

My story is a strict story, I always wanted to kill the man who ruined my life when I was 18 years old until I'm 60 years old.

His name was David Jackson. A Life Army's police officers. Rougher than rock, he is featured by violence, his hobby is to captured criminals, all their types; even the air, if he don't authorize it, you aren't allowed to breathe.

I stole only a can of beans to feed my brother's child after his death.

He prisoned me for 42 years,working like a slave, and hard working without any payment. Years of pulling ships with hundreds of slaves to its ports even in the presence technology. My parole has begun at the last year, he gave me my liberty against a list of warnings. I'm not allowed to work in private property not until I show my parole paper; not allowed work in official jobs to the government of the Life Army.

I searched for 10 years for a job, and if I found one, I'll get fired from the first week due to my anger and rage from what I've lost in these 42 years.

But a someone should come to save me, it's Mike and his brother Nick. They kept me in his house, feeding me and protecting me from cold.

After gaining their trust, and ensured that they aren't in that army, I started to tell them about my hate to Jackson

, my thirst for revenge from him.They told me that he's organizing a revolution against the Army. I had no way for killing David except joining the revolution.

" Mike." I said." You are sure about it."

" Yeah, why not." He said smiling ." Think about your revenge from David Jackson . He is the thief not you."

- What you mean?

- He stole your life. 42 years of working without stopping for a government that knows no mercy for the people.

- You're right. When I find him, I'll kill him and burn his body as well as all these years in the jail.

- A noble man of Jackson family is ill, and 80% he'll die soon. When he'll die, that will be our mark to move.

- Do you have guns to fight with?

- Ah James, we have helicopters and some tanks mate.

- From where you get all this stuff?

- We stole them from the Army when we attacked one of their weak compounds. It was a gold mine.

Five weeks passed, we are setting up the weapons and tanks, but we didn't believe what Mike told us when he arrived to the safe house.

" Wilson!?" He said." You remember that noble guy?"

" He died?"I said.

- No, he found a cure for his disease and got out from the hospital like he wasn't sick at all.

- You gotta be kidding mate, we've been preparing for weeks. Who the hell is that guy who have him that goddamn cure?!!

- I don't what to say, but it's true.

I wasn't angry as that day, I've been waiting for years for that moment for revenging from David.

" Mike, Nick," I said," I got an idea for the revolution."

"Go ahead." Nick said.

- Why we don't join the Army to gain Jackson's trust and make friends with him.

- Obviously you can't be serious.

- I'm serious. Sure both of you know my hate to the Army, I know this is madness but it's the only way to.

- You can't just go and tell Jackson I want to be your friend. You didn't forget your parole?

- Oh that paper, I burned it out before I met you.

"Alright." Mike said. " Let us believe that David accepted you, he'll cut your goddamn head off if he see you Wilson. And what make us believe that you entered the jail for 42 years and you don't have a single white hair?"

- Ah yeah I haven't told you my secret.

I grabbed a knife from a table nearby and cut my hand off. But it grew up fast.

- You understand now? I'm a mutant that can heal himself faster than the normal people.

- We both have the same power as you James we are twins and we can heal like you.

- Then we are joining the Army and with the people that were supposed to fight in the revolution.

" I'm in." Mike said gladly.

" Me too." Nick said.

- Lads we are joining Jackson's crew soon.