up." the second guy chuckled which made the others do the same thing.

"Oh, don't underestimate my personal bodyguard. She's a nightmare of anyone who dare to ruin or wronged me." Sabrina coldly smirked and waved her hand to ICE who began cracking her stiff neck and cracking her knuckles.

ICE did what she was commanded to do so and easily flipped those men back to the pool or slipped on their own footing or punched themselves. All she does was dodge and block and nothing else.

"ICE, leave them be and call the security to take them out of the hotel for causing a ruckus against the Deluxe customer." Sabrina coldly commanded ICE who just dusting her hands from what she did not do.

"Yes, milady." ICE politely responded and informed the head of security who respectfully bowed to her.

"Kindly kicked them out and make sure to make them pay first. Oh, they were blacklisted here." ICE commanded the head of Hotel La Vista security.

"Yes, ma'am." they all responded and complied what they were ordered to do so.

ICE followed her lady boss and the heir of the Marques Hotelier to her own room. Inside, Sabrina was already in the bathroom when ICE came in after a knock. She even brought her breakfast and prepared them all on the small terrace of her hotel room.

"Join me for breakfast." Sabrina wrapped her arms around ICE and inhaled the scent that she's been longing to be with. It was calming her for some reason.

"Miss me that much, Sab?" ICE smirked but her voice was cold when she guessed Sabrina's gesture.

"Ten years, Caine…ten years, so expect that." Sabrina sighed and pulled away.

"Then let's eat while it was still warm." ICE smiled gently and Sabrina's heart started to warm up again.

"How about you, don't you miss me?" Sabrina flatly asked as she started eating her portion.

"I won't be here if I don't you, Sab. Plus, I heard the issue here and I wanted to make sure you're alright dealing with it without me. But instead, I was surprised you're going to be swamped again by nasty men. I told you not to wear a two-piece bikini when I'm not around."

"Sorry, but you're here now, so can I wear them again." Sabrina smiled like she usually does around ICE.

"Sab, let's work first." ICE smiled back as if they were turned teens again. They were the only ones who knew how wonderful their smiles were for each other. It was full of affection and contentment.

"Fine, regarding the file and footage that you sent me yesterday, it was a nice proof of what they were doing around my hotel but I need a statement of the employees around her to make the evidence more solid." Sabrina seriously said to ICE while they were eating their breakfast together. They were working already.

"Hm, alright. I have the intel regarding about their whereabouts but two of them were booked here. I think their family didn't know their affairs." ICE handed a file with captured images of the two potential investors of the Hotel La Vista.

"Affairs?" she wondered what ICE told her and looked over the files.

"Yes, I asked some of our men to check every investor who was trying to work with our company only two or three only meet our standards." ICE explained and Sabrina nodded before sighing in disbelief.

"Damn, that low. Well, they were enough if they can be trusted." Sabrina leave those kinds of investors alone since it has nothing to do with their hotel.

"Oh, they will be because their children were either working for the hotel itself for the experience, or their school was being sponsored by us or they were our scholars. So yeah, they were thankful enough for letting them work with us." ICE was happy to inform Sabrina about their newly added investors and managers who were working at their subsidiary hotels around the city and beach areas.

"Are they handling our lowest star-rank hotels?" the hier of the Marques Hotelier business wondered and ICE smiled.

"Yes, they were assigned on mentoring those aspiring investors and hoteliers of our hotels." she honestly answered her lady boss who was enjoying breakfast while discussing work with her.

"Good to hear. We could give them some benefits from being loyal to us." she nodded even thought of giving some benefits to those who were working loyal to them.

"Don't worry, I already arranged some of it which I know their entire family loves. Private getaway from stressful works." ICE nodded and told her about what she'd already arranged for them while she was out of their city.

"Nice offer but don't forget their daily needs, particularly their medical insurance." she added and ICE assured her.

"It's already included that's why they were grateful for the benefits that they were receiving even though they were working only at our lowest star-rank hotels." she assured her lady boss who was grinning from ear to ear.

"They prioritized their family needs over money. I like that kind of people who were working for our hotel." Sabrina was totally happy that she's having those kinds of people who she could trust around her hotel.

"That's why I'm very hands-on and tight around the investors. And that's why I am helping you here as your personal bodyguard again." ICE winked at her and Sabrina just rolled her eyes to hide the heated cheeks on her face.

There was a few moments of silence as they enjoyed their morning breakfast together. The silence around them was totally pleasing and relaxing especially to Sabrina. She's always stressed out and only the presence of ICE could make her less cold or grumpy like what happened at the hotel's poolside.

"I wonder when you're going to show your face in public that you're also the heir of what my parents left behind." Sabrina suddenly uttered that made ICE look at her for a few seconds before sighing. ICE knew that she misses her parents as much as she does but they were not speaking about it. They both just feel it.

"I don't need it, Sab. You're legitimate and I'm just their adopted plus, it's better this way so I could be flexible around the Marques properties. I'll work behind your shadow." ICE smirked and Sabrina could not say anything more about it.

"Fine, if say so, my guardian." Sabrina smiled since she knew that ICE will prioritize her safety more than the hotel that her parents left for them. ICE was being molded even more to be her personal bodyguard than to be the heir to their family wealth.

"I think it's better as a knight than a guardian." ICE chuckled and Sabrina.

"Why I didn't think of it?" they both giggled until Sabrina and ICE notification from their gadgets began ringing.

"Back to work." ICE said and Sabrina nodded before heading first inside the hotel room