
The Peak of Oblivion

Hidden within a mountain cave, in the depths of an endless forest, lies an ancient secret that once threatened to consume the world. This is the story of Rin Sai's journey to the top, struggling to master a terrifying power in a brutal, unforgiving world. Includes elements of fantasy, cultivation, wuxia, mythology, reincarnation, and magic. Inspired by Japanese and Chinese web novels.

DaoistSRtPP8 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Ch 3 - Endless Ocean

All alone, floating in the depths of an endless ocean, there was a woman. Her long, black hair trailed behind her and she hugged her knees tightly to her chest. No light penetrated these depths, but even if it had her eyes were shut and she seemed to be in a deep slumber.

Aimlessly she drifted, pushed by the ocean currents. Always moving but going nowhere.

Her name was Nayla. This was the only thing she knew and the only thing she remembered. Long ago she thought that she might have had a life. Perhaps there had been more to her existence than this endless void, drowning for eternity. But all of that was long, long gone now.

All that remained was her name and the endless water.