
The Pathos God

Shiro Kusikage was once called 'the strongest god' in the higher realms, feared and respected by all who knew him. He had accomplished great feats and built a legacy that was unmatched by any other deity. However, despite all his accomplishments, his lack of power was his downfall. He was betrayed by those close to him and banished to the lower realms, where he was forced to start anew. Fueled by his burning desire for revenge, Shiro sets out on a journey to reclaim his rightful place in the higher planes. He was determined to become stronger, to regain the power he once had and to make those who wronged him pay. As he travels through the mortal plane, he faces many obstacles and enemies, but he is not one to back down easily. Shiro slaughters his way through his obstacles, using his cunning and strength to overcome any challenge that comes his way. For Shiro, power is everything, and he will do whatever it takes to regain his place among the gods. He is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross his path would do well to remember that. . Follow Shiro Kusikage on his journey of revenge, as he embarks on a quest to become the most powerful deity in all the seven planes.

ShiroHayasaka · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Battle Against Two

Shiro and Hotaru kept trying to break through the encirclement, their pattern of attack made it had for the group to put a stop to their advances. Shiro's sword kept on weaving in and out of its sheath as he kept on performing his sword draw in quick succession.

Hotaru's gun was running low on bullets, the guy was out of mana and he was barely able to keep up with Shiro's speed. Shiro noticed this problem but there was nothing he could do, the groups that formed the encirclement had reduced drastically but that didn't make it any easier to break out of it.

'I guess I have to use the God stigma now'

Shiro thought, if there was any attack he could use to escape this situation then that would be his sword limit. Shiro closed his eyes and began concentrating his Ki, he wanted to build enough power to pierce through the blockage which separated him from Shin.

The mark on his neck began spreading rapidly as enormous amount of chaos energy began flowing into him, his body walked at extreme speeds trying its best to convert the excess chaos energy into spiritual energy.

Shiro's eyes opened up with the unusual pattern on them, snake like energy wrapped around his body as a small horn grew on his fore head. Shiro had been looking for an opportunity to test the God stigma in battle so this situation was ideal for him.

Hotaru watched in awe as Shiro completed his transformation, the remaining participants were also shocked by the sudden spike in power.

[Sword Style: Third Form; Sword Limit]

Black colored lightning and chaos energy wrapped around his sword, his speed had increased but overall his power was even more outstanding. Shiro lifted his sword and thrusted it forward, blood splashed around as a lot of participants were taken out by that one attack.

The encirclement of thirty people was now left with only two. Shiro and Hotaru wasted no time in taking out the remaining two people, they offered little resistance after their group had been wiped out. Once they were done with, the bodies on the ring disappeared leaving only five participants left, those that were taken out were those who had either lost consciousness or were too injured to continue the fight.

The five people remaining in the ring looked at each other, they were now supposed to fight. Shiro looked at Hotaru, his knew that he owed a lot to this guy but now they were opponents he couldn't hold back just because of a favor.

The five remaining participants waited for one of them to make a move first, the psychological strength needed for one to remain still in this situation was enormous.

"Enough of all this mind games..."

The guy who had giving the group the signal to attack Shiro spoke, he had managed to stay conscious even after receiving a bullet to the head from Hotaru.

"We all know that-"


His speech was interrupted by another shot to the head, the guy looked at Hotaru obviously upset by how he acted, he had already taken one of those bullets and he knew very well that if he was not careful then he could be easily taken out.

The attack by Hotaru triggered a chain reaction as the rest began to fight. Shiro with his God stigma activated was unstoppable, he was the main target of most of the remaining participants yet he still managed to survive.

Shiro was facing off against two opponents, one was a body cultivator at the same level as him while the other was a sword cultivator who was one level higher than him. Shiro fought the two at close range, his body cultivation and evasion technique was more than enough for him to contend against them.

Shiro punched the sword cultivator pushing him some distances away, he didn't go over to continue with him but instead he rushed at the body cultivator, he needed to take this one out since he didn't have much experience in fighting bod cultivators. Even in the god realm, body cultivators were still few and in between.

Shiro held the hand of the body cultivator and pulled him to himself, his knee went towards the guys stomach but the guy was able to react to the attack, his hand went to his stomach and intercepted Shiro's attack, then he used his shoulder to push Shiro away.

Shiro smiled, he used the momentum to jump away and separate himself from the guy, staying too close to a martial artist was never a good idea especially for someone who didn't have much experience in that aspect.

Shiro stayed back for a while and then decided that he should take out the sword cultivator first after all, he used sword draw to bring himself past the body cultivator and close to the sword cultivator then used it again to attack the guy. The attack came unexpected to the sword cultivator because he thought that Shiro was still tussling with the body cultivator, but despite not being ready yet, the guy was able to still react and use his sword to parry in time.

Shiro looked at the guy with some hint of surprise in his eyes, everything happened in slow motion to him so he knew that the guy wasn't even ready for the attack. Shiro laughed coldly at the guy, he enjoyed a good fight once in a while.

Shiro's blade clashed with the guy's blade, Shiro was using the sword limit to force the guy back while using his evasion technique and exceptional footwork to keep the guy close to him.

Shiro's blade never went too far from his body, he wanted to be able to react if the body cultivator decided to use this chance to attack him from behind.

[Mountain Tiger Martial Art: Fifth Stance; Moving Rocks]

The body cultivator chanted before launching himself at Shiro, he indeed wanted to use this chance to attack Shiro. Shiro's martial awareness alerted him the instant the body cultivator entered its range, he immediately switched his attack pattern to be able to accommodate the two at the same time.

Shiro brought out a smaller blade from his storage pouch which was hanged behind him around his waist, he used the small blade to parry the attack from the body cultivator while using his sword to attack the sword cultivator. Shiro's high IQ allowed for him to be able to attack and defend different attacks at the same time, he was able to monitor both their attacks with his martial awareness while using his two hands to respond appropriately.

The two were in complete shock, Shiro's battle senses were exceptional and was not something they could keep up with, the speed at which he attacked and defended left no space for any of them to take advantage of.

The two understood that if they were to win against this monster then they would need to coordinate their attacks to corner him.

The two attacked at the same time which Shiro instantly responded to, no matter what they did, Shiro was able to defend and then counter attack with absolute precision, it was like they were fighting two people with one mind.