In a world beyond worlds, far removed from the concepts of time and space, there exists a mysterious tree. Seven friends encounter this tree after a series of unfortunate events, resulting in their deaths. Now, they are fated to be reborn over and over again, bound by a System they know little about. This is their story, a tale of tragedy, overcoming impossible odds, and surmounting mortality...
Following Cairn and his granddaughter to what looked like a small forest circled by a wall from afar, Will and company eventually found themselves on a small reserve that reminded him and Andrika of a zoo. Enclosures of various shapes and sizes could be found within, but instead of fences, the only thing preventing the creatures inside from going survival of the fittest on each other were the bonds they had formed with Cairn, his family, and one another.
"Wait a moment," said Cairn, having the group stop shortly after entering the reserve so he could pull out a thin silver whistle. Ordinarily, humans like Will wouldn't be able to hear anything, but thanks to his Keen Senses, a faint but high-pitched warbling tickled his eardrums as Cairn raised it to his lips and blew gently.