
The person who Challenged a God: Clueless Reincarnation

Haruki Sato, transcending mortality in his former realm, emerges anew in a world infused with powers and abilities. Driven by a quest to traverse the entire globe and catalyze positive change, he embarks on an exciting odyssey of discovery and transformation, In each nation, our protagonist discovers a unique, long-forgotten form of magic tied to the land's history, unlocking extraordinary powers and forging alliances to avenge his village in an epic tale of rediscovery and revenge. Come Join Our Journey As Satō Haruki Becomes The Strongest Sorcerer, and a God too of course. --------------------- Image is not mine, if the original owner sees this, please be forgiving. image by lee.js. (chapters are posted either weekly or Thursday to Friday)

AsunaOfficial · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Wandering Sorcery 5: Allies In Diàn-Guó

A familiar voice starts saying, "Yuri..! Yuri!" Sato sees his mother but in a blurry vision, he reaches out his hand, he yells, "Mom..! Please come back!"

[Sato]: MOM!!

With covers tangled around his legs, Sato's hand remains outstretched.

[Osuke]: Sato?.. you're missing mom already? Don't worry, we'll head home in 2 days, but it'll be a quick visit.

[Sato]: Where are we..?

[Kiriro]: DIAN-GUO!!! Hurry up! We need to go and buy those things we saw yesterday!!

[Ryuko]: Get lost, we just woke up..

[Kiriro]: Come on, it's limited! It's so cool too..

Sato rubs his eyes and sits up, looking up at them.

[Sato]: Yeah.. Yeah.. - What's that smell..?

Kiriro and Ryuko notice it too.

[Kiriro]: It smells like something is burning.

[Sato]: Let's check it out..

Ryuko nods in agreement and gets up to follow the smell as Sato trails behind. They walk until the smell gets stronger, and it leads them outside the window. And there they find Osuke attempting to cook breakfast, with smoke billowing around him and a burnt pan in hand.

[Osuke, cheerfully oblivious]: Just trying out my new recipe for crispy pancakes! Who wants the first bite?

[Sato]: Dad.. I think it's burnt.

[Kiriro]: Ooh, I'd like to try some!

[Ryuko]: Oh, please.. Give us a break.

Sato chuckles as Kiriro eagerly approaches Osuke, while Ryuko grunts and starts to head back inside. Sato grabs Ryuko's shoulder to stop him.

[Sato]: Come on, let's enjoy ourselves before going inside the boarders of Diàn-Guó!

[Ryuko]: I am not eating your father's cooking.

Despite Ryuko's resistance, he knows they'll need their energy for the day ahead, especially since they're on the hunt for a healer for their team, which is no easy task.

[Sato]: Pff-haha, let's go!

Sato pulls Ryuko along, and they both run towards Osuke and Kiriro.

-Hours later-

Sato and everyone were now prepared to go inside Diàn-Guó with their things packed up. However, they encountered a major hiccup: the security measures were tighter than expected, resulting in a massive queue of people waiting to get through. Ryuko, feeling the exhaustion creeping in, couldn't help but voice his frustration.

[Ryuko]: You said this was only going to take a while..

[Kiriro]: Well, I didn't know it was going to take a while with a capital W!

Sato, on the verge of losing his mind due to the unexpectedly to the long wait, and tries to maintain some of enthusiasm but it was a bit drained by exhausation.

[Sato, through gritted teeth]: Come on, guys, think of it as an adventure! We'll have plenty of time to bond while we wait in this... uh, scenic line.. yeah...

[Ryuko]: Yeah, No sh!t.

Ryuko crossed his arms with a grunt on his face while Osuke kept himself entertained by chatting with others in line. Meanwhile, Kiriro noticed a commotion and tapped Sato's shoulder to draw his attention. Sato turned to see two men engaged in a violent altercation, punches flying and voices raised. The guards rushed to intervene, but it was too late.

[Kiriro]: Sato! Look! Isn't that a dagger?

Suddenly, one of the men brandished a dagger and stabbed the other in the stomach, causing him to collapse in agony, while the man with the dagger was pushed down by a royal guard. Without hesitation, Sato rushed forward to help, only to be blocked by a girl.

[The girl]: Move.

[Sato stepped aside in confusion, stuttering,]: W-what? Huh?

Sato sees the girl who brushed him aside, seeing her chanting,

[Random Girl]: Throughout heaven and earth, let light cover these wounds. Healing.

