
Sands of Time

"Are you sure about this? You've become a central pillar of the team. If you quit, their chances of victory diminish considerably..." argued Coach Ohd, sporting a cramped smile.

"There is much to be learned from defeat," argued Will. "And with me on the team, the odds of them learning that important lesson are slim."

"Have you discussed this with the Chancellor?" asked Ohd.

"No, but I have my parents' support, and my probation ended with the term," reminded Will. "Also, I might rejoin in my fourth year. It's just not fair for me to participate right now."

"Well, I can't force you to remain..." conceded Ohd, closing his eyes and sighing. Then, opening them, he met Will's gaze, adopted a wry smile, and added, "And you're not exactly throwing away an opportunity, considering your background..."