
The Peak of Oblivion

Hidden within a mountain cave, in the depths of an endless forest, lies an ancient secret that once threatened to consume the world. This is the story of Rin Sai's journey to the top, struggling to master a terrifying power in a brutal, unforgiving world. Includes elements of fantasy, cultivation, wuxia, mythology, reincarnation, and magic. Inspired by Japanese and Chinese web novels.

DaoistSRtPP8 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Ch 11 - Helping Hand

The doorway led straight into a cramped and dirty alleyway, seemingly some sort of emergency back exit. The little Divine Mouse scampered ahead without waiting for them. Just as Rin thought it would disappear into the shadow, the mouse paused for a moment to look back at him. Rin walked over and crouched down, gently stroking its little furry head with the back of his finger.

"Thank you little mouse," he said quietly, "I won't ask you to stay with us any longer, you've already done more than I could've ever asked. If ever there comes a time when you need something from me, I hope you won't hesitate to come and find me. I'm sure with your ability, sniffing out my location will be easy."

Rin inclined his head respectfully towards the mouse and their eyes met for a brief moment. Then, the mouse was gone into the night. Rin straightened and peered down both directions of the alley. The mouse had headed in the direction that led to the main street, where the light and noise was incessant, even at this hour. The other way led deeper into the bowels of the city.

Having no real choice, Rin decided to head deeper into the city. With prisoners on the loose, the front entrance and main street were likely to be swarming with soldiers.

"Let's head in this direction and try to find someplace to shelter for the night." As Rin spoke he was already walking swiftly. "We need to move fast. There's no telling when more reinforcements will arrive. They could start sweeping the area of escapees at any moment."

Rin started to jog down the alleyway, Nayla and the little girl followed closely behind. Not far ahead, another dimly lit backroad intersected their alley and Rin increased his pace, worried that soldiers would soon begin to converge on the area from all directions, responding to the prison break. As Rin entered the crossroad, he suddenly collided with someone coming from the other direction.

"Ugh!" The man let out a loud groan as Rin barreled into him at full force. There was a metallic clatter as the flask he had been holding skittered across the pave stones

Shocked, Rin now found himself face to face with Ren Tao. His surprise quickly transformed into anger and he seized the old man's collar roughly. Tao did not resist, allowing himself to be dragged to his feet.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now!" Rin seethed furiously.

Ren Tao hung his head in shame. "I did not think I would see you again…"

Seeing Rin's furious expression, the old man hurriedly continued. "You have to understand, I'm not proud of what I did to you but I had no choice! You don't know that man Reinalt like I do, he is a ruthless and unpredictable monster. If I had tried to warn you or given you a chance to escape, he would've just killed me and left me to rot in the hills!

"The only reason why I took that pointless assignment was to get a little peace and quiet. Do you think I enjoy rounding up poor peasants and handing them over to that bastard Rio Fei?" Tao clenched his fists and spat on the stones below. "It was just my terrible luck that Reinalt was assigned as my partner as punishment for some of his past indiscretions…"

Rin remained silent and continued to stare Ren Tao down coldly as he subtly tightened his grip on the man's collar.

"But now that it's come to this, maybe I can help you…" Ren Tao glanced around surreptitiously, but there was nobody in sight. "You can't hang around here looking like this, it's only a matter of time before you'll be snatched off the streets again. Beggars and street urchins don't last long around here."

Hearing this unfavourable description, Rin tightened his grip even further and Ren Tao hurriedly waved his hands in a placating gesture.

"I only meant that people dressed like…" He gestured vaguely towards their clothes. "...will be an easy target here. The Ravenwood Mercenary Group has enormous power here. They control virtually every entrance and exit to the city, so they decide who enters and who gets to leave. The mines and brothels are always in need of fresh meat, so any criminals, dissidents, and vagrants are quickly swept up and sent to work."

"Listen, I may not have much power in this city, but I at least have some connections." Ren Tao slowly reached into his pocket and withdrew a small stone token, white with some words inscribed in black.

"Take this token. Three blocks south of here there is a small shop with a sign that reads 'The Quiet Rooster'. Their doors will be shuttered at this hour, but the owner owes me a large debt. If you show her this token, she will let you stay the night. You can get you some clean clothes, a hot meal, and…" He wrinkled his nose meaningfully. "...maybe even take a bath. In the morning, I will send someone to take you to a safe place."

Rin sneered in disbelief. "Why should we trust the words of a snake? Why would you be willing to help us now?"

Ren Tao's expression was downcast, leaving an impression of a soul-deep weariness. He shrugged helplessly. "I am not a terrible person, simply a man bound by circumstance. Reinalt isn't here, and you've managed to escape on your own. If I help you disappear, who would be the wiser? Besides, do you have any other options?"

