
P.S= #67: His Grave Stone & My Dream

As Cory and Naima strolled through the bustling city streets, their footsteps echoing against the pavement, Naima couldn't help but question Cory's sudden decision to accompany her.

"Why do you want to come along?" she asked curiously, her eyes glancing at him.

Cory shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, no reason really," he replied with a small smile, his gaze wandering to the vibrant surroundings.

"Okay, but before we go to speak with my mom and sister, I want to say goodbye one last time," Naima informed him solemnly.

"Sure, no problem," Cory agreed readily, sensing the gravity of the moment.

Stopping at a flower shop and then a bar, they carefully selected a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine. Arriving at the cemetery, they made their way through the serene surroundings until they reached a grave marked with a simple cross bearing the name Roku Summer B676-B712.