
P.S= #50: Kyona Island once The Island Of Experiments Part 2

[Outside on top of Zekia]

The vast expanse of the open sky stretched above Zekia, the Phoenix Slayers' ship, as Ava and Yamato engaged in a conversation.

"Do you think it was a good idea to let them destroy a lab in enemy territory?" questioned Ava, her eyes fixed on the horizon.

"Who knows once Cory say something you can't stop him plus I think the labs should be destroyed because they are experimenting on people so." Said Yamato.

"Yea your right about that Yamato we need to stop it before it gets even worst." Said Ava while she looks at Yamato.

Yamato, focused on a small section of the war train's exterior, requested a tool. "Screwdriver, please," he said, extending his hand.

Ava handed him the screwdriver, her curiosity lingering. "Question, why didn't you just use your magic drive to fix the war train? Wouldn't it be faster?"