
The Phoenix Queen

"I am willing to fall for you over and over again. " he says with a hint of pleading in his voice. "But I don't want to fall for you, Eli. You've caused too much trouble for me." she says after hesitating. "Please I beg of......." He didn't get to finish what he was saying as she yanks her hand from his grip and storms to the door. --- "Please give me a chance, give us a chance." She hesitated at the door knob. She loves him,it is true but he hurt her too deep. "You lost that chance." - When June loses her brother due to love, she swears not to fall again. For Eli, she was the embodiment of the stars. She was the Nile on a hot day. She was his mate! For June,he was the cause if her emotional pain. The person who caused the death of her brother. She didn't want anything to do with him. But fate always has different plans for this immortal and wolf.

inoe_lisa · Fantaisie
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8 Chs




Oh no, not him! Anybody but him. I froze. My body could not react. I guess some things are buried deep into your system that you can't fight them. That right there is fear with a touch of despair. My worst nightmare came walking to me straight out of my dreams.

He was the one reason as to why I was never dating or romantically involved with anyone. Not that I wanted to, just because of what I did. I am dirty, all thanks to him. Sebastian Rawson, town bad boy. I actually fell in love with the scumbag. At first it was all great, then after I discovered that he smoked and was involved in drugs, it all went downhill.

Growing up as an immortal, you learn to be open minded. I didn't mind him smoking or doing drugs so he took advantage of that. One day, he called me to his place. I went so excited that I would be seeing him again. If only I had known that that day would become my worst nightmare, that he was a monster in sheep's skin, that I was just a bet, maybe I wouldn't have left my bed that day.

"Spacing out? I thought I told you to never space out in front of me darling." he said with a nasty grin while walking towards me. I hate this guy and I hate myself even more for failing to do anything. Guess I'm that much of an idiot.

"Oh darling, how I've missed you. Those lips, that body. Can't wait to have you in my bed again." he said reaching out to touch me. I avoided his touch and retched. That's just how much I don't want him next to me. Next thing I know; I've been sent flying with a kick. I crashed into a door and I felt body fall apart. My whole body ached.

"I f*cking hate it when you act like you are better than me." He says as he stalks my way. I try to lift my body up to run but it won't listen. It just wouldn't.

"Now I am going to teach you some manners. It seems that you've forgotten just how exactly you need to act in front of me."

He descended upon me but I was unwilling. I kept fighting back and he kept hitting me. With tears spilling down my face, I tried to shout for help.

Of course, how could he let me. He tried to kiss me but I bit his lip instead. He backhanded me and my head hit the wall. I think it started bleeding. I felt my head spin so much that I was seeing stars. As I tried to gather my thoughts he tied my hands and he started ripping my clothes. I closed my eyes, unwilling but unable to fight back. Somewhere in the distance, I heard rattling. Like a door handle. I tried to grasp onto this little ray of hope by trying to call out for some help. My voice couldn't get out and I really didn't have any strength left so I gave up. The rattling also stopped.

'Guess I won't be saved today.' I thought.

Just as I had lost hope, a crashing sound rang in the empty washroom and I felt a tear escape my eyes.

"Whoa, I didn't know someone was in here. Guess you're getting all fired up. Ha-ha, nice." that person said. The voice was familiar, but with my spinning head I couldn't tell the difference.

"Get the hell out "Sebastian shouted. No, please don't leave. I moved my lips to say something but I couldn't. My lips were busted as well. I guess this is bad, very bad.

"George, mother taught us to always respect women regardless of who they are."

"You're right, Eli. But how are we supposed to deal with scum who disrespect women?"

"We beat them up."

Next thing I know, Sebastian and these other two are embroiled in a fight. They managed to subdue him finally. I don't know, maybe I was spacing out again. I felt something cover me up and approach me. I curled up, just wanting to close my eyes and forget everything.

"It's ok. Alright? He won't hurt you anymore." the stranger said as he tried to help me sit up. He cradled me and that did it. Maybe it was the pain, maybe the sense of security he offered in this hug but, I finally cried. I cried out all my grievances, I cried so hard I hadn't noticed that a crowd had formed or that Zelda was by my side or that Sontag still beat Sebastian up.

All I know is that I had people who actually cared what happened to me close by. That was enough for my body to give way and I finally felt like I was losing consciousness. Maybe it was for the best. I didn't want to feel people's pity or disgust filled gazes. I just wanted to go home and be with the boys in a big fluffy blanket and enjoy hot chocolate and a movie. The last thing I heard was Zelda all shakily talking to one of the boys, Spencer. He is the one who usually screams when he is frustrated. Whatever! I finally gave in to the darkness.

Eli's POV

"Oh goddess. That was so much fun." Screams George as I haul him into our Bentley. He was a mess and reeked of booze.

"At least no one got to see him like that." Says Jedak, my lycant and I sigh. He was right. We were quiet famous and popular, especially George yet he was the most reckless of the two of us.

"Oh relax. You need to live life to the fullest, Eli." George says as he wants to slips into sleep.

Peace and quiet is all I asked for this Friday, but look what I got. A drunk twin brother and a weird tingly sensation. Jedak was all whiny and uncomfortable and I couldn't even begin to understand why.

"What is happening to me?" I thought.

I am Eli Farrell and yeah, I'm some tycoon. Anyway, my brother, George, always goes to bars Thursday night and I have to pick him up always to avoid the tabloids. As we drove home, a certain scent kept my mind on edge. I could not explain the feeling clearly.

George started squirming in the seats in his drunk daze and I almost run someone over. He got out first to assess the situation. When I got out of the car, the scent hit me again and I was shocked.

A plain Jane is what you would call her but something about her was captivating. Her emerald green eyes were so beautiful one could easily drown in them. I guess I had found my mate but then something else happened that was disturbing.

She was a freaking human and she looked to be weak. My mate can't be weak!

"Come on. It's not so bad." Says George as he tries to calm me down. I couldn't be bothered. I was seriously upset with the goddess for sending me such a mate.

"She's human and is weak. What could be worse?" I spit back at him as I try to reign in my anger. Things just weren't going my way today.

"At least she is a looker. She has quiet the looks and she is beautiful as well as sassy. She can't be that bad." He adds as we settle down for lunch at some café.

For lunch usually, me and George always go to some café close to a university. It's a nice view and always so homey. I see the girl from earlier and she's with some other girl with a purple bob. It was good to see her again but I felt that something wasn't right. She stands to go to the bathroom when I see a guy following her. I had wanted to catch up to them but I got a call from my mum. I send George after them and I joined later. That scumbag almost raped her. I was furious!!!! And I didn't even know why!

Hello everyone.

Ster here. Thanks for reading so far. Remember, always respect women and never take advantage of the weak.

inoe_lisacreators' thoughts