

The Four Nations were in a were against The Forbidden, they were a race of beast,with the appearance of a werewolf but these wolves had only one agenda to kill more and to eat more. As if that was not enough they vomited more and more eggs ,which turned into different beast of different shapes and sizes which further terrorised the humans. In the midst of four Nations of ability, there was a boy with the name Xander Woods, who didn't have an ability book and therefore was bullied by the others. One day he left to his regular ability book store to get another ability book, but a middle aged woman gave him two books, and after getting bullied again something happens that changed his life forever [Congratulations you have successfully The Phoenix System]

PrinceDaniel10 · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

Finally there

Xander was coughing up blood due to the heavy power bomb he for from the beast and but he was able to get up, but he was furious at the bead and he switched from the steel claws to his bo staff.

He took out his bo staff and whacked the beast so hard on the heard that a little piece of bone was out on full display on the opposite end, he held a part of it and twisted it to the right and stabbed its head again and soon, a punch from the bear could be seen but he kept twisting the staff like a cart wheel making the beast hit a rotating beast weapons.

He tabbed the beast in the chest and just as he was about to pull it out, a giant hand punched him on the back but it only managed to push him a bit, another bear had found him it was then he realised that his smoke skills had reached their time limit.

He cursed inwardly as he now had two bad bears to handle alone, too soon they both puched at the same time but holding the sword in a horizontal position he managed to block the and he quickly switched the bow for his katana, he swung it deep in one of the beasts mid section and the dragged it up cutting the beast in half.

The other beast grew more angry that his brother that was what Xander thought as he could see the beast punching the ground in frustration and it quickly moved to slash Xander's head but he grabbed its had and then he cut the beast hand if cleanly.It growled more as he whacked Xander in his ribs, though he didn't move much,a few ribs must have cracked as he felt immense pain at his side.

[-1 HP]

He took his sword but was now slowed down, but the beast was also weakend by Xander's attacked, with its good arm it swung its claws but Xander twisted it to the side and then he tore the beast in half but just as he was about to finally rest the beast body collapsed on him and soon he fainted.


Xander woke up and as usual his wounds were healed, he was in the tent but the person who was by his side was kelvin, he was sleeping but it still felt good to have someone else watch over him, he checked his system as he was surprised that there was no quest but still he was happy with what he got.

[Basic tier crystals:19/100]

[+5 stats]

[+ 3 stamina]

[ +2 agility]

His stats were rising faster than he thought they would be and he was happy about that and about what his current stats were.

[Strength :17/17]


[Stamina: 14/14]

[Mind: 13/13]

[Endurance: 13/13]

After checking his stats he waited for an hour or so before kelvin woke up.

"Xander how are you still alive, are you okay", he asked as if him looking alright and healthy was abnormal, though it wasn't but considering how much injuries he sustained during the fight it kind of was abnormal.

"Am fine", Xander answered him with a smile and kelvin could not help but feel amazed, how could Xander even still be fine after what happened to him, but his thoughts were interrupted with Xander's words.

" Kelvin, how long was I unconscious ",Xander asked with a bit of a shakey voice since he didn't want to be the reason the whole group had to wait behind.

Soon after having breakfast and tyding up they were on the road again, and after a few hours of riding they finally began to see an academy.

It looked humungous from the outside and when they were inside it looked even more breathtaking, they were different building and some of them had giant statues if swords, axes and other weapon but the one that seemed to be the most unique was the statue of two eyes, the eyes look dead and it looked as if it was starring at you at the same time it looked as if it wasn't.

And then the knights stood in front of them and sir Max said, "welcome students, the rest to see what class you will be put into starts now".

" Actually it was as if you slept because you got knocked out yesterday and woke up today", kelvin relied and heard Xander say the words "thank goodness", as if he just dodged s narrow bullet.

"About that smoke where exactly did it come from", Xander asked curiously and kelvin answered right away.

" well sir Cathasach said it was caused by all the bears being there that, it reduced the more bears we kill", kelvin answered.

After having breakfast and tidying up they were soon in the carriage and after a few hours of travelling they were finally seeing the Academy.

It looked like a mini city with different buildings every, and it looked even better when they finally got inside, and it was then that he notice that there were statues if some weapons at the top of some of the buildings. But the statue that stood out more than the others were two pair if eyes, it was a pair that could hold you and make you lost in them, it was as if it was looking at you yet it wasn't.

But soon the thought of the students got interrupted by sir Max "alright students the training to decide the class you will get put in starts now", he said.


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