12 Years After The Rebirth Of a Mirage Mage Haruki Sato At the Boarders Of Diàn-Guō

Sato sees the man who was grunting, and loosing blood he was holding his wound blood was everywhere, while the random girl was chanting a ball of light appears in her hand,

The girl was a healer.

As the wound close rapidly, Sato immediately taps Kiriro,

[Sato, whispering quietly.]: Hey, don't we need a healer? I mean going inside the boarders and put up flyers would be hard y'know.

[Kiriro]: You have a point, but I'M SCARED TOO, SHE LITERALLY PUSHED YOU OFF..

[Sato]: well?? What're you waiting for? Go tell her

[Kiriro slowly walked near the crowded area, saying]: Hey, I'm Kiriro, a mage from the east lands, and I was wonde-

[Frieren]: The name's Frieren.

[Kiriro]: O-oh yes! Um I am a mage with a party guild, we are uh looking for a healer like you to join in.

[Frieren]: Wait where we're you from again?

[Kiriro]: East lands, from The Wind Nation, why?

[Random girl]: Huh? Wait east lands? How'd you get here? Isn't the east land wiped out?

[Kiriro, stunned]: Huh- wha- what do you mean? Wiped.. out.?

[Frieren]: The Nether Realm is starting a war. And the Nether realm attacked the eastlands first, and the wind nation had no defense since they're 'skilled' general went and ran away with his minions.

[Kiriro]: What? No no we went to a nearby dungeon which was opening a Portal to the Nether..

[Frieren]: well if that's the case, you guys were late, probably when the first nether army went in General Matsumoto was still clearing the dungeon, while the wind nation was destroyed.

[Frieren]: The Frostbourne is on they're way with they're elite sorcerer's to aid the wind nations, general Matsumoto died while fighting, how'd I know? Well I was one of the healers that were recruited.

[Kiriro]: W-wait wait.. Sato! SATO!

Kiriro runs, seeing Sato and Ryuko talking to each other, he heavily says.

[Kiriro]: Sato.. SATO! THE WIND NATION.. Breathing intensively The- THE NETHER REALM.. THEY SENT AN ARMY!

[Sato]: Wait what!?

[Ryuko]: Where'd you get this information from dumbass?

[Kiriro]: No no no it's.. it's real! That was why there were many goblins and hordes when we were traveling..

They suddenly hear a soldier shouting, "Gates!" They hear Carts moving, horses neighing, As the Boarders Gate open they see a knight, feathered green on top of his Helmet, the green feathered knight shouts,

[General Elite Evergreen]: I am Elite Evergreen! General Of Diàn-guó, one of the Seven Commanders In The Kingdom Of Jade We, the overworld Are being attacked by the Nether realm, we need soldiers, knights, brave enough to scare those pesky monsters back to they're realm! Who here comes with me, and defend the nation of the wind!

People suddenly murmuring as soldiers march outside of the boarders doors, Adult Swordsmen were recruited on the line, Sato looking for his father, (Where's dad? I didn't see him since we arrived..) a tap behind his back, he turns around and sees his father.

[Osuke]: Sato, you and the other 2 Two stay here for a few days, I was recruited by the general, I had no choice. But please stay here and wait for me.

[Sato says worriedly]: But? Of all the people in this line.. you were recruited!? We already found a healer. I thought we were gonna go home in a few more days?..

[Osuke Responds]: Don't worry, I'll be back in a few more days, 2 or 3 I don't know, but really don't worry. I promise I'll be back, He walks further to the cart Tell Ryuko and Kiriro!

As Sato sees his father depart for war, he sees more people get on the cart, estimated of 12 carts were departing. Seeing this he was able to stay in Dian guo for a few days.

They proceeded to go inside the boarders, seeing soldiers on top of walls, guarding the nation letting them enter. Sato looks to his side seeing Kiriro, worried for his parents.

[Sato]: You okay?.. I'm sure they're fine man, don't worry too much.

[Kiriro scoffed,]: Yeah.

Sato looks to his other side seeing Ryuko wearing his hood, with his sword behind his back

[Sato]: You alright?

[Ryuko Murmuring]: mhm.

they went to a nearby motel and went in for the night, unpacking they're stuff, Kiriro says

[Kiriro]: Let's get some rest, I'm sure they'll be back by tomorrow.

[Sato]: Okay, goodnight

Ryuko heads to his room without saying anything, while Sato heads inside his room.

Sato lays down, taking his book of magic and opening it, he opens the lantern and reads for about 20 minutes, and he was tired, he blows out the lantern. He closed his eyes, and slept.

𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓿𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭...

End of chapter #007

Chapter By: scarlet17

Contributions By: wwwtheaa