
P.S= #43: Sky War Part 1

In the pulsating heart of the control room, the tension hung thick as the decision weighed heavily on the crew. Cory's determined voice cut through the air like a blade.

"I say we fight him," he declared, his eyes reflecting a mix of resolve and frustration.

"Are you mad, Cory? They have a dozen war trains. I say we get the hell out of here now," Kiyomizu countered, her pragmatic stance resonating with urgency.

A cloud of sadness enveloped Cory's expression, a solitary tear tracing a path down his cheek. "She's right, Cory," Yamato added, his voice carrying a hint of reason.

"Yea, Cory. We should leave, plus both Elliott and Gwenyth aren't in fighting capability," Ava chimed in.

Despite the consensus leaning toward retreat, Cory, undeterred, issued a directive. "I know. Indi, get us out of here," he commanded.

"I'm on it, Captain," Indi responded, fingers dancing across the control panel.

"Start up the engine," Cory ordered.