Rin considered his words for a moment. "Not good enough. We still need some kind assurance from you. Or else, why shouldn't we expect to wake up to guards knocking at the door? For all we know you are leading us straight into another trap."

Ren Tao was silent. He realized that if he couldn't come to an amicable solution here, this situation could end up quite badly for him.

"Why don't I come with you? I am willing to act as your hostage if that's the only way to gain your trust."

Rin was shocked. "You would do this willingly?"

The old man laughed. "It's the least I can do after what I put you through. But you should be aware that if I go missing for too long, people will come looking for me. I might only be a useless old man, but as I said I do still have some connections."

Rin thought for a moment. [We've escaped the immediate danger but unfortunately, Ren Tao is correct. It isn't safe for us to stay out here, and we have no connections in the city. This is risky, but maybe it's our best option...]

Ultimately, Rin decided to follow the old man, keeping a very close watch for any suspicious behaviour. In his heart, Rin felt no qualms about killing Ren Tao the instant he displayed a hint of rebellion, but he still wasn't fully confident in his ability to successfully execute the technique he had performed earlier. Not liking this feeling of uncertainty, Rin silently resolved to start increasing his strength at the first opportunity.

Ren Tao led them through several dark alleys and twisting back streets, all deserted at this hour. Several minutes later the group of four arrived at a small, dark shopfront with a sign on its door displaying an image of a crowing rooster. Ren Tao hammered on the door for several moments until a sleepy voice called out from within.

"Who the hell is making such a racket at this hour?" A small shutter opened in the door, allowing a faint stream of candlelight to spill into the night.

"Ren Tao!" A shocked voice emerged from within.

The sound of a bar being lifted could be heard from within and a moment later the door swung open. Standing in the doorway was a middle-aged, brunette woman. She was dressed for sleep in a lacey gown and slippers. Her soft brown eyes stared with shock out of a charming, round face.

"Lin Anara, my apologies for disturbing you at this late hour." Ren Tao inclined his head towards the woman.

Flustered, the woman hurriedly waved her hand. "No, no, it's no trouble really! It has been a long time, I didn't know you were back in the city. Please, let me know how I can be of service to you this evening!"

Her manner was extremely respectful, even deferential, as though addressing someone of far superior status to her own.

"I only just arrived earlier today," Ren Tao replied, "and as you can see, I've brought a few tagalongs with me."

He ruffled Rin's hair and smiled apologetically, giving off the impression of a kindly old grandfather. "Truly, I am embarrassed to have to ask this favour of you but the circumstances have left me no other choice. These children have gone through a taxing ordeal and need a quiet place to stay the night…"

"If we could also trouble you for some clean clothes and perhaps a hot meal, I would be forever in your debt." Ren clasped his hands and bowed his head humbly.

Lin Anara's expression grew more and more astonished as Ren Tao spoke until Rin was concerned that her eyes might pop out of her head. Hurriedly, she ushered them through the small, dark shop and into her modest living quarters.

The shop seemed to mostly sell clothing, so Lin was quickly able to select something for each of them. While the articles she chose were not luxurious by any means, they could still be considered very good quality. Rin and Aisha received simple but sturdy grey and brown tunics, while Nayla was given a more ornate white and blue gown that flowed elegantly down her figure. They discarded their dirty and ragged clothes with relief, though Rin chose to keep his cloak which was still in decent condition.

Lin warmed up some stew and served them generous bowls with large chunks of bread. Rin and Aisha devoured the food at an astonishing rate. For Rin, this was his first real meal in several years. But for Aisha, this was the first time in her entire life that she had gotten to eat her fill, so she took full advantage of the opportunity, asking for seconds and even thirds.

Afterwards, Lin offered to draw them all hot baths and they happily accepted. Rin was still a little uneasy about Ren Tao, but Lin Anara at least seemed to be a kind-hearted and honest woman.

When they were done, Aisha went straight to sleep in the guest bedroom and Lin also bid them goodnight, returning to her own room.

Rin, Nayla, and Ren Tao sat in the main living area, where some cushions were scattered on the ground to provide an area to relax. While it was late and Rin was thoroughly exhausted, he wanted to question the old man further before they retired for the night.

"Tao, you mentioned a safe place that you could bring us tomorrow. Where did you mean?"

Ren Tao had pulled out a large wooden pipe and was puffing away on it contentedly as he relaxed on some cushions. For a moment his face was obscured as he blew out a great cloud of smoke, filling the room with a pungent aroma from the blend of herbs he was using.

"The truth is…" he sighed heavily, "I actually used to belong to a major Martial Sect here in Ravenwood City. A number of years ago there was a dispute, and I was forced to leave with nothing but the clothes on my back. Furthermore, my cultivation was damaged leaving me with a fraction of my previous strength. With no other place to turn, I ended up at the Ravenwood Mercenary Guild and found a quiet job that wouldn't cause me too much heartache, or so I thought."

"But I am still related to their Senior Elder by blood and the current Sect Master was a disciple under my care many years ago, he owes me several life-saving favours. They may never accept this old man back, but my word still carries at least a little weight there." Ren Tao smiled bitterly.

"If you want to stay in this city, you'll need some kind of backing. The Burning Sky Sect isn't the most powerful in Ravenwood City but it's definitely in the top ten, which should be enough to protect you. Joining a sect will also give you a place to lie low until the heat blows over, and of course, there is also the opportunity to increase your strength as well..." Ren Tao trailed off and paused for a moment.

"...I should be able to at least get you and the girl accepted into the entrance examination, and they will treat you a little more favourably considering my background. Burning Sky is always looking for new recruits, and they hold examinations four times a year so there should be one coming up soon. However, the woman... is a problem. " he shot Nayla an apologetic glance.

"You and the girl can slip beneath scrutiny, but her appearance is too distinctive and Rio Fei seemed to have taken a liking to her. That little monster will no doubt search high and low for any trace of her, and he has many connections. I have no doubt that word of her presence would reach his ear eventually if he was persistent enough."

"Furthermore, her age is far beyond the normal range for disciples entering the sect. They don't often accept anyone beyond the age of 16. There is also the issue of the illness you mentioned earlier…"

Rin was at a loss for a moment before remembering the lie he had told at the city gates about Nayla's cultivation.

Luckily, Ren Tao didn't seem to notice his lapse and continued after a brief pause, "Perhaps I could offer a solution? I believe Lin Anara would be delighted to take on an additional helping hand in the shop, perhaps with some tasks in the back that would keep her out of the public eye."

Rin considered the proposal carefully. It went without saying that he still did not fully trust Ren Tao. However, so far the man had kept his word and seemed to be making a sincere effort to repay the harm he had caused them.

After Rin didn't respond to his suggestion, Ren Tao seemed to grow nervous and hurriedly continued, "Of course, she will be fairly compensated for her work, in addition to receiving room and board."

"Nayla, what do you think?" Rin turned to her and asked.

Nayla tilted her head thoughtfully. "Hmm… Might not be a bad idea, at least for the time being until things calm down a little. If I might ask, how far is the Burning Sky sect from here?"

"Their headquarters are located less than a kilometre from here, deeper within the city. Ravenwood City is divided roughly in half, with the business and living districts mixed together, and the Martial Sects and noble houses occupying the other half. There are around a dozen major Martial Sects, though about half of those fall under the umbrella of the Ravenwood Mercenary Group. Their influence on the nobility is even greater, any noble families that survived are pretty much bought and owned by the RMG."

"Ren Tao, I feel we need a moment to consider your proposal. Would you mind if Nayla and I discussed this in private for a moment?" Rin asked politely.

Ren Tao let out a slightly forced chuckle and waved them along. "No, no of course not. Please go ahead. Take all the time you need, I'm not going anywhere."

Rin nodded and they retreated to the dimly lit storefront.

"I am surprised that you considered the proposal seriously," Rin said in a hushed tone, "do you think we can really trust Ren Tao? And being located a kilometre away from you, wouldn't that put a strain on your constitution?"

Nayla made a complicated expression. "For some reason, my instincts say that we can trust him, despite what he did previously. I'm not sure why, but I get a strange feeling of familiarity from him like we've met before in a past life."

Rin raised his eyebrow at this but said nothing.

"As for the distance," she continued, "I think it should be okay if it's only a kilometre. I believe that so long as we are both in Ravenwood City there won't be an issue. But if you ever have to travel out…"

Rin deliberated for a moment before coming to a decision. [I'll put my trust in Nayla's judgement for now.]

"Alright, it's settled then." Rin yawned heavily, the events of the past few days starting to catch up with him. "For now we will go to the Burning Sky Sect, though of course we still have to actually pass the entrance test first. Don't worry, if ever there is a need to leave the city I will of course come and get you first."

As fatigue began to cloud his mind, Rin suddenly remembered that he had not even asked the little girl her name yet. Since she was currently fast asleep in the other room, Rin resolved to ask her tomorrow. From the bags under her eyes, it was clear she hadn't had a proper rest in quite some time. Rin worried whether she would be up to the task of entering a Martial Sect with him, but she had seemed desperate to accompany them.

[She probably doesn't have anywhere else to turn… Just like me, I suppose.] Rin thought a little sadly.